

单词 多年后
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BECOME〕Over the years the college developed into one of the finest language institutions in all of South East Asia. 多年后,那所学院发展成为全东南亚最出色的语言学院之一。朗文写作活用〔BRIGHT〕The colors had faded after years of being exposed to strong sunlight. 被强烈的阳光照射多年后,色彩已褪了。朗文写作活用〔CONTINUE〕Soloviov returned to the town where he was born after more than forty years and found his old house still standing. 四十多年后,索洛维奥夫回到了他出生的城镇,发现他家的老房子还在。朗文写作活用〔ILL/SICK〕Many sufferers from depression struggle on for years before seeking help. 许多抑郁症患者挣扎多年后才寻求帮助。朗文写作活用〔MARRY〕Elizabeth Taylor remarried Richard Burton after they had divorced years earlier. 伊丽莎白·泰勒在与理查德·伯顿离婚多年后又与他复婚了。朗文写作活用〔REMEMBER〕David became a writer and published his reminiscences many years later. 戴维成了一名作家,多年后发表了他的回忆录。朗文写作活用〔SURPRISED/SURPRISING〕After years of struggle, it came as no surprise that the company went bankrupt. 公司挣扎了多年后终于破产,人们并不感到意外。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕Years passed before she could bring herself to call me ‘Frank’ without the ‘Mister’. 许多年后她才肯不加“先生”两个字而称我“弗兰克”。朗文写作活用〔a death in the family〕She survived the plane crash and many years later died a natural death. [=from natural causes; because she was old] 她在坠机事件中幸免于难,许多年后尽其天年。韦氏高阶〔acknowledge〕Mental illness can exist for years before families are forced to acknowledge the truth.很多家庭出现精神病,但可能在多年后才会被迫承认实情。牛津搭配〔all〕It was great to see him again after all these years.这么多年后与他重逢,真是太好了。韦氏高阶〔alone〕After years of working for a big company I decided to go it alone.在一家大公司工作多年后,我决定自己干。朗文当代〔catch〕The law caught up with him years later when he had moved to Spain.多年后当他已移居西班牙时最终还是受到法律的制裁。牛津高阶〔caution〕After thinking about it for years, he finally threw/flung/cast caution to the wind, quit his job, and started his own company.考虑多年后,他毅然决然地辞去工作,自己创办公司。韦氏高阶〔chafe〕After working outdoors for years, he chafed at being stuck in an office all day.在户外工作多年后,他对整天待在办公室感到恼火。韦氏高阶〔child-rearing〕Why shouldn't a woman have a job after years of child-rearing? 女性养育孩子多年后为什么不应该有份工作呢?剑桥高阶〔cling〕After so many years, he was clinging to the hope that she would return.那么多年后,他还抱着她会回来的希望。英汉大词典〔complacent〕He had become complacent after years of success.成功多年后他变得自我满足起来美国传统〔contact〕Maintaining contact after many years can be difficult.许多年后还保持联系可能会很困难。牛津搭配〔discolor〕The carpet had discoloured over the years.地毯用过多年后已变色了。21世纪英汉〔displaced homemaker〕A woman who, after managing a household for years, is forced by financial necessity to find a wage-paying job.失去生活依靠的家庭妇女:在料理家务多年后,由于经济上需要而被迫去找一个付工资的工作的妇女美国传统〔drank 或 drunk〕This is a kind of white wine that will drink deliciously for many years.这是一种许多年后喝起来仍甘美爽口的白葡萄酒。21世纪英汉〔dry out〕After years of alcoholism, he went to a clinic to dry out.酗酒多年后,他前往一家诊所戒酒。韦氏高阶〔dump from〕She was dumped from the company after all those years.在经过那么多年后她被公司除名了。21世纪英汉〔erupt〕The volcano erupted after years of dormancy.那座火山在沉睡多年后剧烈活动起来美国传统〔fadable〕The blue rug has faded over years.蓝色的地毯多年后已经褪色了。21世纪英汉〔figure〕She's kept her figure after all these years.这么多年后她依然保持着体形。牛津搭配〔fuzzy〕Seeing her again after all these years gave me a warm, fuzzy feeling.这么多年后与她重逢给我一种温馨愉快的感觉。韦氏高阶〔get〕He had been stealing money from the company for years before they got on to him.他一直窃取公司的钱,多年后他们才发觉。牛津高阶〔go mad〕He had gone mad after years alone in the jungle.