

单词 至上主义
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GREEDY〕They disliked the materialism of the West and went to live in Nepal. 他们厌恶西方的物质至上主义,去了尼泊尔生活。朗文写作活用〔RACE〕Many white supremacists have chosen to set up compounds in unpopulated areas of the American West. 许多白人至上主义者选择在美国西部无人居住的地区建立聚居地。朗文写作活用〔aestheticism〕The doctrine that beauty is the basic principle from which all other principles, especially moral ones, are derived.艺术至上主义:认为美是基本原则,是其他原则特别是道德原则产生之源泉的学说美国传统〔individualism〕The doctrine that the interests of the individual should take precedence over the interests of the state or social group.个人利益至上主义:认为个人的利益高于国家或集体利益的信念美国传统〔materialism〕Crass materialism causes people to forget spiritual values.俗不可耐的物质至上主义使人们忘记精神范畴各种有价值的东西。英汉大词典〔sexism〕He was accused of being a sexist.他被指责为男性至上主义者。韦氏高阶〔supremacist〕One who believes that a certain group is or should be supreme.至上主义者:认为某一群体是或应是至高无上的美国传统〔white supremacist〕One who believes that white people are racially superior to others and should therefore dominate society.白人至上主义者:相信白种人在人种上优于其它人种因此应该由其管辖社会的人美国传统〔white supremacist〕White supremacists were convicted of hate crimes.白人至上主义者被判犯有仇恨罪行。韦氏高阶He has a supremacist attitude towards members of other racial groups.他对其他种族成员持种族至上主义态度。剑桥国际I have been accused of many things, but sexism was never one of them. 我曾经遭到多项指控,但男性至上主义并不是其中之一。译典通




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