

单词 frequently
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔admonish〕reprimand both refer to sharp, often angry criticism;of the tworeprimand more frequently implies formal or official censure: reprimand 都表示刻薄的,通常是愤怒的批评;在两者之间reprimand 在更多情况下暗示正式的或官方的责难: 美国传统〔anthologize〕a frequently anthologized essayist 其作品常被收入选集的散文家英汉大词典〔area〕belt is a tract, frequently but not always longer than it is wide, that is distinguished from others in a single stated respect: belt 是指区域,常常但非总是用于广阔情况,它单独表达的方面区别于其它词: 美国传统〔ask〕a list of frequently asked questions 常见问题列表韦氏高阶〔corridor〕a problem not discussed formally at the conference but frequently mentioned during corridor discussions 一个不在会上正式讨论而在会外走廊聚谈时一再提到的问题英汉大词典〔entertainment〕be frequently produced at school entertainments 在学校游艺会上经常上演英汉大词典〔floating〕a floating population(= one in which people frequently move from one place to another) 流动人口牛津高阶〔frequently〕frequently asked questions 经常问到的问题剑桥高阶〔frequently〕some of the most frequently asked questions about the Internet 有关互联网的最常见的提问牛津高阶〔intense〕is more frequently applied when the strength or concentration of an activity is imposed from without: 更常用于指行为的强度和程度是由外部强加的: 美国传统〔misconception〕frequently held misconceptions about the disease 对这种疾病常见的误解牛津高阶〔misdirected〕the confusion caused by frequently misdirected mail邮件频繁写错投递地址造成的混乱外研社新世纪〔misuse〕a word that is frequently misused 常被错用的词韦氏高阶〔obscure〕the jargon that frequently obscures educational writing.经常让普教著作变得艰深晦涩的术语柯林斯高阶〔obscure〕the jargon that frequently obscures educational writing经常使教育著作晦涩难懂的术语外研社新世纪〔paper〕the ten common errors that appear most frequently in student papers.学生论文中最常见的10个错误柯林斯高阶〔paper〕the ten common errors that appear most frequently in student papers学生答题中最常见的10个错误外研社新世纪〔recur〕a theme that was to recur frequently in his work.一个在他的作品中反复出现的主题柯林斯高阶〔scripture〕someone who frequently quotes Scripture 经常引用《圣经》的人韦氏高阶〔standard〕the double standard frequently encountered in 19th-century attitudes to sex 19 世纪在对待性的态度上经常遇到的双重标准牛津搭配〔sublime〕bordering on the magical, frequently touching the sublime近乎完美, 堪抵极致外研社新世纪




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