

单词 招待
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Doomsday〕You can wait till Doomsday to be served in this place.在这个地方你即使等到世界末日也不会有人来招待你。麦克米伦高阶〔Florentine〕Prepared, cooked, or served with spinach.用菠菜做菜:用菠菜准备、烹饪或招待美国传统〔INVITE〕This is an easy but impressive dish if you are entertaining at home. 如果你在家里招待客人,这道菜做起来很方便,但又能给人留下深刻印象。朗文写作活用〔KEEP〕A dissident, recently released from detention, gave a press conference in the capital today. 一名遭拘禁的持不同政见的人最近被释放,今天在首都举行了一个记者招待会。朗文写作活用〔MAN〕Can you serve this gentleman please, Sarah? 萨拉,请招待一下这位先生好吗?朗文写作活用〔NEWS〕He was reliably reported to be drunk at the White House reception. 他在白宫招待会上喝醉了,媒体作了如实的报道。朗文写作活用〔PARTY〕I was intrigued to learn that our Chinese host had spent many years in Chicago. 得知招待我们的中国人在芝加哥居住了多年激起了我的好奇。朗文写作活用〔POLITICS〕The Democratic Senator from New York held a press conference yesterday. 昨天,来自纽约的民主党参议员举行记者招待会。朗文写作活用〔Polish〕The press conference was broadcast live on Polish television.波兰电视台现场直播了记者招待会。柯林斯高阶〔SELL〕Proprietor Ginny Gavin serves fresh croissants and fruit at breakfast to guests at her inn. 老板娘金妮·加文用新鲜的羊角面包和水果做早餐招待住在她客店里的客人。朗文写作活用〔TRAVEL〕She runs a downtown hostel for backpackers - the cost only $5 a night. 她在市中心开了一家专门招待背包旅行者的招待所,才五美元一晚。朗文写作活用〔almighty〕I had the most almighty row with the waitress.我和女招待大吵了一架。柯林斯高阶〔bare〕He bared the problem at a news conference.他在记者招待会上把问题挑明了。英汉大词典〔barkeeper〕She spent the summer working as a barkeeper at the resort.她整个夏天都在那个度假胜地做酒吧招待。剑桥高阶〔barmaid〕A woman who serves drinks in a bar.酒吧女招待美国传统〔barmaid〕She's a barmaid.她是酒吧女招待。外研社新世纪〔brewpub〕A saloon where the owners make their own beer and serve it on the premises.啤酒酒吧:主人自己酿造啤酒并招待客人的酒店美国传统〔butler〕The head servant in a household who is usually in charge of food service, the care of silverware, and the deportment of the other servants.大管家:家务中的仆役长,通常负责膳食招待、餐具的管理和其他仆人的举止美国传统〔call ... off〕He decided to call off his regular press conference.他决定取消他的定期记者招待会。21世纪英汉〔call〕They will call a press conference as soon as the results are known.结果一见分晓,他们将立即举行记者招待会。21世纪英汉〔cater for〕We're catering for 200 people at the after-show party.我们在表演结束后的聚会上要招待200人就餐。外研社新世纪〔cater〕The restaurant caters for parties/banquets/receptions.这家餐厅承办聚餐/晚宴/招待酒会。韦氏高阶〔challenge〕They rose to the challenge of entertaining 80 schoolchildren for an afternoon.他们成功地完成了招待80名学龄儿童一个下午的艰巨任务。外研社新世纪〔colleague〕We're entertaining some colleagues of Carol's tonight.今晚我们要招待卡罗尔的几位同事。剑桥高阶〔comment〕He made his comments at a news conference in Amsterdam.他在阿姆斯特丹的一次记者招待会上发表了自己的看法。外研社新世纪〔court〕A formal meeting or reception presided over by a sovereign.御前会议:由国王主持的正式会议或招待会美国传统〔cross〕The bartender busied himself drying glassware, the cross of his trade.酒吧招待员忙于把玻璃杯具擦干,这是他那个行当的苦差事。英汉大词典〔declare〕Carol held a press conference and declared that she was innocent.卡洛尔举行了一个记者招待会宣称自己是无辜的。朗文当代〔delectation〕She makes scones and cakes for the delectation of visitors.为了招待客人, 她做了烤饼和蛋糕。外研社新世纪〔double〕She doubled as the secretary in the first act and the receptionist in the second.她在剧中兼演两角,第一幕中演秘书,第二幕中演招待员。21世纪英汉〔dress〕This restaurant has a strict dress code – no tie, no service.这家餐厅有严格的衣着标准 — 不系领带,恕不招待。朗文当代〔entertainment〕She was delighted in entertainment of friends and relatives.