

单词 gold leaf
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔gilding〕Gold leaf or a paint containing or simulating gold; gilt.金粉,泥金:含有或模仿黄金的叶子或画;镀金物美国传统〔gold foil〕Gold rolled or beaten into sheets somewhat thicker than gold leaf.金箔:黄金被压成或打成薄片,比金叶稍微厚一点美国传统〔goldbeating〕The act, process, or art of beating sheets of gold into gold leaf.锻金:将黄金锻打为薄箔的动作、技艺或过程美国传统〔overlay〕A layer of decoration, such as gold leaf or wood veneer, applied to a surface.饰面:一层修饰,如金箔或木镶板,铺于表层上美国传统〔pallet〕A tool used for printing or gilding letters on book bindings or taking up and applying gold leaf.烫书脊用金属板:用于印刷或修饰缚书中的字母或从事或应用于封页的一种工具美国传统




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