

单词 foolishly
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Pollyanna〕A person regarded as being foolishly or blindly optimistic.过分乐观者,盲目乐观者:被视为愚蠢地或盲目地乐观的人美国传统〔RESPONSIBLE〕I foolishly entrusted the task of collecting the money to Ron. 我愚蠢地把收钱的事交托给罗恩去做了。朗文写作活用〔STUPID/SILLY〕I had just $7 left, and foolishly squandered $5 in the bar that night. 我只剩下七美元,那一晚在酒吧里就愚蠢地花掉了五美元。朗文写作活用〔bullshit〕To speak foolishly or insolently.胡说:说话愚蠢或鲁莽美国传统〔come〕To stop acting or speaking foolishly or pretentiously. Often used in the imperative.住口,别胡扯:停止动作或愚蠢地或狂妄地谈话。常用于祈使语气美国传统〔drivel〕She drivelled foolishly a few words.她傻乎乎地讲了几句话。21世纪英汉〔foolishly〕He foolishly ignored his parents' advice.他无视父母的建议,很愚蠢。韦氏高阶〔foolishly〕He admitted that he had acted foolishly.他承认自己的行为很愚蠢。外研社新世纪〔foolishly〕He admitted that he had acted foolishly.他承认自己的行为很愚蠢。柯林斯高阶〔foolishly〕He saw me standing there, grinning foolishly at him.他看到我站在那儿, 傻乎乎地咧着嘴冲他笑。外研社新世纪〔foolishly〕He saw me standing there, grinning foolishly at him.他看见我站在那里,傻乎乎地咧着嘴朝他笑。柯林斯高阶〔foolishly〕They have acted a little foolishly.他们做得有点愚蠢。外研社新世纪〔foolish〕Foolishly, I allowed myself to be persuaded to enter the contest.我竟傻乎乎地让人说服去参加比赛。牛津高阶〔foolish〕She foolishly agreed to go with them.她傻乎乎地同意跟他们去。朗文当代〔foolish〕We foolishly thought that everyone would speak English.我们真蠢,竟以为人人都会说英语。牛津高阶〔fuck〕To act carelessly, foolishly, or incorrectly.干蠢事:粗心地、愚蠢地、错误地行动美国传统〔fuck〕To act wastefully or foolishly.愚蠢地行动:无用或愚蠢地行动美国传统〔give ... away〕The politician gave away his best chance to the promotion when he foolishly said the wrong thing.这位政治家愚蠢地说错了话,失去了提升的最好机会。21世纪英汉〔infatuate〕To cause to behave foolishly.使糊涂:使愚蠢地做美国传统〔intent〕She behaved foolishly but with good intent.她干了蠢事,却是出于一片好意。朗文当代〔juvenility〕Foolishly juvenile behavior or character; immaturity.幼稚:愚蠢的稚气的行为或性格;不成熟美国传统〔negligently〕They may act foolishly or negligently.他们可能会干傻事或者大意行事。外研社新世纪〔one-sidedly〕He falls in love, hopelessly, one-sidedly, and foolishly.他无可救药地陷入了愚蠢的单恋。外研社新世纪〔pay for〕You have acted foolishly and you will pay for it.你干了些蠢事,你会因此而得到报应。21世纪英汉〔practical〕A practical person does not spend his time and money foolishly.一个有头脑的人是不虚度光阴也不胡乱花钱的。英汉大词典〔prattle〕To utter or express by chattering foolishly or babbling.唠叨:愚蠢地闲聊或叨唠以说出或表达…美国传统〔simply〕Not wisely or sensibly; foolishly.头脑简单地:不聪明地或不理智地;愚蠢地美国传统〔twit〕Slang A person regarded as foolishly annoying.【俚语】 白痴:傻得令人恼怒的人美国传统〔vaporing〕Foolishly bombastic; boastful.自夸的:愚蠢地夸夸其谈的;自夸的美国传统〔venture〕I venture that you are behaving foolishly.我冒昧说一句,你的做法很愚蠢。英汉大词典Foolishly, I didn't write the phone number down.我真愚蠢,没有把电话号码写下来。剑桥国际Don't do anything desperate (= foolishly risky)! 别做任何不必要的冒险的事。剑桥国际He acted foolishly in leaving without us.他愚蠢地离我们而去。剑桥国际He's been mooning over (= looking foolishly at) those holiday photos all afternoon.整个下午他都呆呆地望着那些假期里拍的照片。剑桥国际I've rather foolishly lost their address.我很愚蠢地把他们的地址给丢了。剑桥国际My boss let me have a day off last week, so I don't think I can push my luck/push it (= foolishly risk trying to achieve something that I know is not reasonable) and ask for more time off this week.上星期我老板让我歇了一天,所以我想不能贸然要求本周多休息些时间。剑桥国际She grinned foolishly at him. 她咧著嘴对他傻笑。译典通They have acted a little foolishly. 他们表现得有点傻。译典通




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