

单词 释放出
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FREE〕His supporters are demanding that he be freed from prison. 他的支持者要求把他从狱中释放出来。朗文写作活用〔HOT〕The reaction gives off tremendous heat. 那反应释放出巨大的热量。朗文写作活用〔IMPOSSIBLE〕When people leave prison, they often find it impossible to get a job. 从监狱里释放出来的人常常发现找不到工作。朗文写作活用〔POSSIBLE〕He could possibly be released from prison within three years. 他可能在三年内被释放出狱。朗文写作活用〔TELL〕Only the king has the power to order her release from prison. 只有国王有权下令把她从监狱里释放出来。朗文写作活用〔absorb〕A household radiator absorbs energy in the form of electric current and releases it in the form of heat.家用取暖器吸收电流能量,再以热量的形式释放出来。柯林斯高阶〔act on〕The gases are released when sunlight acts on artificial compounds like chlorofluorocarbons.阳光作用于含氯氟烃这样的人工化合物时, 就会释放出多种气体。外研社新世纪〔agency〕She was freed from prison through the agency of her doctor.在她的医生的推动下,她被释放出狱。剑桥高阶〔bail〕A day after he was released from jail, he decided to jump bail and leave the country.从狱中释放出来一天后,他就决定弃保潜逃,离开这个国家。韦氏高阶〔beta particle〕A high-speed electron or positron, especially one emitted in radioactive decay.β粒子:一种高速电子或质子,主要在放射衰变中释放出美国传统〔bomb〕Any of various weapons detonated to release destructive material, such as smoke or gas.毒气弹:通过爆炸释放出例如烟或气的毁坏性物质的各种武器美国传统〔breathe out〕The creature breathed out a noxious green gas.那种动物释放出一种有毒的绿色气体。外研社新世纪〔brisance〕The shattering effect of the sudden release of energy in an explosion.爆炸威力,震力:爆炸时能量突然释放出来造成的毁灭性的效果美国传统〔chimney〕A passage through which smoke and gases escape from a fire or furnace; a flue.烟道:烟和煤气从火焰或火炉中释放出来的通道;烟道美国传统〔coal gas〕The gaseous mixture released by burning coal.煤气:由灼热的煤释放出的气体混合物美国传统〔combust〕As the fuels were combusting they gave off noxious vapors.当燃料在燃烧时,它们释放出有毒的烟美国传统〔contact〕When water comes into contact with air, carbon dioxide is released.水和空气接触,二氧化碳就释放出来了。朗文当代〔coulometry〕An analytical method for determining the amount of a substance released during electrolysis in which the number of coulombs used is measured.库仑测定法,电量测定法:一种分析方法,用测量消耗的库仑数来测定电解过程中释放出的物质的量美国传统〔decomposed〕The fertiliser releases nutrients gradually as bacteria decompose it.随着细菌的分解,肥料逐渐释放出各种营养成分。柯林斯高阶〔dehiscence〕Botany An opening at definite places at maturity to release or expose the contents, such as seeds from a fruit or pollen from an anther.【植物学】 开裂,裂开:到达成熟期时在一定的位置裂开的口子,以释放或显露出内含物,如从果实的裂口处释放出来的种子或从花粉囊中散发出的花粉美国传统〔discharge〕Electricity To cause the release of stored energy or electric charge from (a battery, for example).【电学】 放电:使(如蓄电池)所蓄的电或能量释放出来美国传统〔discharge〕Release of stored energy in a capacitor by the flow of current between its terminals.放电:在电容器存储能量通过两端间的电流流动而释放出来美国传统〔dispose〕The body releases a chemical that disposes you towards sleep.体内释放出一种使人昏昏欲睡的化学物质。朗文当代〔endotoxin〕A toxin produced by certain bacteria and released upon destruction of the bacterial cell.内毒素:由某些特定细菌产生并在该细菌细胞裂变时释放出来的一种毒素美国传统〔enemy〕The skunk releases a pungent smell to deter the enemy.臭鼬释放出刺鼻的气味阻止敌人靠近。牛津搭配〔free〕I need to free up some of the disk space on my computer.我需要在我计算机上释放出一些磁盘空间。