

单词 frequently
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Ammonite〕A member of an ancient Semitic people living east of the Jordan River, mentioned frequently in the Old Testament.亚扪人:住在约旦河以东的古闪米特族成员,在《旧约》圣经中多次被提到美国传统〔DISHONEST〕The administration has frequently been accused of corruption and abuse of power. 该政府经常被指责腐败,滥用职权。朗文写作活用〔DISTURB〕Moving schools frequently can disrupt a child's education. 频繁转学会打乱孩子的正常教育。朗文写作活用〔FAULT〕Some chips contained a bug that caused computers to crash frequently. 一些芯片中包含一个缺陷,造成电脑频繁死机。朗文写作活用〔IMPROVE〕Public libraries frequently have computers that people can use to brush up their IT skills. 公共图书馆常常有电脑可供大家温习信息技术的技能。朗文写作活用〔MACHINE〕One cable was damaged, which was causing the machine to shut down frequently. 有一根电缆受损,造成机器经常关闭。朗文写作活用〔OFTEN〕Frequently, she would find herself gazing out of the window lost in thought. 她时常会凝视着窗外,陷入沉思。朗文写作活用〔PRISON〕Thousands of political prisoners remain imprisoned, frequently as a result of unfair trials. 经常由于不公正的审判,成千上万名政治犯一直被关在监狱里。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕Rebecca was frequently late for work, which caused problems for her colleagues. 丽贝卡上班经常迟到,这给同事们带来了麻烦。朗文写作活用〔PROMISE〕Election candidates frequently promise a lot more than they can deliver. 竞选候选人往往许下许多诺言,大大超过了他们能够实现的数量。朗文写作活用〔TELL SB OFF〕Our parents were strict and we were frequently scolded for our bad behaviour. 我们的父母很严格,我们常常因行为不规矩而受到责骂。朗文写作活用〔WILLING〕To do well as a journalist, you have to be willing to change jobs very frequently. 要成为成功的新闻工作者,必须愿意经常变换工作任务。朗文写作活用〔WORK〕With her husband frequently away on business, Berenice turns to a close friend for help and support. 丈夫经常出差,使贝蕾妮丝转而向好朋友求助。朗文写作活用〔YOUNG〕The public housing units have frequently become slums and hotbeds of crime, especially juvenile delinquency. 公共住房单位经常成为贫民窟和犯罪温床,尤其是少年犯罪。朗文写作活用〔abuse〕Abused children frequently abuse their own children.遭受过虐待的孩子长大后经常虐待他们自己的子女。外研社新世纪〔accessory〕I frequently change accessories in my room.我常常更换我房间里的摆设。英汉大词典〔again and again〕Repeatedly; frequently.再三地;反复不止地美国传统〔altitude〕These altitudes are frequently wrapped in storms.这些高地常刮风暴。外研社新世纪〔analogy〕Deductions based on analogy are frequently open to doubt.根据类比作出的演绎推论常易引起质疑。英汉大词典〔appear〕The Senator has appeared frequently on this show.这名参议员频频在这个节目中露面。牛津搭配〔awkwardly〕Women frequently say that they feel awkward taking the initiative in sex.女人们经常说她们不好意思在性生活上采取主动。柯林斯高阶〔bag〕He is known for frequently having sad bags.大家知道他这人常常郁郁寡欢。英汉大词典〔bewail〕Frequently they bewail the ingratitude of their children.他们常常哀叹子女不孝。外研社新世纪〔bird of passage〕A person who moves from place to place frequently.经常从一地迁居到另一地的人美国传统〔boiling point〕Bring the sauce to boiling point, stirring frequently.把调味酱加热到沸腾,并不时加以搅拌。麦克米伦高阶〔build〕Tension began to build as they argued more frequently.他们争吵越来越频繁,关系也随之紧张起来。朗文当代〔bully boy〕The group have frequently used bully-boy tactics.