

单词 集合的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔algebra〕A set together with operations defined in the set that obey specified laws.代数集合:一个集合及符合特定运算规律的该集合的运算法则美国传统〔closed〕Characterized by or possessing the property by which an operation acting on an element in a set produces an element within the set.封闭集合的:特征是通过系统内作用于某元素的反应在系统内生成一种元素美国传统〔collective〕Assembled or accumulated into a whole.集合的:集合、聚积成一整体的美国传统〔complement〕Logic Mathematics For a universal set, the set of all elements in the set that are not in a specified subset.【逻辑学】 【数学】 补集:对任意一个集合,这个集合的所有元素不共存在于它的任一子集合美国传统〔congregate〕Gathered; assembled.聚集的;集合的美国传统〔congregational〕Of or relating to a congregation.集合的:集合的或与之有关的美国传统〔congregation〕The act of assembling.集合:集合的行为美国传统〔herbarium〕A place or an institution where such a collection is kept.植物标本室,植物标本馆:存放这种集合的地方或机构美国传统〔linear independence〕The property of a set with the coefficients of another set of having no linear combinations equal to zero unless all of the coefficients are equal to zero.线性独立,线性无关:一集合的特性,在具有线性系数的情况下,不具有元素的线性,结合等于零的特性,除非每个元素的系数都为零美国传统〔map〕Mathematics To establish a mapping of (an element or a set).【数学】 对应:建立一个(一个元素或集合的)映射美国传统〔muster〕The persons assembled for such a gathering.集合的人员美国传统〔null〕Mathematics Of or relating to a set having no members or to zero magnitude.【数学】 空的,零的:空元集合的,关于空元集合,为零的美国传统〔open〕Of, relating to, or being a set such that at least one neighborhood of every point in the set is within the set.开集合的:指集合中的每一个点都有一个邻域,而且这些点全部在此集合中的美国传统〔open〕Of, relating to, or being a set that is the complement of a closed set.余集合的美国传统〔partition〕An expression of a positive integer as a sum of positive integers.正整数式:用一个正整数来表示正整数总集合的表达方式美国传统〔reveille〕The sounding of a bugle early in the morning to awaken and summon people in a camp or garrison.起床号,早操列队号:清晨唤起营地或驻地里的人们集合的号音美国传统〔ribbing〕Ribs considered as a group.肋材:被视为集合的肋状物美国传统〔roll-call〕The students were roll-called in their rooms to save them the trouble of having to assemble.学生们在各自的屋里接受点名,省了集合的麻烦。英汉大词典〔vesper〕A bell that summons worshipers to vespers.晚祷钟:提醒祈祷者集合的钟美国传统




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