朗文当代〔fusion〕Physics A nuclear reaction in which nuclei combine to form more massive nuclei with the simultaneous release of energy.【物理学】 核聚变:一种由原子核结合成更大的核,同时释放出能量的核反应美国传统〔gas〕It gives off a poisonous gas as it decomposes.它分解时释放出一种有毒气体。牛津搭配〔getter〕Hydrogen may be gettered by and reliberated from magnesium.氢能为镁吸收,也能从镁中重新释放出来。英汉大词典〔give off〕Substances such as ammonia give out heat when they dissolve.诸如氨气之类的物质在溶解时会释放出热量。柯林斯高阶〔give〕The radiator gives out a lot of heat.散热器释放出大量的热。牛津高阶〔gland〕Female ants release pheromones from their scent glands.雌蚁的臭腺中能释放出信息素。牛津搭配〔going to prison〕He was released from prison.他被释放出狱了。韦氏高阶〔heat of combustion〕The amount of heat released per unit mass or unit volume of a substance when the substance is completely burned.燃烧热:每单位质量或体积的物质完全燃烧后所释放出的热量美国传统〔heat〕The seas store heat and release it gradually during cold periods.海洋储存热量,并在寒冷季节里慢慢地把它释放出来。柯林斯高阶〔hemolysin〕An agent or a substance, such as an antibody or a bacterial toxin, that causes the destruction of red blood cells, thereby liberating hemoglobin.溶血素:破坏红血细胞从而释放出血红蛋白的一种媒介或物质,如抗体或细菌毒素美国传统〔hold in〕Don't hold your feelings in. Let them out.不要压抑你的情感,让它们释放出来。韦氏高阶〔iodophor〕A substance consisting of iodine and a solubilizing agent that releases free iodine when in solution.碘递体;碘载体:含有碘和一种溶解质的物,能在溶液中释放出游离状态的碘美国传统〔liberate〕All the gas is liberated on boiling.沸腾时气体全部释放出来了。英汉大词典〔liberate〕Nuclear energy is liberated as a result of nuclear fission.原子能因核裂变而释放出来了。21世纪英汉〔magnitude〕Geology A measure of the amount of energy released by an earthquake, as indicated on the Richter Scale.【地质学】 震级:衡量地震释放出能量大小的单位,例如按里氏标准表示出来的级别美国传统〔microcapsule〕A small, sometimes microscopic capsule designed to release its contents when broken by pressure, dissolved, or melted.微胶囊,微囊体:小团胶囊,在压力、溶解或熔化时破裂释放出所含物质美国传统〔noxious〕Many household products give off noxious fumes.许多日用品会释放出有害气体。外研社新世纪〔patch〕Oestrogen patches deliver a low steady state of oestrogen.雌激素膏药释放出低量且稳定的雌激素。外研社新世纪〔personality〕She has brought out her husband's personality since their relationship began.从他们谈恋爱以来,她就让丈夫完全释放出其个性。牛津搭配〔petition〕Her lawyer has already filed a petition for her immediate release from prison.她的律师早就向法院提出申请,要求马上把她从监狱中释放出来。麦克米伦高阶〔phlogiston〕A hypothetical substance formerly thought to be a volatile constituent of all combustible substances released as flame in combustion.燃素,热素:原来假设的在所有燃烧物质中挥发性的一种物质成分,在燃烧中作为火焰而被释放出来美国传统〔photorespiration〕Oxidation of carbohydrates in plants with the release of carbon dioxide during photosynthesis.光呼吸(作用):在光合作用过程中,植物释放出二氧化碳,同时体内碳氢化合物氧化美国传统〔place〕He was released from jail and placed on probation.他被从监狱释放出来,获得缓刑。韦氏高阶〔plume〕Ecology A space in air, water, or soil containing pollutants released from a point source.【生态学】 含污染质的空气:空气、水或土壤中含有从一个点状源释放出的污染物的空间美国传统〔pollen tube〕The slender tube formed by the pollen grain that penetrates an ovule and releases the male gametes.花粉管:由穿透胚珠并释放出雄性配子的花粉粒形成的细管美国传统〔prodigious〕Some galaxies seem to release prodigious amounts of energy.一些星系似乎释放出巨大的能量。朗文当代〔put out〕This small radiator puts out a surprising amount of heat.这台小小的散热器释放出惊人的热量。