

单词 招待会
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CROWD〕An hour or so before the press conference, a crowd began to collect outside the building. 记者招待会前一小时左右,一群人开始聚集在大楼外。朗文写作活用〔Dr.〕The reception will be held at 27 Chestnut Dr.招待会将在切斯纳特大道27号举行。韦氏高阶〔KEEP〕A dissident, recently released from detention, gave a press conference in the capital today. 一名遭拘禁的持不同政见的人最近被释放,今天在首都举行了一个记者招待会。朗文写作活用〔NEWS〕He was reliably reported to be drunk at the White House reception. 他在白宫招待会上喝醉了,媒体作了如实的报道。朗文写作活用〔PARTY〕Colette will be hosting a cocktail reception at 6.00 pm in the Grosvenor Suite. 晚上6点科利特将在格罗夫纳套房举行鸡尾酒招待会。朗文写作活用〔PARTY〕The Duchess of York attended the charity reception, along with her two daughters. 约克公爵夫人同两个女儿一起出席了慈善招待会。朗文写作活用〔PARTY〕They are holding a fund-raising reception on Friday in the City Hall. 星期五,他们要在市政厅举行筹款招待会。朗文写作活用〔POLITICS〕The Democratic Senator from New York held a press conference yesterday. 昨天,来自纽约的民主党参议员举行记者招待会。朗文写作活用〔Polish〕The press conference was broadcast live on Polish television.波兰电视台现场直播了记者招待会。柯林斯高阶〔Polish〕The press conference was broadcast live on Polish television.记者招待会在波兰电视台直播。外研社新世纪〔RIGHT〕Paulson, wanting to set the record straight, called a press conference. 保尔森要澄清事实,于是召开了记者招待会。朗文写作活用〔VISIT〕We all had to attend a reception for some visiting dignitaries. 我们都得参加一个为一些达官贵人举行的招待会。朗文写作活用〔affair〕She accompanied him to an affair at the Newspaper Photographers' Association.她陪他去摄影记者协会参加一次招待会。英汉大词典〔aloof〕He stood aloof from all the others in the reception.招待会上他孤零零地站着,不同大家在一起。英汉大词典〔bare〕He bared the problem at a news conference.他在记者招待会上把问题挑明了。英汉大词典〔befit〕A formal gown befits the diplomatic reception.一套礼服适合外事招待会。21世纪英汉〔between〕Charlotte sat in between her two sons at the reception.在招待会上夏洛特坐在她的两个儿子中间。麦克米伦高阶〔book〕The band was booked to play at the reception.已约定了那支乐队在招待会上演奏。韦氏高阶〔breezy〕At a press conference, she tossed off breezy replies.在一次记者招待会上她对答如流,妙趣横生。英汉大词典〔brush〕He brushed the story off quickly at a press conference.他在一次记者招待会上三言两语把这事应付过去。英汉大词典〔buckle〕Everyone's got to buckle down, to get ready for the press conference.人人都要全力以赴,为这次记者招待会作好准备。英汉大词典〔call ... off〕He decided to call off his regular press conference.他决定取消他的定期记者招待会。21世纪英汉〔call〕They will call a press conference as soon as the results are known.结果一见分晓,他们将立即举行记者招待会。21世纪英汉〔carry〕The morning papers carried the story. The press conference was carried by all networks.晨报刊载了这个故事。所有传媒都报道了这次记者招待会美国传统〔catering〕He recently did the catering for a presidential reception.他最近承办了一次总统招待会的宴席。柯林斯高阶〔catering〕Who's doing the catering for the reception? 谁承办这次招待会的酒宴?麦克米伦高阶〔champagne〕There was a champagne reception before the concert.音乐会之前有一个香槟酒招待会。牛津搭配〔come up〕The subject came up at a news conference in Beijing today.今天在北京召开的记者招待会上, 有人提到了这个问题。外研社新世纪〔comment〕He made his comments at a news conference in Amsterdam.他在阿姆斯特丹的一次记者招待会上发表了自己的看法。外研社新世纪〔conclusion〕The successful conclusion of the deal was announced at a press conference.记者招待会上宣布了交易的成功。麦克米伦高阶〔court〕A formal meeting or reception presided over by a sovereign.御前会议:由国王主持的正式会议或招待会美国传统〔declare〕Carol held a press conference and declared that she was innocent.卡洛尔举行了一个记者招待会宣称自己是无辜的。朗文当代〔declare〕Their appearance at the reception declared their friendship to us.他们出席招待会表明他们对我们友好。