

单词 峭壁
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔beetle〕a cliff that beetles over a narrow path 高悬在小道上方的峭壁英汉大词典〔beneath〕a house built beneath a cliff 建造在峭壁下的房子英汉大词典〔bluff〕a high bluff over the Congaree River. 康加里河边高耸的峭壁柯林斯高阶〔bluff〕a high bluff over the Congaree River康加里河上的一处悬崖峭壁外研社新世纪〔bounce〕a falling pebble, bouncing down the eroded cliff. 从饱受侵蚀的峭壁弹落下来的卵石柯林斯高阶〔brink〕the brink of the cilff 峭壁边缘英汉大词典〔cap〕magnificent cliffs capped by lovely wild flowers 崖顶山花烂漫的巍峨峭壁朗文当代〔chalk〕chalk cliffs 白垩质峭壁朗文当代〔chalk〕the chalk cliffs of southern England 英格兰南部的白垩质峭壁牛津高阶〔chalk〕the highest chalk cliffs in Britain英国最高的白垩峭壁外研社新世纪〔cliff〕a castle perched high on the cliffs above the river 高高耸立在临河峭壁上的城堡牛津高阶〔cliff〕rock climbers scaling steep cliffs 攀登峭壁的攀岩者韦氏高阶〔cliff〕the chalk cliffs of southern England 英格兰南部的白垩质峭壁牛津高阶〔cling〕houses clinging precariously to sheer cliffs 在峭壁上摇摇欲坠的房子牛津搭配〔dominate〕a village nestled under a dominating crag 隐匿在高耸峭壁下的村庄英汉大词典〔face〕a cliff face 悬崖峭壁麦克米伦高阶〔face〕the face of a cliff = a cliff face 峭壁的正面韦氏高阶〔ironbound〕ironbound coasts. 峭壁围绕的海岸美国传统〔leap〕a waterfall leaping from a cliff 从峭壁上喷泄出的瀑布英汉大词典〔limestone〕high limestone cliffs. 高耸的石灰岩峭壁柯林斯高阶〔loom〕the dim loom of the cliffs 悬崖峭壁模糊的巨影英汉大词典〔perpendicular〕perpendicular cliffs 峭壁麦克米伦高阶〔precipice〕a house perched high on a stony precipice高高坐落在石崖峭壁上的房子外研社新世纪〔precipice〕the precipice made by the steep side of the mountain 山的陡侧所形成的峭壁英汉大词典〔precipitate〕a precipitate cliff 悬崖峭壁英汉大词典〔precipitous〕precipitous cliffs 险峻的峭壁牛津高阶〔rappel〕rappel down a cliff 用绕绳下降法沿峭壁而下英汉大词典〔sandstone〕sandstone cliffs. 砂岩峭壁柯林斯高阶〔scraggy〕scraggy cliffs. 崎岖的峭壁美国传统〔steep〕a steep cliff 绝壁,峭壁文馨英汉〔towering〕great towering cliffs 宏伟高耸的峭壁朗文当代〔towering〕towering cliffs of black granite which rise straight out of the sea. 从海里突兀而起的参天的黑色花岗岩峭壁柯林斯高阶〔tunnel〕tunnel the cliff 开凿峭壁隧洞英汉大词典〔vertical〕a gorge lined with vertical cliffs 峭壁林立的峡谷朗文当代〔vertical〕a perpendicular escarpment; 垂直的峭壁;美国传统〔vertical〕a vertical cliff 陡直的峭壁英汉大词典〔vertiginous〕vertiginous cliffs that rise out of the Baltic. 波罗的海周边耸立的悬崖峭壁柯林斯高阶〔wall off〕a ring of cliffs that walled off the surrounding wilderness. 把它同四周荒野隔开的一圈峭壁柯林斯高阶〔wash〕a sea-washed cliff 受海水冲蚀的峭壁英汉大词典〔whisker〕a cliff whiskered with stunted trees 长着矮小树木的峭壁英汉大词典




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