

单词 之苦
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔THIRSTY〕The soldiers suffered constantly from hunger and thirst. 这些士兵经常受着饥渴之苦。朗文写作活用〔afflict〕He's badly afflicted with a skin disorder.他深受皮肤病之苦。牛津搭配〔afflict〕Italy has been afflicted by political corruption for decades.几十年来意大利一直饱受政治腐败之苦。柯林斯高阶〔afflict〕Italy has been afflicted by political corruption for decades.意大利几十年来一直饱受政治腐败之苦。外研社新世纪〔afflict〕Unemployment afflicts 1.2 million workers in that country.在那个国家120万工人深受失业之苦。英汉大词典〔asperity〕We suffered the asperity (或 asperities) of a northern winter.我们备尝北方严冬之苦。英汉大词典〔beauty〕The beauty of working at home is that you don't have to travel.在家里工作的好处在于不必受舟车劳顿之苦。麦克米伦高阶〔blurred〕She suffered from dizziness and blurred vision.她饱受头晕目眩之苦。牛津高阶〔buffeting〕The whole of Africa had been buffeted by social and political upheavals.整个非洲都经受了社会和政治动荡之苦。柯林斯高阶〔common〕He suffers the inflation common to all.他与所有人一样受通货膨胀之苦。英汉大词典〔confidence〕She suffers from a lack of confidence.她深受缺乏自信心之苦。牛津高阶〔costive〕Suffering from constipation.受便秘之苦的美国传统〔country〕The country is suffering from rising unemployment.该国正蒙受失业率上升之苦。牛津搭配〔culture shock〕Callum, recently arrived in Glasgow, is jobless, homeless, friendless, and suffering from culture shock.卡勒姆最近刚到格拉斯哥, 没有工作, 无家可归, 没有朋友, 而且还饱受文化冲击之苦。外研社新世纪〔cushion〕His savings were a comfortable cushion against financial problems.他的积蓄好比一个舒适的垫子,可以缓解拮据之苦。牛津高阶〔damnation〕The minister spoke about death and damnation.牧师讲到了死亡和地狱之苦。韦氏高阶〔deaden〕Drugs deaden the pangs of hunger.药物可以减轻饥饿之苦。外研社新世纪〔diseased〕The bush looked badly diseased, with black marks on all the leaves.看起来这片灌木已饱受病害之苦,叶子上都出现了黑斑。剑桥高阶〔dislocation〕Millions of refugees have suffered a total dislocation of their lives.数百万难民饱受生活颠沛流离之苦。外研社新世纪〔dislocation〕Millions of refugees have suffered a total dislocation of their lives.无数的难民饱受生活颠沛流离之苦。柯林斯高阶〔endure〕He endured five years as a prisoner of war.他作为一名战俘受了五年的牢狱之苦。韦氏高阶〔flat-footed〕Of or afflicted with flatfoot.扁平足的:患平足的或受平足之苦折磨的美国传统〔from〕She's been suffering badly from stress.她一直饱受压力之苦。麦克米伦高阶〔hysteric〕A person suffering from hysteria.歇斯底里的人;癔病患者:一个受癔病之苦的人美国传统〔impair〕His movements were painfully impaired by arthritis.他行动不便,深受关节炎之苦。柯林斯高阶〔jet lag〕Every time I fly to the States, I get really bad jet lag.每次我乘飞机去美国,总是深受时差反应之苦。剑桥高阶〔kenosis〕The relinquishment of the form of God by Jesus in becoming man and suffering death.神性放弃:基督在变为人和受死亡之苦时放弃上帝形象美国传统〔labor〕To undergo the efforts of childbirth.经历分娩之苦美国传统〔labour with〕The woman was labouring with child.那个女人受临产之苦。21世纪英汉〔languish〕Pollard continues to languish in prison.波拉德继续受牢狱之苦。柯林斯高阶〔liberty〕He had to endure six months' loss of liberty.他得忍受六个月失去自由之苦。牛津高阶〔loneliness〕He experienced terrible loneliness after the loss of his wife.妻子去世后,他饱尝寂寞之苦。牛津搭配〔loneliness〕They suffer from loneliness.他们受孤寂之苦。文馨英汉〔martyr〕She's a martyr to her nerves.她长期忍受神经紧张之苦。牛津高阶〔melancholy〕I'd be lying if I said I didn't suffer terribly with melancholy.要是我说自己没有饱受抑郁之苦, 那是在说谎。外研社新世纪〔misery〕At least we were spared the misery of having to do it all again.至少我们得以免受全部重做之苦。牛津搭配〔osteoporosis〕Osteoporosis afflicts many older women.许多老年妇女深受骨质疏松之苦。剑桥高阶〔overcome〕The people trapped in the burning building were overcome by the heat and smoke.困在着火的大楼中的人们饱受炽热烟熏之苦。韦氏高阶〔pacify〕General Ortega has worked with them to help pacify the country after ten years of war.奥尔特加将军已经与他们合作, 以促成这个遭受10 年战乱之苦的国家实现和平。外研社新世纪〔perdu(e)〕He suffered from lack of appreciation, remaining perdu(e).他深受无人赏识之苦,一直默默无闻。英汉大词典〔plague〕Although plagued by failing eyesight, he continues to lecture.虽然遭受着视力下降之苦,他还是继续讲课。