21世纪英汉〔decline〕We asked her to the reception, but she declined the invitation.我们请她参加招待会,但她谢绝了邀请。麦克米伦高阶〔dribble〕The figures dribbled out at a press conference.那些数字在一次记者招待会上逐步透露出来。英汉大词典〔find〕Yesterday, the men's families held a news conference in their campaign to find out the truth.昨天,这些男子的家人举行了记者招待会,以发起查明真相的运动。柯林斯高阶〔fodder〕The press conference simply provided more fodder for another attack on his character.记者招待会只不过是提供了更多的再次击他人格的口实。柯林斯高阶〔follow〕The wedding will be followed by a reception.婚礼紧接着是招待会。麦克米伦高阶〔function〕The reception will be held in the hotel's function room.招待会将在该酒店的多功能厅举行。牛津搭配〔go forward〕At a press conference the company outlined its priorities going forward.在一次记者招待会上, 公司概述了今后优先要做的事项。外研社新世纪〔grand〕The ceremony was followed by a grand reception for over 6,000 guests.仪式之后是一个为6,000多名客人举行的盛大招待会。外研社新世纪〔grilling〕The minister faced a tough grilling at today's press conference.部长在今天的记者招待会上受到了严厉的盘问。牛津高阶〔hiding〕He will come out of hiding to attend the press conference.他将现身参加记者招待会。文馨英汉〔hospitality〕There was a reception in the hospitality suite before the game.比赛开始之前在迎宾套房内举行了一次招待会。朗文当代〔impromptu〕This afternoon the Palestinians held an impromptu press conference.当天下午, 巴勒斯坦方面召开了临时记者招待会。外研社新世纪〔juggle〕At a press conference, she juggled a barrage of questions.在一次记者招待会上,她巧妙地回答了连珠炮似的问题。英汉大词典〔later〕At a later news conference, he said differences should not be dramatized.在后来举行的记者招待会上, 他说不应该夸大分歧。外研社新世纪〔launch〕This reception should launch them forth into society.这次招待会将把他们介绍到社交圈子中去。英汉大词典〔masquerade〕He told a news conference that the elections would be a masquerade.他在记者招待会上称选举将是一场骗局。外研社新世纪〔masterpiece〕Her press conference was a masterpiece of media manipulation.她的记者招待会是操控媒体的一个范例。剑桥高阶〔miss〕In planning the reception, she missed out on Mr. Wells.在筹备招待会时,她漏写了韦尔斯先生。英汉大词典〔news conference〕Mr Hurd told a news conference that the question of UK hostages in Iraq would top the agenda at the talks.赫德先生在记者招待会上说, 有关在伊拉克的英国人质的问题将列入会谈的首要议程。外研社新世纪〔nobody〕Nobody ever spoke to me at press conferences.记者招待会上一直没人和我说话。柯林斯高阶〔open house〕We're having an open house Sunday, noon to 5pm.我们在星期日举行家庭招待会,时间是中午到下午 5 点。朗文当代〔organization〕The organization of a large-scale garden party takes time and thought.组织一次大规模的花园招待会既花时间又要费心劳神。英汉大词典〔ostentatious〕The dress is too ostentatious to wear to a reception.这件衣服过于引人注目,不宜穿着去参加招待会。英汉大词典〔pity〕It's a pity she can't attend the reception.她不能参加招待会,真是遗憾美国传统〔pointedly〕They were pointedly absent from the news conference.他们刻意缺席记者招待会。柯林斯高阶〔pour at〕She was asked to pour at a little reception for the performers after the concert.她被请来主持在音乐会之后为演出者举行的小型招待会。21世纪英汉〔prepared〕The Premier seemed ill prepared for the press conference.总理似乎没有为记者招待会认真作准备。麦克米伦高阶〔present〕He was presented to the Queen at a reception at Buckingham Palace.在白金汉宫的一次招待会上他被引见给了女王。外研社新世纪〔press conference〕She gave her reaction to his release at a press conference.她在记者招待会上对他被释放作出了回应。柯林斯高阶〔press conference〕She gave her reaction to his release at a press conference.对于他的获释, 她在记者招待会上予以回应。外研社新世纪〔press conference〕The President will hold/give a press conference later today.今天晚些时候总统将举行记者招待会。韦氏高阶〔pressconference〕The chairman told a press conference of the forthcoming merger.主席在记者招待会上宣布即将进行的合并。牛津搭配〔programming〕The news conference interrupted regular television programming.记者招待会中断了正常的电视节目播放。