那个团伙常常耍流氓。牛津高阶〔byline〕His byline appeared in the Times frequently.他的署名报道常在《泰晤士报》上发表。英汉大词典〔call on〕Frequently he was called upon to resolve conflicts.不断有人要求他出面解决冲突。柯林斯高阶〔call〕His efforts frequently went beyond the call of duty.超出职责范围麦克米伦高阶〔change〕If you travel frequently, find an agency that will change one foreign currency directly into another.如果你经常旅行, 就找一家能直接兑换外币的旅行社。外研社新世纪〔check〕Applicants are encouraged to check back frequently.欢迎申请人今后多多联系。英汉大词典〔chestnut〕An old, frequently repeated joke, story, or song.陈词滥调:旧时的、经常被重复的笑话、故事或歌曲美国传统〔coexist〕The illness frequently coexists with other chronic diseases.这种病往往与其他慢性病同时存在。牛津高阶〔column〕His name features frequently in the social columns of the tabloid newspapers.他的名字频繁出现在各家小报的社会专栏中。外研社新世纪〔column〕His name features frequently in the social columns of the tabloid newspapers.他的名字频繁地出现在各种小报社会专栏的显著位置上。柯林斯高阶〔common〕Occurring frequently or habitually; usual.通常的:经常地或习惯地出现的;通常的美国传统〔common〕These adjectives describe what is generally known or frequently encountered.这些形容词表示普遍知道或常常遇到的。美国传统〔compare〕As an essayist he is compared frequently to Hazlitt.作为一名散文家, 人们常常将他比作哈兹里特。外研社新世纪〔conference〕They frequently hold conferences at that hotel.他们常在那家酒店举办会议。剑桥高阶〔conflict〕His outspoken views would frequently bring him into conflict with the president.他对自己的看法总是直言不讳,这常常使他和总统发生争执。剑桥高阶〔cordovan〕A fine leather originally made of goatskin but now more frequently of split horsehide.科尔多瓦皮革,高级皮革:最初用山羊皮制成的好皮子,现多用剖开的马皮美国传统〔correspond〕He frequently (regularly) corresponds with his brother.他和他的兄弟经常(定期)通信。英汉大词典〔cowboy〕A typical cowboy builder will frequently not be registered.典型的不负责任的建筑商往往不会去注册。外研社新世纪〔crybaby〕A person who cries or complains frequently with little cause.爱哭的人:经常不为什么原因而哭泣或抱怨的人美国传统〔dancegoer〕One who frequently attends dance performances.有舞瘾者:经常参加舞蹈表演的人美国传统〔deed〕He frequently expressed his love for her in words if not in deeds.他不断地用言语乃至行动来表达对她的爱。牛津搭配〔discharge〕The soldier's discharge was frequently signed by a company commander other than his own.士兵的退伍证明通常是由其他连的连长签署的。外研社新世纪〔donate〕He frequently donates large sums to charity.他常常向慈善机构捐赠大笔钱款。柯林斯高阶〔donate〕He frequently donates large sums to charity.他经常向慈善机构捐赠大笔钱款。外研社新世纪〔electronic mail〕They communicate frequently by electronic mail.他们常常通过电子邮件交流。韦氏高阶〔enunciate〕Teachers frequently discuss dreams and enunciate doctrines regarding them.老师们常常讨论梦境, 并阐述梦的各种学说。外研社新世纪〔epigram〕One of Oscar Wilde's most frequently quoted epigrams is "I can resist everything except temptation".奥斯卡•王尔德最常被引用的隽语之一就是“我可以抗拒一切,诱惑除外”。剑桥高阶〔exercise〕Stop frequently to rest during exercise until you are fitter.锻炼时要经常停下来休息,直至身体适应为止。牛津搭配〔exhibit〕He frequently exhibits at the art gallery.他经常在艺术馆展出作品。剑桥高阶〔eye〕Frequently seen in public or in the media.常在公共场合露面的:常在公共场合或新闻媒介露面的美国传统〔fantasize〕Research has shown that men are likely to fantasize far more frequently than women.