麦克米伦高阶〔prey on〕The effect was to starve many animals and those that preyed on them.结果是使许多动物以及捕食这些动物的其他动物遭受饥饿之苦。外研社新世纪〔prey〕The new government has fallen prey to corruption and fraud.新一届政府深受腐败与欺诈之苦。牛津搭配〔purgatory〕I have condemned myself to a purgatory of self-discipline.我使自己尝到了律己之苦。英汉大词典〔rack〕The country was racked by civil war.这个国家深受内战之苦。韦氏高阶〔recurring〕She suffers from recurring headaches.她深受反复发作的头痛之苦。韦氏高阶〔rigour〕He was subjected to the rod in all its rigours in the school.他在学校里受尽了笞杖体罚之苦。英汉大词典〔rupture〕To undergo or suffer a rupture.发疝气,受疝气之苦美国传统〔separation〕During the war many couples had to endure long periods of separation (= not being together).战争期间,很多夫妇不得不忍受长期分离之苦。剑桥高阶〔shortage〕Vietnam is suffering from food shortage.越南正遭受食物短缺之苦。柯林斯高阶〔starve〕Archaic To suffer or die from cold.【古语】 冻死:深受寒冷之苦或冻死美国传统〔stinking〕I'll have a stinking hangover in the morning.早上我将会深受宿醉之苦。外研社新世纪〔taint〕The city has suffered for many years under the taint of corruption.该城遭受腐败之苦已多年了。朗文当代〔tear〕The country was torn by civil war.该国饱受内战之苦。朗文当代〔tension〕He suffers from nervous tension.他饱受神经紧张之苦。牛津搭配〔unrequited〕It's just another poem on the pain of unrequited love.这不过又是一首表现单相思之苦的诗。剑桥高阶〔violence〕She had suffered years of violence and abuse.她多年来饱受暴力和虐待之苦。牛津搭配〔whim〕For years she had been subject to her husband's whims.多年来她一直受丈夫的冲动之苦。牛津搭配〔withdrawal〕He was suffering from withdrawal symptoms.他正忍受着种种戒断症状之苦。牛津搭配〔withdrawal〕She was still suffering withdrawal from nicotine.她仍然在忍受戒烟之苦。牛津搭配〔wobbly〕Both countries suffer from soaring unemployment, large budget deficits and wobbly financial sectors.两国都深受失业率飙升、巨额预算赤字以及金融部门岌岌可危之苦。外研社新世纪〔wobbly〕Both countries suffer from soaring unemployment, large budget deficits and wobbly financial sectors.两国都深受失业率飙升、预算赤字拉大以及财政岌岌可危之苦。柯林斯高阶〔wolf〕Both spouses had to take jobs in order to keep the wolf from the door.为避免受饥寒之苦,夫妻俩不得不双双工作美国传统A UN force has been sent in to try and pacify the area worst affected by the civil war.已派来一支联合国的部队设法稳定最受内战之苦的地区。剑桥国际Every time I fly to the States, I get really bad jet lag.每次我坐飞机去美国,总深受时差反应之苦。剑桥国际He is suffering from nervous tension. 他正受神经紧张之苦。译典通He suffered from poverty all his life. 他一生受贫穷之苦。译典通He suffered from the pinch of his tight shoes. 他受鞋紧挤痛之苦。译典通He was subjected to the rod in all its rigors in this school. 他在这所学校里受尽了籉杖体罚之苦。译典通Her flight from Melbourne arrived early in the morning and she suffered from severe jet lag all day.她一大早坐飞机到达墨尔本,然后一整天都深受时差反应之苦。剑桥国际Investors are feeling the effects of the retreat in share prices.投资者正经受股价下跌之苦。牛津商务Israel secretly airlifted about 10 000 Jews out of war-torn Ethiopia.以色列秘密地从饱受战争之苦的埃塞俄比亚空运出约10 000名犹太人。剑桥国际Most workers claim to suffer from a culture of presenteeism.大多数工人声称遭受出勤主义之苦。牛津商务My country has been stricken by war for the past five years.这五年来我国一直受战祸之苦。剑桥国际Oxfam is sending aid to the regions worst affected by the civil war.牛津救援会正在援助受内战之苦最深的地区。剑桥国际She had suffered from rheumatism all her life. 她一辈子受风湿病之苦。译典通Teenagers suffer a lot from spots.青少年常常忍受着粉刺之苦。剑桥国际The athlete is suffering from muscular strain. 这名运动员正受肌肉劳损之苦。译典通The country has been scourged by (= has suffered very much because of) famine in recent years.近年来这个国家深受饥荒之苦。剑桥国际The hot weather gave the old man a truce from rheumatism. 热天使这位老人暂时免受风湿病之苦。译典通The old woman was suffering from age and infirmity. 那个老妇人受年老体弱之苦。译典通The people who will suffer if the road is built are those who live locally.将遭受筑路之苦的还是那些当地人。剑桥国际You have to take the bad with the good (= accept the unpleasant things in life, as well as the pleasant ones).既要品尝人生之乐也要承受人生之苦。剑桥国际




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