

单词 采集
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔berry〕berry for strawberries 采集草莓英汉大词典〔bouquet〕gathered a posy of violets. See also Synonyms at fragrance 采集一束紫罗兰 参见同义词 fragrance美国传统〔capture〕data capture 数据采集牛津高阶〔collectable〕collectable specimens 可采集到的标本英汉大词典〔collection〕a collection of minerals 一批采集来的矿物英汉大词典〔collection〕the collection and analysis of information 信息的采集和分析麦克米伦高阶〔collection〕the systematic collection of data 系统的数据采集牛津搭配〔collect〕solar panels for collecting energy from the sun 采集太阳能的太阳能电池板朗文当代〔culture〕to do/take a throat culture 采集喉部培养细胞牛津高阶〔fish〕fish for pearls 采集珍珠英汉大词典〔gatherer〕a gatherer of data/information 数据/信息采集者韦氏高阶〔gatherer〕prehistoric hunters and gatherers 史前的狩猎者和采集者牛津高阶〔gathering〕hunting and food gathering 狩猎和食物采集韦氏高阶〔gathering〕methods of information gathering 信息采集的各种方法牛津高阶〔gathering〕the gathering of data 数据采集韦氏高阶〔gather〕to gather wild flowers 采集野花牛津高阶〔harvest〕to harvest the desert for oil在沙漠中采集石油21世纪英汉〔hunter-gatherer〕a tribe of hunter- gatherers 游猎采集部落韦氏高阶〔kindling〕gather kindling 采集引火柴英汉大词典〔newborn〕an instrument for taking a sample of blood from a newborn从新生儿身上采集血样的仪器外研社新世纪〔news〕gather news 采集新闻英汉大词典〔nut〕go nutting 去采集坚果文馨英汉〔picking〕pickings Something or a group of things that are or may be picked. pickings 采摘物;采集量:已采集或可被采集的物体或一群物体美国传统〔pollen〕bees gathering pollen 正在采集花粉的蜜蜂牛津搭配〔primal〕the primal hunter-gatherer 原始狩猎采集者牛津高阶〔reap〕gathering mushrooms; 采集蘑菇;美国传统〔spawn〕her passion for collecting frog spawn. 她对采集蛙卵的热爱柯林斯高阶〔swab〕to take a throat swab 用棉签从咽部采集化验样品牛津高阶〔tapper〕a rubber tapper 采橡胶工人(或橡胶采集器)英汉大词典




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