她乐于招待亲友。英汉大词典〔entertainment〕The art or field of entertaining.招待的艺术或范围美国传统〔entertain〕He entertained me at (或to) lunch.他招待我吃午饭。英汉大词典〔entertain〕Much of his job as a salesman involves entertaining clients.他是一名推销员,招待客户是他的一项重要工作。韦氏高阶〔enter〕His entertaining could be entered as business expense.他的招待费可作为业务开支入账。英汉大词典〔find〕Yesterday, the men's families held a news conference in their campaign to find out the truth.昨天,这些男子的家人举行了记者招待会,以发起查明真相的运动。柯林斯高阶〔fodder〕The press conference simply provided more fodder for another attack on his character.记者招待会只不过是提供了更多的再次击他人格的口实。柯林斯高阶〔footman〕A man employed as a servant to wait at table, attend the door, and run various errands, as in a palace.男仆:被雇作为侍候饮食、招待客人以及跑腿干杂事的仆人的男人,如在宫中美国传统〔good〕She got the good plates out for guests.她把专用的好盘子拿出来招待客人。外研社新世纪〔guest〕To entertain as a guest.招待:向对客人一样款待美国传统〔help〕Help yourself.请随便用!(招待客人用语) 英汉大词典〔honour〕Liz, would you do the honors? 利兹,你能招待一下客人们吗?朗文当代〔honour〕They gave a banquet in honour of the delegation.他们设宴招待代表团。英汉大词典〔horror〕Our host was arrogant and offensive. How his sweet wife could tolerate such a horror was baffling.招待我们的男主人傲慢无礼。真不知道他温柔的妻子怎么能容忍这样一个讨厌的家伙。外研社新世纪〔hospice〕A shelter or lodging for travelers, pilgrims, foundlings, or the destitute, especially one maintained by a monastic order.旅客招待所,收容所:提供给旅游者,朝圣者,孤儿或贫困者等的住处,尤指由修道会维持的美国传统〔hospitality〕They show hospitality to a stranger.他们殷勤招待陌生人。英汉大词典〔hospital〕Archaic A hospice for travelers or pilgrims.【古语】 旅客招待所:供旅行者或朝圣者住宿的地方美国传统〔hostel〕To stay at hostels while traveling.留宿于招待所:旅行时住在招待所内美国传统〔host〕Tommy Sopwith was always the perfect host.汤米•索普威思招待客人一直很热情周到。外研社新世纪〔imaret〕An inn or hostel for pilgrims in Turkey.客栈,招待所:土耳其用来招待朝圣者的客栈或招待所美国传统〔inhospitable〕That inhospitable man never offers visitors any refreshments.那人不好客,从不拿点心招待来访者。英汉大词典〔launch〕This reception should launch them forth into society.这次招待会将把他们介绍到社交圈子中去。英汉大词典〔levee〕A formal reception, as at a royal court.招待会:正式招待会,例如在皇宫举行的美国传统〔lunch〕He lunched me well at his home.他在家里招待我吃了顿丰盛的午餐。英汉大词典〔news conference〕At a news conference yesterday, the two men described their ordeal.在昨天的记者招待会上,那两名男子描述了他们的可怕经历。朗文当代〔news conference〕The secretary of state has called a news conference to brief journalists on developments.国务卿召开了一次记者招待会, 就事件进展向记者们作了简要通报。外研社新世纪〔notable〕Many notables came to the President's reception.许多知名人士出席了总统的招待会。英汉大词典〔odd-looking〕One of the waitresses arrived with a very odd-looking dish.一位女招待端来一道样子相当古怪的菜。柯林斯高阶〔on〕Each table will get a bottle of champagne on the house (=paid for by the restaurant, hotel etc) .每桌都将得到一瓶香槟,免费招待。朗文当代〔paradise〕The hostel is a paradise compared to the camp.与营地相比, 招待所是个天堂。外研社新世纪〔plan〕I had planned for 30 guests, but only 10 arrived.我做好招待30个人的准备,可是只来了10位。21世纪英汉〔play〕Would you mind playing host (= entertaining the guests)? 你来招待客人好吗?剑桥高阶〔poop sheet〕Do you have the poop sheets ready for the press conference? 你准备好记者招待会的情况简编了吗?剑桥高阶〔pour at〕She was asked to pour at a little reception for the performers after the concert.她被请来主持在音乐会之后为演出者举行的小型招待会。21世纪英汉〔prepared〕The Premier seemed ill prepared for the press conference.总理似乎没有为记者招待会认真作准备。麦克米伦高阶〔public〕He went public on the airport incident at a press conference.他在记者招待会上公布了机场事件。