

单词 camphor
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔camphor oil〕The oil obtained by steam distillation from the wood of the camphor tree and used to produce natural camphor.樟脑油:从樟树木材中通过气体蒸馏的方法获得的油,用于生产天然樟脑美国传统〔camphorate〕To treat or impregnate with camphor.使与樟脑化合:用樟脑处理或渗透美国传统〔celluloid〕A colorless, flammable material made from nitrocellulose and camphor and used to make photographic film.赛璐珞,明胶:一种由硝酸纤维和樟脑制成的无色、易燃材料,用以制作照相胶卷美国传统〔celluloid〕Made of or using a material made from nitrocellulose and camphor.明胶制成的:制造或使用硝酸纤维和樟脑做的物质的美国传统〔mothball〕A marble-sized ball, originally of camphor but now of naphthalene, stored with clothes to repel moths.卫生球:一种弹子大小的球,原本由樟脑制成,现在由荼制成,与衣物存在一起以驱除蛾子美国传统〔precipitate〕Water precipitates camphor from its alcoholic solution.水使樟脑从其酒精溶液中沉淀。21世纪英汉〔precipitate〕Water precipitates camphor from its alcoholic solution.水能把樟脑从其酒精溶液中淀析出来。英汉大词典The preparation for his cough included camphor. 为医治他的咳嗽而调制的药中包括樟脑。译典通




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