研究表明男人幻想的频率要比女人高得多。外研社新世纪〔fantasize〕Research has shown that men are likely to fantasize far more frequently than women.研究表明男人性幻想的频率要比女人高得多。柯林斯高阶〔fever〕Inflammation is frequently accompanied by fever.炎症常常伴有发烧。牛津搭配〔file〕You should save the file frequently as you do your work.你工作时应该经常保存文档。韦氏高阶〔filmgoer〕One who frequently goes to see movies.看电影者:经常去看电影的人美国传统〔finicky〕He is frequently finicky in his choice of words.他往往选词过严。英汉大词典〔fire〕These thatched roofs frequently catch fire(= start to burn).这些茅草屋顶屡屡着火。牛津高阶〔flat-footed〕Her left-handed serves frequently left Clijsters flat-footed.她的左手球经常使克里斯特尔斯猝不及防。外研社新世纪〔frequently〕Buses run frequently between the city and the airport.公共汽车频繁地来往于市区与机场之间。牛津高阶〔frequently〕He came here frequently.他经常到这里来。文馨英汉〔frequently〕He has frequently been compared to Michael Jackson.他经常被比作迈克尔·杰克逊。麦克米伦高阶〔frequently〕He is frequently in debt.他经常负债。英汉大词典〔frequently〕He was frequently depressed他常常感到沮丧。外研社新世纪〔frequently〕He was frequently drunk.他经常喝醉。朗文当代〔frequently〕I see her frequently.我常常见到她。韦氏高阶〔frequently〕I see him frequently.我和他见面非常频繁。剑桥高阶〔frequently〕I used to go there frequently as a child.我还是孩子的时候经常到那里去。外研社新世纪〔frequently〕Iron and folic acid supplements are frequently given to pregnant women.铁剂和叶酸片常被配给孕妇服用。柯林斯高阶〔frequently〕She frequently takes a walk in the morning.她时常在早晨去散步。文馨英汉〔frequently〕The ten most frequently asked questions are listed below.下面列出的是最常被问及的10个问题。麦克米伦高阶〔frequently〕This list is updated frequently.这份名单频繁更新。韦氏高阶〔go out of your way〕She frequently goes out of her way to help people in need.她经常尽心尽力地帮助那些需要帮助的人。韦氏高阶〔grin〕They were frequently together, sometimes grinning about something, but as often solemn.他们老在一起,时而为某事龇牙咧嘴地笑,时而又一本正经。英汉大词典〔guest〕They frequently appeared as guests on TV talk shows.他们作为嘉宾经常出现在各种电视脱口秀节目中。韦氏高阶〔half〕His refrigerator frequently looked half empty.他的冰箱里经常半空着。柯林斯高阶〔hangout〕A frequently visited place.经常去的地方美国传统〔hard rock〕A style of rock 'n' roll characterized by a harsh, amplified sound and frequently employing distortion, feedback, and other electronic modulations.硬摇滚:一种声音刺耳扩大且频繁运用变音、反馈和其他电子调音手段的摇滚乐形式美国传统〔hiccup〕A young baby may frequently get a bout of hiccups during or soon after a feed.小婴儿进食过程中或刚刚进食后经常会打嗝。柯林斯高阶〔hiccup〕A young baby may frequently get hiccups during or soon after a feed.小婴儿经常会在哺乳过程中或哺乳后不久打嗝。外研社新世纪〔illness〕Some illnesses occur more frequently following puberty.有些疾病在青春期以后发作更加频繁。牛津搭配〔inertia〕Projects were frequently abandoned through sheer inertia.项目常常纯粹因为惰性而被放弃。牛津搭配〔inset〕I frequently paint between 10 and 20 insets for my murals.我经常会为我的壁画画上 10 到 20 个嵌套图画。柯林斯高阶〔inset〕I frequently paint between 10 and 20 insets for my murals.我经常会为我的壁画画上10到20个嵌套的小图画。外研社新世纪〔intact〕If the family unit is still intact, the patient frequently does very well.如果家庭仍然完整,病人常常恢复得很好。