

单词 飞出
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ENJOY〕The ball flew out of the stadium, and the Boston fans hugged each other in ecstasy. 球飞出了球场,波士顿队的球迷欣喜若狂地互相拥抱。朗文写作活用〔WORD/PHRASE/SENTENCE〕Do you remember this old proverb: ‘When poverty comes in the door, love flies out of the window’? “贫穷走进门来,爱情飞出窗外”这句古谚语你记得吗?朗文写作活用〔absolutely〕You must be absolutely silent or the birds won't appear.你必须绝对安静,不然鸟儿就不会飞出来。剑桥高阶〔affright〕These birds from their secret haunts affright the quiet of the night.从暗藏的鸟窝里飞出的这些鸟儿使寂静的黑夜显得害怕。21世纪英汉〔ball〕The ball flew over the fence.球飞出了围挡。牛津搭配〔belt〕He belted the ball right out of the park.他用力一击,球迳直飞出了球场外。牛津高阶〔bomb〕The planes flew 200 miles to bomb their target.飞机飞出200英里去轰炸目标。韦氏高阶〔carelessness〕With a careless flip of his wrists, he sent the ball quickly on its way.他手腕轻轻一抖,球就飞出去了。柯林斯高阶〔catapult〕He was catapulted into the side of the van.他被弹飞出去,撞在货车的侧面。柯林斯高阶〔catapult〕We've all seen enough dummies catapulting through windscreens in TV warnings to know the dangers of not wearing seat belts.在电视里,假人穿过挡风玻璃飞出去的警示镜头我们见得多了,知道不系安全带的危险。柯林斯高阶〔clear〕The plane cleared Chinese airspace.这架飞机飞出了中国领空。朗文当代〔coo〕Pigeons fluttered in and out, cooing gently.鸽子们低声咕咕地叫着,扑扇着翅膀飞进飞出。柯林斯高阶〔coo〕Pigeons fluttered in and out, cooing gently.鸽子拍打着翅膀飞入飞出, 轻声地咕咕叫着。外研社新世纪〔debris〕She was hit on the head by flying debris.她给飞出的碎片击中了头部。牛津搭配〔disengage〕The spaceship will disengage from the jet, fire a rocket, and head out of the atmosphere.航天器将与喷气式飞机相脱离, 使火箭点火, 然后飞出大气层。外研社新世纪〔fairly〕The dog fairly flew out of the door to greet him.这条狗简直是飞出门去迎接他的。剑桥高阶〔finesse〕She finessed in trumps.她飞出王牌。外研社新世纪〔flight〕A flight of green parrots shot out of the cedar forest.一群绿鹦鹉从杉木林里疾速飞出。柯林斯高阶〔flight〕A flight of green parrots shot out of the cedar forest.一群绿鹦鹉从雪松林中疾速飞出。外研社新世纪〔flush〕To dart out or fly from cover.飞出,惊起:从隐匿处冲出或飞出美国传统〔fly〕The canary flew out of its cage.那只金丝雀飞出笼子。文馨英汉〔gone〕The outfielder went back to the fence and jumped, but the ball was gone.外野手后退到外野围栏处跳起接球,但球已飞出去了。韦氏高阶〔needlessly〕Our budgie got out of its cage while our cat was in the room. Needless to say, the cat moved quicker than me and caught it.我们的虎皮鹦鹉飞出鸟笼的时候,猫正好在室内。不用说,猫比我快,抓住了它。柯林斯高阶〔pass〕The airplane passed out of sight.飞机飞出了视线。韦氏高阶〔playable〕The ball was out-of-bounds and no longer playable.球飞出界了,不能再打了。韦氏高阶〔pupa〕The pupae remain dormant in the soil until they emerge as adult moths in the winter.蛹蛰伏在土壤中,直到冬天它们才蜕变成蛾子飞出来。柯林斯高阶〔sail〕A bottle sailed out to crash in the centre of the street.一只瓶子飞出来摔碎在街心。英汉大词典〔shag〕Baseball To chase and catch (fly balls) in practice.【棒球】 在练习中追赶并捡回(飞出的球)美国传统〔shoot〕To fire or let fly (a missile) from a weapon.发射:开火或让(一个投射物)从武器中飞出美国传统〔skeet〕A form of trapshooting in which clay targets are thrown from traps to simulate birds in flight and are shot at from different stations.双向飞碟射击:象征飞行中的小鸟的泥靶从弹射器中飞出,并从不同方向被射击的一种飞碟射击形式美国传统〔sling〕A weapon consisting of a looped strap in which a stone is whirled and then let fly.投石器:一种武器,有一根环状的带子,其中放有一块石头,抡开后让石头飞出去美国传统〔soar〕The ball soared out of the stadium.球一下子飞出了体育场。韦氏高阶〔spark〕A shower of sparks flew up the chimney.烟囱里飞出无数火星。牛津高阶〔swarm〕A dark cloud of bees comes swarming out of the hive.黑压压的一大群蜜蜂从蜂巢中飞出来。柯林斯高阶〔twist〕The ball twisted swiftly from the pitcher's hand.球从投手手中快速旋转飞出。21世纪英汉〔welly〕He wellied the ball over the bar.他一脚猛射,球从横梁上飞出。牛津高阶〔well〕The plane was well out of sight.飞机早已飞出了视线。韦氏高阶As twilight fell they could just see the bats swooping in and out from under the roof.夜幕降临时,他们看见蝙蝠从屋顶下飞进飞出。剑桥国际Flight BA174, dep. Heathrow 07.45.英国航空公司174航班从希思罗机场起飞出发时间为07###∶45。剑桥国际Sparks were flying out of the bonfire and blowing everywhere.篝火中飞出很多火花,迸得到处都是。剑桥国际The child was killed by flying debris after the bomb exploded.小孩被炸弹爆炸后飞出的碎片杀死了。剑桥国际The dog fairly flew out of the door to greet him.这只狗几乎是飞出门去迎接他。剑桥国际




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