

单词 effectiveness
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔effectiveness〕the effectiveness of computers as an educational tool.计算机作为教育工具的有效性柯林斯高阶〔effectiveness〕the effectiveness of penicillin in controlling bacterial infection 青霉素在控制细菌感染方面的效用牛津搭配〔effective〕to check the effectiveness of the security system 检查安全系统的有效性牛津高阶〔evaluate〕an opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of management一个评估管理效力的机会外研社新世纪〔examine〕the few studies that have specifically examined the effectiveness of the drug 专门检查该药物效果的几项研究牛津搭配〔extravagant〕extravagant claims about the drug's effectiveness 对药品疗效的夸张说法朗文当代〔gauge〕agricultural production as a gauge of the economy's effectiveness 作为经济效率量度的农业生产英汉大词典〔grass-roots〕show the effectiveness of one's grass-roots work by winning 14 percent of the vote 以获得选票的14%表明在基层工作中的成效英汉大词典〔guide〕guide readers to effectiveness in speech and writing 指导读者改进讲话和写作的效果英汉大词典〔handle〕wields a persuasive pen. It also connotes effectiveness in the exercise of intangibles such as authority or influence: 运用具说服力的笔杆子。 它还意味着其中有诸如权威和影响等不可捉摸的东西的效力: 美国传统〔literature〕the literature regarding effectiveness and cost 关于效益与成本的文献牛津搭配〔probation〕the effectiveness of regular probation supervision 正规缓刑监督的有效性牛津搭配〔quantitative〕make a quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of the investment 对投资的有效性作数量估计英汉大词典assessing the effectiveness of the marketing campaign 评估营销活动的有效性牛津商务




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