柯林斯高阶〔intact〕If the family unit is still intact, the patient frequently does very well.如果家庭单位仍然完整, 那么病人往往恢复得很好。外研社新世纪〔interdate〕Many Catholic students interdated frequently non-Catholics.许多天主教徒学生经常与非天主教徒约会。英汉大词典〔interfere〕Drug problems frequently interfered with his work.吸毒问题频频干扰他的工作。外研社新世纪〔interfere〕Drug problems frequently interfered with his work.吸毒问题频频干扰他的工作。柯林斯高阶〔invoke〕Adam Smith's name is frequently invoked by the promoters of such policies.亚当•斯密这个名字经常被这些政策的支持者所提及。外研社新世纪〔jingoist〕He was a confirmed jingoist and would frequently speak about the dangers of Britain forming closer ties with the rest of Europe.他是个地地道道的沙文主义者,经常谈论英国与欧洲其他国家加紧联系的危险。剑桥高阶〔job-hopping〕The practice of changing jobs frequently, especially as a means of quick financial gain or career advancement.频繁更换职业:频繁更换职业的行为,尤指为了获得近期经济利益或事业发展而频繁更换职业的做法美国传统〔job-hop〕To change jobs frequently.频繁更换职业美国传统〔lampoon〕He was frequently lampooned in the newspapers for his oversized ego.他因过于自大而常常受到报界的挖苦。麦克米伦高阶〔lampoon〕The Prime Minister was frequently lampooned in political cartoons.首相在政治漫画里频遭嘲讽。朗文当代〔lash out〕As a politician Jefferson frequently lashed out at the press.作为一个政治人物,杰斐逊常常抨击新闻界。柯林斯高阶〔less〕Fires occur less frequently in this city.在本市火灾较不常发生。文馨英汉〔less〕Her advice has frequently been less than wholly helpful.她的建议往往毫无帮助。柯林斯高阶〔less〕In recent years she has appeared in public less frequently.近年来她在公开场合露面的次数少了。朗文当代〔letter of recommendation〕Employees are frequently hired on the recommendation of a friend in the company.这家公司的员工常常是通过内部人员友情推荐雇用的。韦氏高阶〔mall rat〕A person, especially a teenager or young adult, who frequently passes time wandering through shopping malls.购物中心的老鼠:常在购物中心闲逛以消磨时间者,尤指青少年或年轻人美国传统〔meat〕Turn the meat frequently to brown it.不断翻动肉直至变成褐色。牛津搭配〔menstruate〕Lean hard-training women athletes may menstruate less frequently or not at all.身材瘦削而且训练艰苦的女运动员行经可能不那么频繁,或者根本不来月经。柯林斯高阶〔microchemistry〕Chemistry that deals with minute quantities of materials, frequently less than one milligram in mass or one milliliter in volume.微量化学:研究极小数量物质的化学,通常研究对象质量小于一毫克或体积小于一毫升美国传统〔mistrust〕It frequently appears that Bell mistrusts all journalists.似乎贝尔常常对所有新闻记者都持怀疑态度。柯林斯高阶〔mistrust〕It frequently appears that Bell mistrusts all journalists.贝尔似乎经常对所有记者都不信任。外研社新世纪〔mode〕Mathematics The number or range of numbers in a set that occurs the most frequently.【数学】 众数:一组中出现最频繁的数或数列美国传统〔mode〕Statistics The value or item occurring most frequently in a series of observations or statistical data.【统计学】 众数:在一系列的观测数据或数据资料中出现次数最多的值或项目美国传统〔mothering〕The reality of mothering is frequently very different from the romantic ideal.养育孩子的现实经常与浪漫的理想大相径庭。柯林斯高阶〔museumgoer〕One who visits museums frequently.经常参观博物馆的人美国传统〔need〕Early intervention frequently eliminates the need for surgery.早期干预经常可以免除手术。牛津搭配〔neutropenia〕Neutropenia is frequently associated with the use of chemotherapeutic drugs to treat cancer.