

单词 an offering
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Four-H Club〕A youth organization sponsored by the Department of Agriculture and offering instruction in agriculture and home economics.四健会:一青少年组织,由农业部支持赞助并对农村青少年提供农业和家政等方面的科学技术教育美国传统〔bandwagon〕Many companies are getting/climbing on the bandwagon and offering flexible schedules to their employees.许多公司也开始赶潮流,为公司员工提供弹性工作制。韦氏高阶〔hear out〕He shows keen interest in his friends, hearing out their problems and offering counsel.他对自己的朋友表现出极大的关注,聆听他们的难题并提出忠告。柯林斯高阶〔offer〕To present an offering in worship or devotion.提供:作为供奉或奉献来供给美国传统〔omer〕An offering of a sheaf or an omer of the first harvest of barley to a priest in the Temple on the second day of Passover.敬献的一捆大麦:逾越节后的第二天向庙中神职人员敬献的一捆大麦或第一次收获的大麦的一欧麦美国传统〔peace offering〕An offering made to an adversary in the interests of peace or reconciliation.友好赠品:为了和平或和解而给对手的礼物或捐献品美国传统〔propitiate〕He made an offering to propitiate the angry gods.他供奉祭品以求神灵息怒。韦氏高阶〔soma〕An intoxicating or hallucinogenic beverage, used as an offering to the Hindu gods and consumed by participants in Vedic ritual sacrifices.苏玛酒:可致醉或引起幻觉的饮料,用作印度神灵的祭品,由吠陀祭祀仪式的参与者饮用美国传统




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