

单词 event
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔DISTURB〕to disturb a situation or event 干扰某情况或事件朗文写作活用〔FAIL〕when an event or product is unsuccessful 某一事件或产品未能成功朗文写作活用〔RECENTLY〕words for describing an event that has happened recently 描述最近发生的某一事件的词语朗文写作活用〔anticipated〕the most eagerly anticipated rock event of the year.最让人殷切期盼的年度摇滚乐盛事柯林斯高阶〔astonishing〕an astonishing event 惊人事件英汉大词典〔calendar〕a major event in the theatrical calendar戏剧演出日程表上的一场重要演出外研社新世纪〔calendar〕an event that deserves a place on your calendar 值得记在日程表上的大事情朗文当代〔cataclysmic〕a cataclysmic event 灾难性的事件韦氏高阶〔contingency〕to make contingency plans(= plans for what to do if a particular event happens or does not happen) 拟订应变计划牛津高阶〔course〕an event that changed the course of his life 改变了他人生之路的一件事牛津搭配〔course〕an event that changed the course of history 改变了历史进程的事件牛津高阶〔cultural〕a cultural event 文化活动牛津高阶〔distant〕a distant event 久远的往事英汉大词典〔diurnal〕a diurnal event 每天出现(或进行、发生)的事情英汉大词典〔earthshaking〕an earthshaking event 石破天惊的重大事件英汉大词典〔efficient〕a very efficiently organized event 组织效率极高的活动牛津高阶〔empty〕to ensure the event is not perceived as an empty gesture.确保这一活动不被看作只是一种空洞的姿态柯林斯高阶〔end off with〕an event that ends off with an unexpected fireworks display以出人意料的烟火表演告终的一次活动外研社新世纪〔epochal〕an epochal event 时代的事件文馨英汉〔event〕a great event in medicine 医学上的一件大事英汉大词典〔event〕a televised event (讲演或记者招待会之类)电视活动英汉大词典〔event〕the last major/big event of the summer 夏季的最后一个重大事件韦氏高阶〔event〕the theatre of human event 人类活动的场所英汉大词典〔exit〕emergency doors providing for easy exit in the event of a fire 在发生火灾时方便逃离的紧急救生门牛津搭配〔festival〕throw a huge festival celebrating an event 为纪念重大事件举行盛大的庆祝活动英汉大词典〔floral tributes〕an event at which artists and musicians paid tribute to the famous composer 艺术家和音乐家们为纪念这位著名作曲家而举办的活动韦氏高阶〔free-style〕a free-style event 自由式比赛项目英汉大词典〔fund〕a charity event to raise funds for local schools 为当地学校筹集资金的慈善活动牛津搭配〔future〕a future event 未来的活动英汉大词典〔inconceivable〕an inconceivable event 无法想像的事文馨英汉〔lore〕an event that has become part of local lore 成为当地传说的事件韦氏高阶〔main〕a main event 主要比赛(项目)文馨英汉〔major〕a major event 重大事件韦氏高阶〔manoeuvre〕the fundamental manoeuvres of each event 每个运动项目的基本动作英汉大词典〔miraculous〕a miraculous event 不可思议的事英汉大词典〔misty〕a misty recollection of the event 对那事件的模糊记忆英汉大词典〔momentous〕a momentous event 重大事件英汉大词典〔omen〕an event of good (bad) omen 吉祥(不祥)的事英汉大词典〔precipitate〕a precipitate event 突发事件英汉大词典〔press〕extensive press coverage of the event 媒体对该事件的广泛报道牛津搭配〔probable〕a probable event 可能发生的事英汉大词典〔pseudo〕a pseudo event 虚假事件韦氏高阶〔recoverable〕recoverable truth of a past event 可恢复的历史事件真相英汉大词典〔reference〕references to an earlier event 提及先前的事情韦氏高阶〔remarkable〕a remarkable event 引人瞩目的事件 英汉大词典〔remote〕in the remote event of sth. happening 万一某事果真发生的话 英汉大词典〔repeat〕to repeat an action or an event or a saying.重复某动作、重做某事或重说某句话。牛津同义词〔rumored〕the rumored event 谣传的事件文馨英汉〔sequel〕the sequel of an event or story.事件的后果或小说的续集。牛津同义词〔significance〕an event of great significance 非常重大的事件英汉大词典〔significant〕a significant event in the history of our nation 我国历史上的一个重大事件韦氏高阶〔special〕a special event 特设活动牛津高阶〔sporting〕a sporting event 体育比赛麦克米伦高阶〔sporting〕a sporting event 体育比赛项目英汉大词典〔televisual〕a major televisual event 电视播放的大型活动牛津高阶〔track〕a track event 径赛剑桥高阶〔unlikely〕in the unlikely event of anything going wrong万一出问题外研社新世纪〔unprecedented〕an event that is unprecedented in recent history 近代历史上没有先例的事件朗文当代〔widely〕a major event which brought together a wide range of interest groups.使广泛的利益群体联合起来的重要事件柯林斯高阶a badly organized event 组织混乱的活动牛津商务




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