

单词 风霜
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bandy〕Otto was a farmer with bandy legs and a sad, weathered face.奥托是个农夫, 长着一双罗圈腿和一张饱经风霜的苦脸。外研社新世纪〔crimp〕His face was crimped by the hardships of his life.他的脸因饱经风霜而满布皱纹。21世纪英汉〔cut〕Mason cuts a battered but defiant figure.梅森显得饱经风霜,目中无人。朗文当代〔desiccate〕The old sailor's skin has desiccated from years of being out in the sun and the wind.由于老水手长年在外受日晒,饱经风霜,他的皮肤变干燥了。21世纪英汉〔deteriorate〕Time and elements deteriorated the monument.时间和风霜雨雪使纪念碑风化剥蚀。英汉大词典〔gnarled〕I met a gnarled old sea captain yesterday.我昨天遇到一位外表粗糙饱经风霜的老船长。文馨英汉〔operate〕The man was a young man. Life had not yet operated on his face.那个男子是个年轻人;生活的风霜对他的面容还没有什么影响。英汉大词典〔tone〕His face was weathered but had firm skin tone.他有一张饱经风霜的脸,但皮肤仍很坚实有力。英汉大词典〔weathered〕The man had a worn, weathered face.这个男人有张饱经风霜的脸。外研社新世纪A gnarled old tramp lay curled up on a park bench.一个饱经风霜的老年流浪汉蜷曲在公园的椅子上。剑桥国际He is tall, weather-beaten, short-haired and virile, not remotely effeminate.他个子高高,饱经风霜,剪着短发,男子气十足,一点女人气都没有。剑桥国际His grandfather had the weather-beaten features of an old sea dog.他祖父有一副老水手般饱经风霜的面容。剑桥国际




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