韦氏高阶〔public〕He went public on the airport incident at a press conference.他在记者招待会上公布了机场事件。英汉大词典〔public〕Her last public appearance was at the garden party.她最后一次当众露面是在那次花园招待会上。英汉大词典〔reception〕At the reception they served smoked salmon.在招待会上, 他们供应熏制鲑鱼。外研社新世纪〔reception〕The occasion was marked by a civic reception .市里举行招待会庆祝这个特别的时刻。朗文当代〔reception〕The opening reception of the exhibition was attended by many well-known figures from the art world.许多艺术界的知名人士出席了为展览举行的开幕式招待会。牛津搭配〔reception〕The president gave a reception for the visiting heads of state.总统举行招待会款待来访的外国元首。剑桥高阶〔represent〕He represented to the press conference that the government was to be reorganized in the near future.他代表政府在记者招待会上宣布政府不久将进行改组。21世纪英汉〔reschedule〕The press conference had to be rescheduled for March 19.记者招待会不得不改到 3 月 19 日举行。朗文当代〔setout〕This was a very different setout, a children-and-parents party.这是一个与众不同的招待会,是招待学生及其家长的社交聚会。英汉大词典〔sit-down〕Will the reception be a sit-down dinner or a buffet? 招待会是宴席还是自助餐的形式?韦氏高阶〔soiree〕An evening party or reception.社交晚会:晚会或招待会美国传统〔stage-manage〕The press conference was cleverly stage-managed.记者招待会安排得很巧妙。朗文当代〔stumble〕The minister stumbled on to the end of his press conference.那位部长讲话吞吞吐吐,一直捱到记者招待会结束。英汉大词典〔subdued〕The reception was a subdued affair.招待会开得冷冷清清的。牛津高阶〔substantive〕The family appeared at the press conference but made no substantive comments.这一家人在记者招待会上露了面,但未发表任何实质性的评论。麦克米伦高阶〔tea〕An afternoon reception or social gathering at which tea is served.午后茶会:供应茶的午后招待会或社交聚会美国传统〔then〕First Lewis will give a TV interview. Then comes the main news conference.刘易斯将先进行电视采访,随后举行大型的记者招待会。麦克米伦高阶〔tour〕The team's tour manager called a press conference.乐队巡演的经纪人召开了记者招待会。牛津搭配〔vintage〕At the press conference, James is on vintage form.在记者招待会上, 詹姆斯的表现最出色。外研社新世纪〔when〕When is the press conference?记者招待会何时举行?外研社新世纪A grand reception is in progress. 大型招待会正在进行。译典通Although exhausted by a rigorous round of talks and press conferences, her eyes and voice never wavered.虽然她已被一轮严肃的会谈和记者招待会搞得筋疲力尽,但她的目光和声音从未犹豫过。剑桥国际As he was introduced to another group of guests at the party, the mayor woodenly shook their hands and murmured a greeting.当被介绍给招待会上的另外一组客人时,市长毫无表情地握了握他们的手,并低声寒暄了一句。剑桥国际During the press conference, each fighter tried to stare the other down/(Br and Aus also) out (= force the other to look away by continual staring).在记者招待会上,每个拳手都想用目光把对方压倒。剑桥国际He asked several awkward questions at the press conference. 他在记者招待会上提了几个难回答的问题。译典通It sounds to me like the sort of wallpaper music that they play in hotel receptions.我听起来这就像是大饭店招待会上弹奏的那种乏味的背景音乐。剑桥国际Many notables attended the reception. 许多著名人士参加了招待会。译典通She refused to assist at the reception for reasons unknown. 不知什么缘故她不肯出席招待会。译典通Soft drinks and hors d'oeuvres will be served during the reception and a cash bar will be available.招待会提供不含酒精的饮料和冷菜,客人还可以自己买酒喝。剑桥国际The Ambassador held a reception at the embassy.大使在大使馆举行招待会。剑桥国际The President gave an impromptu press conference. 总统临时举行记者招待会。译典通The company held a press conference to announce its shutdown.这家公司举行了记者招待会宣布停工。牛津商务The information was given at an unusually well-attended press conference yesterday.这条信息是在昨天的一次参加人数极多的记者招待会上公布的。剑桥国际The self-declared guardians of law and order held a press conference.自称是法律和治安的维护者的人们举行了一次记者招待会。剑桥国际




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