

单词 householder
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MONEY〕He was fined $300,000, an amount that would ruin the average householder. 他被罚款300,000美元,这个数额可以使一个普通的房主破产。朗文写作活用〔OWN〕Householders and tradesmen both use the refuse dump to dispose of their garbage. 住户和商贩都把垃圾扔在垃圾场。朗文写作活用〔OWN〕The police are giving advice to householders on how to improve the security of their homes. 警察正在向屋主建议如何加强家里的安保措施。朗文写作活用〔care〕The householder has a duty to take reasonable care for the visitor's safety.房屋主人有责任对来访者的安全给予恰当的关照。牛津搭配〔converge〕The views of the richest householders converged with those of the poorest and created a new consensus.最富有和最贫穷的房主们看法一致, 达成了新的共识。外研社新世纪〔converge〕The views of the richest householders converged with those of the poorest and created a new consensus.最富的房主和最穷的房主观点趋于一致,达成了新的共识。柯林斯高阶〔homestead〕Law Property designated by a householder as the householder's home and protected by law from forced sale to meet debts.【法律】 宅地:由房产主指定作为其住房并受法律保护免于强制出售抵偿债务的财产美国传统〔householder〕Millions of householders are eligible to claim the new council tax benefit.数以百万计的房主都有资格享受新的市政税津贴。外研社新世纪〔householder〕Millions of householders are eligible to claim the new council tax benefit.数百万房主都有资格申请新的市政税优惠。柯林斯高阶〔manse〕Archaic The dwellings belonging to a householder.【古语】 户主的住宅美国传统〔neglect〕The burglar entered through the front door, which the householder had neglected to lock.户主疏忽忘了锁门, 使得窃贼从前门直入。外研社新世纪〔sustenance〕During this freezing weather, the food put out by householders is the only form of sustenance that the birds have.在这种严寒的天气里,住户们放在外面的食物成了鸟儿们唯一的粮食。剑桥高阶〔tithing〕An administrative division consisting of ten householders in the old English system of frankpledge.十户联保组:旧时英国的十户联保制度中由十户人家组成的一个行政区域美国传统〔two thirds〕Two-thirds of householders in this country live in a mortgaged home.该国 2/3 的屋主住在抵押贷款买来的房子里。柯林斯高阶Householders are given four separate receptacles for their rubbish: one for food, one for plastics, one for paper and one for tins and bottles.每家每户发了四只分开的装 垃圾的容器: 一只放食物垃圾,一只放塑料垃圾,一只放纸垃圾,一只放瓶子罐头。剑桥国际During this cold weather, the food put out by householders is the only form of sustenance that the birds have.在这寒冷的天气里,居民放在外面的食物是小鸟唯一的食物来源。剑桥国际The householder was not home when the teacher called. 老师打电话时,家长不在家。译典通The letter was addressed to “The Householder, 1 River Lane”.信封上写着“小河巷1号,户主收”。剑桥国际There are fifty householders in the neighborhood. 这个居民区有五十户住户。译典通




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