

单词 近两年
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔August〕The last two Augusts have been very dry.最近两年的八月天气都很干燥。韦氏高阶〔GOVERNMENT〕The newspaper, La Prensa, was shut down for nearly two years because of its criticism of government policies. 《新闻报》这份报纸因为批评政府的政策被关闭了将近两年。朗文写作活用〔SELL〕Gail has been the firm's top saleswoman for the last two years. 近两年盖尔一直是公司的最佳推销员。朗文写作活用〔STEAL〕The court was told that Julie had been embezzling funds for the last two years. 法庭获知朱莉最近两年一直在盗用公款。朗文写作活用〔WAR〕Europe had been at war for nearly two years. 欧洲已经打了将近两年的仗。朗文写作活用〔cup final〕Manchester United has won the FA (= Football Association) Cup Final for the last two years in a row.曼彻斯特联队连续赢得了最近两年的足协杯决赛的胜利。剑桥高阶〔detain〕He has been detained without trial for nearly two years now.他未经审判就被拘押,到现在已将近两年。牛津搭配〔e.g.〕Give details of relevant work experience during the last two years, e.g. weekend or holiday jobs.请详细列出最近两年内相关的工作经历,例如周末兼职或假期打工。麦克米伦高阶〔fail〕He has been failing in health for the last two years.近两年来,他的健康情况每况愈下。英汉大词典〔go〕The elephant goes with young nearly two years.大象怀胎期近两年。英汉大词典〔grind〕The argument ground on for almost two years.这场争论拖拖拉拉持续了近两年。牛津高阶〔leave of absence〕She has been on leave of absence for almost two years.她已休假近两年。韦氏高阶〔nearly〕I've worked here for nearly two years.我已经在这里工作了将近两年。牛津高阶〔nearly〕We lived there for nearly two years.我们在那里住了将近两年。韦氏高阶〔pen〕The desire to travel has been pent up for the last two years.近两年来心中老是憋着想出门旅行的念头。英汉大词典〔reopen〕The museum has reopened after nearly two years of reconstruction.经过近两年的重建,博物馆重新开放。剑桥高阶〔return〕This race announces the successful return of Johnson, who has been out of the international scene for almost two years.这场比赛宣告了约翰逊在告别国际体坛近两年后成功回归。牛津搭配〔staggered〕Truman allowed him to stagger on for nearly another two years.杜鲁门允许他又硬撑了近两年。柯林斯高阶〔tour〕He toured for nearly two years and played 500 sell-out shows.他巡回演出了近两年时间, 500场演出场场爆满。外研社新世纪〔tour〕He toured for nearly two years and played 500 sell-out shows.他巡回演出了近两年,500场演出场场爆满。柯林斯高阶〔treble〕Their profits have trebled in the last two years.他们的利润在最近两年里增加了两倍。朗文当代〔war〕The war raged for nearly two years.激烈的战争持续了将近两年。牛津搭配He has spent the last two years researching into how to improve the engine's performance.他把最近两年时间用于研究如何提高发动机的性能。牛津商务The community has dwindled to a tenth of its former size in the last two years.近两年,该社区的规模缩小到以前的十分之一。剑桥国际The fight against inflation has been going on for almost two years. 抑制通货膨胀的抗斗已展开近两年了。译典通




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