

单词 charter
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔OFFICIAL〕a charter to formalize patients’ rights in public health services 正式确定公共卫生服务中病人权利的宪章朗文写作活用〔amend〕amend the U.N. Charter 修改联合国宪章英汉大词典〔charter〕charter a bank 特许设立银行英汉大词典〔charter〕charter a boat for deep-sea fishing 租一条渔船进行深海捕捞英汉大词典〔charter〕charter a course of reform for the commission 核准委员会的改革方针英汉大词典〔charter〕charter a flight 包航班韦氏高阶〔charter〕charter an oil tanker.租用油轮美国传统〔charter〕a charter flight 包机航班剑桥高阶〔charter〕a charter flight 包机航班韦氏高阶〔charter〕a charter jet/yacht/aircraft 包租的喷气式飞机/包租的游艇/包机麦克米伦高阶〔charter〕a charter of rights 人权宪章剑桥高阶〔charter〕a charter of workers' rights 工人权利宪章牛津搭配〔charter〕a charter plane 包机英汉大词典〔charter〕a charter plane 包机韦氏高阶〔charter〕a charter service 包租服务朗文当代〔charter〕a German charter carrying 200 tourists 载着200名游客的德国包机麦克米伦高阶〔charter〕a blackmailer's charter 敲诈者可钻的法律空子牛津高阶〔charter〕a citizen's/patient's/parent's charter 公民/病人/父母的权利宪章麦克米伦高阶〔charter〕a corporate charter 企业凭照韦氏高阶〔charter〕a major charter operator 大包租运营公司剑桥高阶〔charter〕a national charter for the protection of animals 国家动物保护宪章牛津搭配〔charter〕a yacht available for charter 可供租赁的游艇牛津高阶〔charter〕an oil tanker on short-term charter 短期包租的油轮英汉大词典〔charter〕apply for a corporate charter 申请发给公司执照英汉大词典〔charter〕boats available for charter 可供包租的船朗文当代〔charter〕boats for charter 供租赁的船只剑桥高阶〔charter〕frequent charter flights to Spain.到西班牙的定期包机航班柯林斯高阶〔charter〕the Charter of the United Nations 联合国宪章英汉大词典〔charter〕the Environmental Charter 环境保护共同纲领麦克米伦高阶〔charter〕the European Union's Social Charter of workers' rights 保障工人权利的欧盟社会宪章牛津高阶〔charter〕the Social Charter of workers' rights.保障劳工权利的《社会宪章》柯林斯高阶〔charter〕the Social Charter of workers' rights保障工人权利的社会宪章外研社新世纪〔charter〕the United Nations Charter 联合国宪章牛津高阶〔charter〕the United Nations Charter 联合国宪章韦氏高阶〔charter〕the freedoms embodied in the UN charter 联合国宪章所体现的自由朗文当代〔charter〕the last charter plane carrying out foreign nationals.运送外国侨民出境的最后一架包机柯林斯高阶〔charter〕the town charter 城镇特许状韦氏高阶〔charter〕to charter an aircraft.包一架飞机。牛津同义词〔collective〕the UN charter committing member states to collective action联合国宪章使会员国承诺集体行动外研社新世纪〔enable〕a new charter for training to enable young people to make the most of their potential.能够使年轻人充分发挥潜能的新培训规章柯林斯高阶〔engrossment〕the engrossment of a charter 契据的写就英汉大词典〔ideal〕the democratic ideals embodied in the charter 宪章所体现的民主理想牛津搭配〔liberty〕a citizens' charter which gives people basic civil liberties 赋予公民基本自由的公民宪章牛津搭配〔right〕a new charter which establishes the rights and duties of citizens 确定公民权利和义务的新宪章朗文当代a charter airline 包机航线牛津商务a charter flight (= where a travel agency buys all the seats and sells them to its customers) 包机航班牛津商务a firm that specializes in charter flights 专营包机服务的公司牛津商务a yacht available for charter 可供租赁的游艇牛津商务the European Union's Social Charter of workers' rights 保障工人权利的欧盟社会宪章牛津商务




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