

单词 路中央
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CAUSE〕A dog ran into the road, causing the cyclist to swerve. 一条狗跑到马路中央,使那个骑车人突然急转。朗文写作活用〔DIG〕The workmen began digging a hole in the middle of the road. 工人开始在路中央挖一个洞。朗文写作活用〔FAR〕The car was parked in the middle of the street, nowhere near the curb. 这辆汽车停在路中央,离路缘很远。朗文写作活用〔bang〕The car came to a halt bang in the middle of the road.那辆汽车正好停在了路中央。剑桥高阶〔caper〕He cut a little celebratory caper(= jumped or danced a few steps)in the middle of the road.他高兴得在路中央又蹦又跳的。牛津高阶〔dump in〕Don't dump that waste in the middle of the path!别把那些垃圾倒在路中央!21世纪英汉〔hoot〕It felt good to drive down the middle of the road, hooting at every junction.在马路中央直驱而行,每到交叉路口就摁喇叭,这样开车感觉真好。柯林斯高阶〔mark〕What do those marks in the middle of the road mean? 路中央的那些标识是什么意思?剑桥高阶〔middle〕He was standing in the middle of the road.他正站在路中央。剑桥高阶〔middle〕The car stopped in the middle of the road.这辆车停在了路中央。韦氏高阶〔road〕A dog was sitting in the middle of the road, so we stopped.路中央蹲着一条狗,所以我们停了下来。牛津搭配〔road〕Someone was standing in the middle of the road .有人站在路中央。朗文当代〔sleepwalk〕He once sleepwalked to the middle of the road outside his home at 1 a.m.有一次,他在凌晨1点钟梦游走到了家门外的马路中央。柯林斯高阶〔streak〕A white cat streaked out into the middle of the road.一只白猫蹿到了路中央。外研社新世纪〔traumatized〕He left her in the middle of the road, shaking and deeply traumatized.他把她丢在路中央,任她浑身发抖,惊骇失神。柯林斯高阶A cow stood in the middle of the road, calmly chewing the cud.一头牛立在路中央,不紧不慢地咀嚼着反刍食物。剑桥国际An injured dog lay in the middle of the road, howling with/in pain.一只受伤的狗躺在路中央,痛苦地嗥叫着。剑桥国际Don't walk in the middle of the road. Get back onto the path.不要走在大路中央。回人行道上来。剑桥国际The middle of the road is not a good place to stop.路中央不是停靠的好地方。剑桥国际We found a hurt dog lying in the road, and took it to the vet.我们看见在路中央躺着一只受伤的狗,便把它带到了兽医诊所。剑桥国际We met a runaway horse trotting down the middle of the road.我们遇见一匹脱缰的马,沿着路中央慢跑。剑桥国际You'll get run over if you stand in the road like that.如果你像那样站在路中央,你会被汽车撞倒的。剑桥国际




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