在丛林里独自生活多年后,他精神失常了。韦氏高阶〔hence〕The gases that may be warming the planet will have their main effect many years hence.可能正导致地球变暖的那些气体,其主要影响将在多年后显现。柯林斯高阶〔house〕Many years later, the temple erected in her name was used to house the Roman mint.多年后,以她的名义建造的寺庙被改造成了罗马铸币厂。柯林斯高阶〔kill〕He killed himself after suffering from depression for many years.他患抑郁症多年后自杀了。外研社新世纪〔languish〕After languishing in obscurity for many years, her early novels have recently been rediscovered.她的早期小说在沉寂多年后最近被重新发掘出来。剑桥高阶〔long〕I was born long after my parents got married.我父母结婚多年后才生下我。麦克米伦高阶〔nightmare〕Years after the accident I still have nightmares about it.事故发生很多年后,我依然做噩梦。朗文当代〔not take kindly to sth〕After years of being looked after by his mother, he didn't take kindly to being told to cook for himself.在被母亲照料多年后,被告知要自已做饭,他很不乐意。剑桥高阶〔residence〕After many years of residence in Paris, he returned home.他在巴黎居住多年后返回了家乡。麦克米伦高阶〔return〕Odysseus returned home/returned to his home after many years of travelling.离家多年后奥德修斯返回了故土。剑桥高阶〔revert〕After all these years she had reverted to her Veneto dialect and nobody could understand what she was saying.这么多年后,她又开始讲威尼托方言,没有人能听懂她的话。柯林斯高阶〔ride〕It was strange to ride in a saddle after riding bareback for so many years.骑光背马这么多年后,再骑配了鞍的马感觉怪怪的。牛津搭配〔separation〕They were reunited after a separation of more than 20 years.他们离别 20 多年后重又聚首。牛津高阶〔story〕Many years later I returned to Africa-but that's another story (= I am not going to talk about it now).许多年后我重返非洲,不过那是后话了。牛津搭配〔story〕Many years later they met again, but that's another story.许多年后他们又见面了,但那是另外一回事了。韦氏高阶〔surface〕She surfaced again years later in London.多年后她又出现在伦敦。牛津高阶〔surface〕The information surfaced many years later.这个信息在许多年后被披露出来。韦氏高阶〔together〕The old friends were together again after many long years apart.老朋友阔别多年后又重新聚首。韦氏高阶〔worked up〕He was very worked up about seeing his family again after so many years.这么多年后再次见到家人使他十分激动。剑桥高阶〔wrench〕I always knew it would be a wrench to leave Essex after all these years.我一直心里清楚过了这么多年后离开埃塞克斯会非常痛苦。柯林斯高阶〔yearn〕He still yearned after her, even after all these years.即便是经过这么多年后,他仍然追求着她。牛津搭配After languishing in obscurity for many years, her early novels have recently been rediscovered.在被埋没多年后,她早期的小说最近重新面世。剑桥国际After living in Australia for many years, they're now moving back to (= returning to live in) England.在澳大利亚住了多年后,他们准备迁回英国。剑桥国际After working with Jane for many years, we had developed a close/good rapport.同简一起工作多年后,我们已建立了密切/融洽的关系。剑桥国际Almost all of the contemporary accounts of the event have been lost or destroyed over the years.多年后几乎所有有关该事件的同时期的报道记载都遗失或被毁掉了。剑桥国际He was very worked up about seeing his family again after so many years apart.分开这么多年后再次见到家人使他非常激动。剑桥国际It gave me a real thrill to see her again after so many years.那么多年后与她重逢,着实使我激动。剑桥国际It was quite something for her to remember us after so many years.她在那么多年后还能记着我们,真是了不起。剑桥国际Scientists expect it will be many years before this dreadful disease is conquered.科学家预计要在许多年后才能战胜这种可怕的疾病。剑桥国际Seeing her again would be an upsetting experience after so many years.这么多年后再见到她将会是一次令人心烦意乱的经历。剑桥国际She used to be very impatient, but she has mellowed over time/the years.她以前非常焦躁,但过了许多年后她变得柔和了。剑桥国际We are still many years away from realizing the possibility of inter-galactic travel.我们仍要许多年后才能实现星际旅行。剑桥国际




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