中性白细胞减少症常常与肿瘤化疗有关。剑桥高阶〔ninety〕By this time she was in her nineties and needed help more and more frequently.到这个时候她已经90多岁了,越来越频繁地需要帮助。柯林斯高阶〔often〕Many times; frequently.经常地:多次地;频繁地美国传统〔operagoer〕One who frequently attends operas.观剧者:经常观看歌剧的人美国传统〔orate〕He orates frequently about politics.他经常慷慨激昂地谈论政治。英汉大词典〔orzo〕A kind of pasta shaped like pearls of barley, frequently prepared with lamb in Greek cuisine.米粒状面食:形似大麦粒的面食,在希腊式烹调中常与羔羊肉放在一起美国传统〔override〕Their work is frequently an obsession that overrides all other considerations.他们对工作的痴迷常常超乎其他一切。柯林斯高阶〔pace〕Congestion frequently reduces traffic to walking pace.交通阻塞经常把车流的速度降低得如步行一般缓慢。牛津高阶〔parasomnia〕Any of several disorders that frequently interfere with sleep, occurring especially among children and including sleepwalking, night terrors, and bed-wetting.拟梦症:几种常常干扰睡眠的生理机能失调症中的任意一种,尤其在儿童间很常见且有夜游、夜惊和尿床现象美国传统〔part〕The knee is the most frequently injured part of the body.膝盖是身体最常受伤的部位。麦克米伦高阶〔pass〕A sensitive bladder can make you feel the need to pass water frequently.敏感性膀胱让你有尿频感。柯林斯高阶〔pathetic〕Their comedy is frequently mixed with the pathetic or the sinister.他们的喜剧作品常常掺有感伤或不吉的成分。外研社新世纪〔place〕Why do strikes occur so frequently in coal mines in the first place? 罢工如此频繁地在煤矿发生,究竟是什么原因? 英汉大词典〔plumb〕They frequently plumb the depths of loneliness, humiliation and despair.他们常常会陷入孤独、屈辱和绝望的深渊。外研社新世纪〔program〕She's written a program to find words that frequently occur together.她设计了一个程序以便找到经常一起出现的词语。剑桥高阶〔prompt〕The actor needed to be prompted frequently.那演员经常需要提词。21世纪英汉〔prophet〕Paulin is revered as a sage and a prophet and his views frequently sought out.波林被尊崇为圣人和先知, 其观点也经常被人提及。外研社新世纪〔provincialism〕His language is frequently debased with certain provincialisms.他的语言常因夹杂某些土话而变得粗俗。英汉大词典〔pursuit〕They frequently move around the country in pursuit of a medical career.他们因为从医而频繁地在国内四处奔走。外研社新世纪〔quite〕We go out to dinner quite frequently.我们经常出去吃饭。韦氏高阶〔quote〕He quotes from the Bible frequently.他经常摘引《圣经》中的句子。韦氏高阶〔quote〕He quotes the Bible frequently.他经常摘引《圣经》中的句子。韦氏高阶〔radiocarbon〕The most frequently used method is radiocarbon dating.最常用的方法是放射性碳定年法。柯林斯高阶〔recur〕The name of Lu Xun recurred frequently in his conversation.在他的谈话中反复提及鲁迅的名字。英汉大词典〔reference〕A work frequently used as a source.参考书:常被当作出处的作品美国传统〔reline〕Steel furnaces must be relined frequently.炼钢炉必须经常换炉衬。英汉大词典〔repair〕A place to which one goes frequently or habitually; a haunt.常去之处:某人经常或习惯性去的地方;常去的地方美国传统〔retrograde〕The more distant outer planets retrograde more frequently.带外行星距离越远, 向后移动越频繁。外研社新世纪〔run〕Sharks frequently run to an enormous size.鲨鱼往往长得硕大无比。英汉大词典〔save〕Save data frequently.要不时把资料存盘。牛津高阶〔scheme〕She frequently schemed on her daughter's behalf.她常常替女儿阴谋策划。英汉大词典〔see〕You ought to see your doctor more frequently.