

单词 高空
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔accurately〕the technology to aim bombs accurately from aircraft. 高空精确投弹的技术柯林斯高阶〔act〕a comedy/juggling/trapeze act 一段喜剧/杂耍/高空秋千表演节目剑桥高阶〔altitude〕a jet cruising at an altitude of 35,000 feet 在海拔 35000 英尺高空巡航的喷气式飞机麦克米伦高阶〔altitude〕an airliner flying at high altitude一架在高空飞行的大型客机外研社新世纪〔artiste〕a flying trapeze artiste with the Kamala Circus卡马拉马戏团表演空中飞翔绝技的高空秋千演员外研社新世纪〔artist〕a trapeze artist 高空秋千表演者韦氏高阶〔elevation〕fly at an elevation of 8000 ft. 飞在8000英尺高空英汉大词典〔eyrie〕marooned in my 48th floor eyrie in the sky. 困在我那位于48层高空的家中柯林斯高阶〔float〕a balloon floating on high 在高空中飘浮的气球英汉大词典〔flying〕high [low] flying 高空[低空]飞行文馨英汉〔high-altitude〕a high-altitude rocket 高空火箭英汉大词典〔high-altitude〕high-altitude research 高空研究英汉大词典〔high-flying〕high-flying airplanes 在高空飞行的飞机韦氏高阶〔high-level〕a high-level attack 高空袭击英汉大词典〔high-level〕high-level turbulence 高空湍流英汉大词典〔high〕a high altitude.高空。牛津同义词〔high〕a high-flying airplane 在高空飞行的飞机韦氏高阶〔high〕beautiful sunny weather with just a few high clouds 高空中飘着几朵白云,晴朗宜人的天气麦克米伦高阶〔high〕fly high above 在高空飞翔英汉大词典〔high〕high flying 高空飞行英汉大词典〔high〕saw a plane high in the sky; prices that had gone too high. 看见高空中那架飞机;价格简直太高了美国传统〔high〕the clouds on high 高空中的云团韦氏高阶〔jack〕a lumberjack; a steeplejack. 伐木工人;高空作业工人美国传统〔jet stream〕unusual weather patterns caused by changes in the jet stream 由地球高空急流变化引发的异常天气韦氏高阶〔lofty〕a lofty flight 高空飞行英汉大词典〔monitor〕monitor the upper air to collect evidence of atomic explosions 检测高空空气以收集原子爆炸的证据英汉大词典〔or〕acrophobia, or fear of great heights 恐高症,也就是对高空的恐惧英汉大词典〔sickness〕climbers who suffer badly from altitude sickness 患严重高空病的登山者麦克米伦高阶〔skyrocket〕to skyrocket a plane把飞机猛地升上高空21世纪英汉〔soar〕to soar into the sky飞向高空21世纪英汉〔stunt〕to stunt on the highwire在高空钢丝绳上表演特技21世纪英汉〔tenuity〕the tenuity of the air in the higher regions of the atmosphere 高空大气层空气的稀薄英汉大词典〔trapeze〕a trapeze artist 高空秋千杂技演员麦克米伦高阶〔trapeze〕a trapeze artist 高空秋千表演者牛津高阶〔trapeze〕a trapeze artist/act 高空秋千艺人/表演韦氏高阶〔trapeze〕performing tricks on the trapeze 在高空秋千上表演特技韦氏高阶〔trapeze〕trapeze artists 高空秋千表演者剑桥高阶〔up〕a plane flying 30,000 feet up 在 30,000 英尺高空飞行的飞机朗文当代〔up〕be right up in the sky 就在高空中英汉大词典〔up〕fly 30,000 feet up 在3万英尺的高空飞行 英汉大词典




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