韦氏高阶〔releasability〕He was released from prison after serving a sentence of five years.他在服刑五年后从狱中释放出来。21世纪英汉〔releasability〕The energy released by the nuclear reaction is transformed into heat.核反应中释放出来的能被转变为热。21世纪英汉〔release from〕They had just been released from prison.他们刚刚被释放出狱。外研社新世纪〔release〕An authoritative discharge, as from an obligation or from prison.释放:官方释放,如从义务或监狱中释放出来美国传统〔release〕Cooking the grain will release the starch from the outside coating.蒸煮稻谷可以把其表层的淀粉释放出来。麦克米伦高阶〔release〕During exercise, the body releases chemicals in the brain that make you feel better.运动过程中,身体在大脑中释放出令人感觉良好的化学物质。韦氏高阶〔release〕Exercise triggers the release of chemicals in the brain that make you feel better.运动促使大脑释放出能令人感觉良好的化学物质。韦氏高阶〔release〕He was released from prison after serving two years of a five-year sentence.他被判5年徒刑,但是服刑两年后就被释放出狱了。剑桥高阶〔release〕Her early release from prison led to a demonstration.她被提前释放出狱,这引起了一场游行示威。剑桥高阶〔respiratory quotient〕The ratio of the volume of carbon dioxide released to the volume of oxygen consumed by a body tissue or an organism in a given period.呼吸比:在特定时间内,一身体组织或一有机体所释放出的二氧化碳量和所消耗的氧气量的比例值美国传统〔send〕Dangerous chemical fumes were sent out by the explosion.爆炸释放出危险的化学浓烟。麦克米伦高阶〔snap〕The sudden release of something held under pressure or tension.突然释放:把在压力或张力之下的东西突然释放出来美国传统〔sound〕Sir Patrick attempted to sound a positive note, describing the meeting as serving a useful purpose.帕特里克爵士极力释放出一种积极的论调, 称此次会议很有价值。外研社新世纪〔street〕The jury believed him and he was allowed to return to the street.陪审团相信了他的话,他便被释放出狱了。英汉大词典〔stress〕Earthquakes happen when stresses in rock are suddenly released as the rocks fracture.当岩石碎裂时其承受的压力突然释放出来,地震就发生了。柯林斯高阶〔target〕A usually metal part in an x-ray tube on which a beam of electrons is focused and from which x-rays are emitted.X射线靶,对阴极:X射线管中通常为金属的部分,该部分被一束电子所瞄准并释放出X射线美国传统〔thousand〕The sun’s rays can give up to one thousand volts of electrical energy per square meter.太阳的射线能释放出每平方米一千伏的电能。外研社新世纪〔throw off〕The belt may make a squealing noise and throw off sooty black particles of rubber.传送带会发出刺耳的噪音并释放出乌黑的橡胶颗粒。柯林斯高阶〔throw off〕The star grew 30% brighter and threw off huge amounts of radiation.那颗星的亮度增加了 30%并释放出大量辐射。柯林斯高阶〔unlock〕His teachers did not unlock his full potential.他的老师没有释放出他全部的潜能。外研社新世纪〔untie〕The prisoners were untied.囚犯们被释放出来。21世纪英汉〔vomitory〕An aperture through which matter is discharged.输出口,喷嘴:物体被释放出的开口美国传统Gluten enables dough to rise when baking, by trapping bubbles of carbon dioxide produced by the yeast in the mixture.在酵母释放出的二氧化碳气泡的作用下,面筋使面团在烘烤时膨胀变大。剑桥国际He's stayed out of trouble since he was released from jail last year.自从去年从监狱里释放出来,他就不再捣乱了。剑桥国际Her early release from prison led to a demonstration.她被提前释放出狱引发了一场示威游行。剑桥国际She has campaigned relentlessly to secure her husband's release from prison.她锲而不舍地奔走努力争取她丈夫释放出狱。剑桥国际She was freed from prison by / through the agency of her doctor (=her doctor worked to free her).她通过她医生的活动从监狱中被释放出来。剑桥国际The financier was released from jail last week.那名金融家上周从监狱里释放出来。剑桥国际




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