你应该多去看看医生美国传统〔shin splints〕Any of various painful conditions of the shins caused by inflammation of the surrounding muscles, frequently occurring among joggers and runners.外胫炎:各种由周围肌肉发炎而引起的胫部疼痛中的任何一种,在慢跑者和赛跑运动员中较为常见美国传统〔shittah〕A tree, probably a species of acacia, that was a source of a wood mentioned frequently in the Bible.塞伊耳相思树:一种圣经中作为一种木材来源而经常提到的树,可能是金合欢树的一个品种美国传统〔shopaholic〕A person who shops compulsively or very frequently.购物成癖的人,购物狂:难以抵抗冲动想购物或是购物非常频繁的人美国传统〔shuttle diplomacy〕Diplomatic negotiations conducted by an official intermediary who travels frequently between the nations involved.穿梭外交:由一经常在被牵涉的国家之间旅行的官方调解人进行的外交谈判美国传统〔shuttle〕To cause to move back and forth frequently.使经常来回移动美国传统〔shy away from〕We frequently shy away from making decisions.我们常常害怕作出决定。柯林斯高阶〔sick〕Ruth had frequently sicked up her bottle milk.露思喝瓶装奶时常吐出来。朗文当代〔since〕They went to Dartmouth College together in the 1960s and have frequently done business together since.20 世纪 60 年代时他们一起去达特茅斯学院求学,之后也经常合伙做生意。柯林斯高阶〔since〕They went to Dartmouth College together in the 1960s and have frequently done business together since.他们上世纪六十年代一起在达特茅斯学院上学, 后来又经常一起做生意。外研社新世纪〔since〕When we first met, we had a row, and we have rowed frequently ever since.我们第一次见面时就吵了一架,此后经常吵。柯林斯高阶〔stop〕The sobs came less frequently, then stopped altogether.抽泣声越来越稀疏,然后完全停止了。牛津搭配〔streak〕White marble is frequently streaked with grey, black, or green.白色的大理石上经常有灰色、黑色或绿色的条纹。剑桥高阶〔sufferer〕Frequently sufferers of this kind of allergy are also sufferers of asthma.患有这种过敏症的人也经常会患有哮喘病。柯林斯高阶〔sufferer〕Frequently sufferers of this kind of allergy are also sufferers of asthma.患有这种过敏症的人往往也患有哮喘病。外研社新世纪〔suicide watch〕A procedural tour of duty in a prison in which guards frequently check the cells of inmates suspected of suicidal tendencies.防止自杀巡视:监狱中例行的巡视,看守经常性地检查有自杀倾向的犯人们的单身牢房美国传统〔superficial〕Many of these killers are frequently glib and superficially charming.这些杀手中,多数都是能说会道、外表迷人。柯林斯高阶〔supergene〕A group of closely linked genes occupying a large chromosomal segment and frequently functioning as a genetic unit.超基因:占据一具较大的染色体片断,并且经常以单个基因单位起作用的一组紧密连接的基因美国传统〔symbol〕I frequently use sunflowers as symbols of strength.我经常把向日葵当作力量的象征物。外研社新世纪〔sympathy〕She has frequently expressed Republican sympathies.她多次表达对共和党的支持态度。柯林斯高阶〔task〕Our patrols were frequently tasked to observe and report front-line positions.我们的侦察队频繁地接到任务去侦察和报告前线的位置。外研社新世纪〔time〕At one time we met frequently.过去我们曾常常见面。英汉大词典〔travel〕His job requires him to travel frequently.他的工作要求他经常出差。韦氏高阶〔twit〕Darwin frequently twitted his creationist opponents about the apparently useless structures of many animals and plants.达尔文经常用大量动植物看来毫无用处的构造来挖苦他的神创论对手。外研社新世纪〔unavailable〕Basic food products are frequently unavailable in the state shops.在国营商店里经常连一些基本食品都买不到。柯林斯高阶〔underpaid〕Women are frequently underpaid for the work that they do.女性工作所得的报酬常常偏低。