

单词 guide
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔INSTRUCTIONS〕a free guide to financial planning 财政规划的免费指南朗文写作活用〔blind〕guide dogs for the blind 导盲犬牛津高阶〔cheap〕a guide to decorating your house on the cheap 房屋廉价装潢指南牛津高阶〔comprehensive〕a comprehensive guide to British hotels and restaurants 一本介绍英国旅馆和餐厅的详尽指南朗文当代〔comprehensive〕a comprehensive guide to courses in UK universities 英国大学课程综合指南麦克米伦高阶〔culturally〕an informed guide to culturally and historically significant sites.详细介绍著名文化和历史景点的指南柯林斯高阶〔culturally〕an informed guide to culturally and historically significant sites详细介绍著名文化和历史景点的指南外研社新世纪〔discipline〕a guide to the best ways of disciplining your child 管教子女最佳方法指南牛津高阶〔faithful〕a faithful guide 可信赖的向导英汉大词典〔field guide〕a field guide to the birds 鸟类野外指南韦氏高阶〔get〕got the guide to give us the complete tour.让导游带我们做一次完整的旅行美国传统〔guide〕guide a ship through a channel.引领轮船通过海峡美国传统〔guide〕guide the car up a ramp 将车开上斜坡英汉大词典〔guide〕guide the explorers through the mountain pass 带领勘测队通过山口英汉大词典〔guide〕a Guide to Family Health 家庭健康指南牛津高阶〔guide〕a guide to mathematics 数学入门英汉大词典〔guide〕a guide to teenage slang 青少年俚语手册韦氏高阶〔guide〕a guide who shows the way.嚮导。牛津同义词〔guide〕a comprehensive guide to the new simplified divorce procedure 简化的离婚新程序综合指南手册麦克米伦高阶〔guide〕a consumer guide 消费者要览英汉大词典〔guide〕a dining/restaurant guide 餐饮/餐馆指南韦氏高阶〔guide〕a hotel/wine guide 旅馆/葡萄酒指南剑桥高阶〔guide〕a river guide 河流向导韦氏高阶〔guide〕a step-by-step guide to creating your own website 自建网站的分步指南牛津搭配〔guide〕a street guide 街道指南韦氏高阶〔guide〕a survival guide for business managers 业务经理的处世指南牛津搭配〔guide〕a tour guide 导游剑桥高阶〔guide〕a tour guide 导游牛津高阶〔guide〕a tourist guide 导游英汉大词典〔guide〕an experienced mountain guide 一位有经验的登山向导朗文当代〔guide〕if the past is any guide 假如过去有任何指导作用的话英汉大词典〔guide〕my spiritual guide 我的精神导师朗文当代〔guide〕programs to help guide teenagers away from drug use 帮助引导青少年远离毒品的计划韦氏高阶〔guide〕the Pocket Guide to Butterflies of Britain and Europe.《英国和欧洲大陆蝴蝶袖珍指南》柯林斯高阶〔guide〕the information and data which help guide the affairs of the business 有助于指导公司事务的信息和数据牛津搭配〔guide〕to guide someone on a journey.作某人的导游。牛津同义词〔happening〕a definitive area-by-area guide to the hip and happening bands.介绍各个地区新潮流行乐队的权威指南柯林斯高阶〔helpful〕a helpful guide to choosing colleges 一本有用的大学选择指南麦克米伦高阶〔identification〕the Hamlyn identification guide to wild flowers of Britain.哈姆林对英国野生花草的鉴定指导柯林斯高阶〔indispensable〕the indispensable guide for any traveller所有旅行者必备的指南外研社新世纪〔injury〕a guide to lifting without injury 提举重物时避免受伤的指南牛津搭配〔in〕a good guide to the ins and outs of buying property有助于了解购置地产方方面面的优秀指南外研社新世纪〔lead〕lead a horse by the halter.See Synonyms at guide 用缰绳牵着马 参见 guide美国传统〔make〕make up a tourist guide 编写旅游指南 英汉大词典〔ontology〕a guide to creating a marketing ontology 市场本体构建指南牛津高阶〔phrasing〕guide understanding by means of phrasing 通过(朗读时的)抑扬顿挫帮助理解英汉大词典〔pronunciation〕a guide to French pronunciation 法语发音指南麦克米伦高阶〔rough-and-ready〕a rough-and-ready guide to the education system 简略的教育制度指南牛津高阶〔scene〕a youth guide to London's club scene.针对年轻人的伦敦夜店指南柯林斯高阶〔shape〕the Fatburner Diet Book, a comprehensive guide to getting in shape.《燃脂塑型饮食指南》,保持身体健康的综合性指南柯林斯高阶〔step-by-step〕a step-by-step guide to making it in the music business 对在音乐界获得成功的循序渐进的指导朗文当代〔step〕a step-by-step guide to building your own home 自建房舍的分步骤指导手册牛津高阶〔step〕a step-by-step guide to setting up an aquarium 养鱼缸的安装步骤说明牛津搭配〔terrain〕a guide who knows this terrain well.非常熟悉这一区域的一个向导美国传统〔unerring〕an unerring guide 带路不出错的向导英汉大词典〔usage〕a guide to common English usage 常用英语用法指南剑桥高阶〔user-friendly〕a user-friendly guide to computing 易懂的电脑操作指南朗文当代〔water〕the man brought in to guide him through troubled waters.被请来帮助他渡过难关的人柯林斯高阶a guide to successful credit and credit repair 成功信贷和信用修复指南牛津商务a six-point survival guide for new managers 给新任经理的六点生存指南牛津商务




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