英汉大词典〔rare bird〕He's that rare bird, a bartender who doesn't drink alcohol.他是那种奇人,一个滴酒不沾的酒吧招待。剑桥高阶〔reception〕The opening reception of the exhibition was attended by many well-known figures from the art world.许多艺术界的知名人士出席了为展览举行的开幕式招待会。牛津搭配〔refreshment〕Refreshments will be served after the meeting.会后有茶点招待。朗文当代〔resident〕This hotel serves meals to residents only.本旅馆只招待本旅馆住宿者用餐。英汉大词典〔serve〕They served a wonderful meal to more than fifty delegates.他们招待五十多位代表吃了一餐美味佳肴。牛津高阶〔setout〕This was a very different setout, a children-and-parents party.这是一个与众不同的招待会,是招待学生及其家长的社交聚会。英汉大词典〔set〕To treat (someone) to drinks. 招待(某人)饮料美国传统〔substantive〕The family appeared at the press conference but made no substantive comments.这一家人在记者招待会上露了面,但未发表任何实质性的评论。麦克米伦高阶〔tea〕He plied me with mint tea and Belgian chocolates.他拿出薄荷茶和比利时巧克力盛情招待我。牛津搭配〔tea〕The waitress brought us two steaming cups of tea.女招待给我们送来了两杯热气腾腾的茶。剑桥高阶〔then〕First Lewis will give a TV interview. Then comes the main news conference.刘易斯将先进行电视采访,随后举行大型的记者招待会。麦克米伦高阶〔usher〕He ushered at the banquet.他在宴会上做招待。英汉大词典〔waitressing〕She had been working in a pub, cooking and waitressing.她之前在酒吧工作,负责烹饪和招待。柯林斯高阶〔waitress〕She had been working in a pub, cooking and waitressing.她之前在酒吧工作, 负责烹饪和招待。外研社新世纪〔wait〕I spent the summer waiting tables.我那个夏天在做招待。朗文当代〔when〕When is the press conference?记者招待会何时举行?外研社新世纪After the programme the director gave us drinks in the hospitality suite (= set of rooms).节目结束后,导演在活动室里用饮料招待我们。剑桥国际Although exhausted by a rigorous round of talks and press conferences, her eyes and voice never wavered.虽然她已被一轮严肃的会谈和记者招待会搞得筋疲力尽,但她的目光和声音从未犹豫过。剑桥国际Can I have some service please--I've been waiting here fifteen minutes! 请服务员招待我好吗----我已经在这里等了15分钟了。剑桥国际He entertained the rich and famous in a fashion which recalled an era that has vanished--lavish dinners served by white-gloved servants.他招待那些富豪名流的方式让人回忆起一个早已消失的时代: 戴着白手套的仆人端上奢侈的晚餐的时代。剑桥国际His first White House party was a white-tie diplomatic reception.他参加的第一次白宫晚会是外交招待会,要求男士穿正式礼服。剑桥国际If I'm not served within the next five minutes I'm leaving.要是5分钟之内还没有人招待我,我就要走了。剑桥国际It's very kind of you to offer, but any more pudding would simply be excessive.你这么招待真是非常感谢,但我再多一点儿布丁也吃不下了。剑桥国际Los Angeles is full of beautiful girls working as waitresses, hoping to be discovered by a movie agent.洛杉矶到处是当招待的漂亮女孩,希望被电影代理商相中提携。剑桥国际Most of the bartenders who work here are students.在这家酒吧工作的招待大都是学生。剑桥国际She had been moonlighting as a weekend waitress for several months.她在周末作女招待赚外快已有几个月了。剑桥国际Soft drinks and hors d'oeuvres will be served during the reception and a cash bar will be available.招待会提供不含酒精的饮料和冷菜,客人还可以自己买酒喝。剑桥国际The cups rattled (= made a noise like a series of knocks) as the waitress laid the table.女招待摆酒席时杯子发出了丁丁的声响。剑桥国际The movie was given an enthusiastic reception at its press screening last week.这部影片在上星期的记者招待放映会中受到热烈欢迎。剑桥国际The restaurant is staffed by a friendly team of waiters and waitresses.这餐厅由一班友好的招待担任雇员。剑桥国际We hosted a reception for 75 guests.我们举行了一个有 75 位客人出席的招待会。牛津商务We might get you a post as a waitress. 我们也许能给你找到一份女招待的工作。译典通We were treated fantastically (= extremely well ) by our hosts.主人极其热情地招待了我们。剑桥国际




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