

单词 extrapolate
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔extrapolate〕It is possible to extrapolate future developments from current trends.从当前的趋势来推断未来的发展是可能的。朗文当代〔extrapolate〕It is unhelpful to extrapolate general trends from one case.根据一个案例来推断总的趋势是没有用的。外研社新世纪〔extrapolate〕It is unhelpful to extrapolate general trends from one case.根据一个案例来推断总的趋势是没有用的。柯林斯高阶〔extrapolate〕Science fiction writers often extrapolate from today's trends.科学幻想小说作者常常从今天的动向对未来进行推断。英汉大词典〔extrapolate〕She extrapolated from last year's data to arrive at her estimate.她根据去年的数据推出了一个估计值。韦氏高阶〔extrapolate〕These results cannot, however, be extrapolated to other patient groups.然而,这些结果并不能用来推断其他各类病人。朗文当代〔extrapolate〕They extrapolated these results from their research.他们从研究中推断出这些结果。韦氏高阶〔extrapolate〕We can extrapolate the number of new students entering next year by looking at how many entered in previous years.通过查看前几年的入学人数,我们就可以推知明年的新生人数。韦氏高阶〔extrapolate〕We have extrapolated these results from research done in other countries.我们从其他国家所做的研究中推断出这些结果。牛津高阶〔extrapolate〕With such a small study it is impossible to extrapolate accurately.在这样一个小规模研究的基础上不可能做出精确的推断。韦氏高阶〔extrapolate〕You can't really extrapolate a trend from such a small sample.你不能仅凭这样一件小小的样品就推断出潮流真正的发展趋势。剑桥高阶〔in vitro〕What is known about what happens in vitro cannot necessarily be extrapolated.知道在体外发生了什么并不一定就能由此外推。外研社新世纪Anyone who has read Moby Dick would find it irresistible to extrapolate from that great novel to the real world today.任何读过《大白鲨》的人都会难以抗拒地去从这本了不起的小说推断今天的现实世界。剑桥国际From the wounds of these women, we can extrapolate that they were killed by the same serial killer. 由这几位女性的死亡征状,我们可以推判是同一个凶手所为。译典通We need to extrapolate trends from the published figures.我们需要从公开的数据中推断未来的走向。剑桥国际




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