柯林斯高阶〔usual〕These adjectives apply to what is expected or familiar because it occurs frequently or recurs regularly.这些形容词是指其事是可预见的或熟悉的,因为它是经常发生的或有规律地发生的。美国传统〔wash〕The hillside washes frequently.山坡常受冲蚀。英汉大词典〔weak-kneed〕Instead of defending traditional values, the church frequently seems weak-kneed and irresolute.教会不但没有去维护传统的价值观,反而常常表现得软弱且犹豫不决。剑桥高阶〔withdraw〕As a child, she frequently withdrew into her own fantasy world.童年时候,她经常沉浸在自己的幻想世界中。剑桥高阶〔writing〕Her name crops up frequently in writings about the Renaissance.她的名字频繁地出现在有关文艺复兴的作品中。牛津搭配AIDS is an ever-present threat for anyone who practises unsafe sex and changes partners frequently.艾滋病对于任何有不安全性行为或经常交换性伴侣的人始终存在着威胁。剑桥国际Earthquakes occur frequently in this area. 这一地区经常发生地震。译典通Ethnic minorities are frequently faced with prejudice and sometimes violence.少数民族常常遭受歧视,有时甚至是暴力。剑桥国际He frequently exhibits at the art gallery.他在艺术馆频繁展出作品。剑桥国际He was a confirmed jingoist and would frequently speak about the dangers of Britain forming closer ties with the rest of Europe.他是个顽固的沙文主义者,常常说英国和其余欧洲国家关系更亲密是很危险的。剑桥国际He's one of the regulars (= people who are frequently present) at the Rose and Crown pub.他是玫瑰和王冠酒吧的常客之一。剑桥国际Her speech was frequently interrupted by angry shouts from the audience.她的演讲时常被听众愤怒的喊声打断。剑桥国际His outspoken views would frequently bring him into conflict with the president.他直言不讳的看法经常使他和总统发生冲突。剑桥国际I catch colds frequently because my resistance is low. 我经常得感冒,因为我抵抗力差。译典通I have to move around a lot (= frequently change the place where I live and work) in my job.我的工作要求常换地方。剑桥国际In the computer industry, engineers have to retool frequently. 在电脑业中,工程师必须经常以新知识充实装备自己。译典通Increased vigilance (= more careful attention) among doctors has led to the disease being more frequently diagnosed in its early stages.医生们越来越警觉,因此这种病已经越来越经常在早期被诊断出来。剑桥国际She cited other cases to document her claim that women and minority-group members frequently receive inferior health care.她引用其他事例来证明她的断言,即妇女和少数民族经常得到低劣的保健服务。剑桥国际She holds strong beliefs and expresses them frequently.她具有强烈的信仰,还不时宣扬。剑桥国际She's perpetually asking me (= She frequently asks me) for money.她经常向我要钱。剑桥国际The buses run less frequently on Sundays.在星期天,公共汽车开得不太频繁。剑桥国际The family was so poor that they perpetually went hungry (= they frequently did not eat).这家人太穷,经常挨饿。剑桥国际The girl had been molested frequently by her stepfather from the age of eight until she was twelve.那个女孩从八岁起到十二岁一直遭到她继父的性骚扰。剑桥国际The instinct to avoid conflict was deeply lodged in his psyche by his parents frequently arguing when he was a child.由于他小时候父母频繁地争吵,他那避免冲突的本能根植在他的心理中。剑桥国际This question is frequently asked. 这个问题屡次被提出。译典通This type of infection of the bladder will make the patient want to urinate (= excrete urine) frequently.膀胱的这种感染会使病人频繁地想撒尿。剑桥国际White marble is frequently streaked with grey, black or green.白色的大理石上经常有灰色、黑色或绿色的条纹。剑桥国际




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