hypocraterimorphous [ˏhaipәuˏkreitәri'mɔ:fәs]托盘状的, 低托杯状的
he is
He is a catcher
he is not forty-five yet, is he
he is on the wing again
He is still in his fifties
He is the last man to
He just retired
He knew a lot of people there
He laugh best who laughlast
He laughs best who laughs last
he made the observation that
He needed a blood transfusion
He owns a hotel
He plays the piano for his own enjoyment
He plays the piano for the fun of it
he reasoned that
he said
he said
He said he spoke a little English
He said he would rather not tell his age
He seems to enjoy acting
He seems to have a lot of strange ideas
He speaks English perfectly
He speaks French with an American accent
He teaches economics
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