

单词 节拍
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔cacophonous〕the cacophonous beat of pop music. 流行音乐刺耳的节拍柯林斯高阶〔cacophonous〕the cacophonous beat of pop music流行音乐的刺耳节拍外研社新世纪〔dance to〕to dance to music按音乐节拍跳舞21世纪英汉〔drum〕drum a strange beat 击出奇怪的节拍英汉大词典〔even〕an even tempo 均匀的节拍英汉大词典〔insistently〕the insistent rhythms of the Caribbean and Latin America. 加勒比海与拉丁美洲经久不息的韵律节拍柯林斯高阶〔insistent〕the insistent rhythms of the Caribbean and Latin America持续不断的加勒比海和拉美音乐节拍外研社新世纪〔insistent〕the music's insistent rhythm 音乐持续不断的节拍朗文当代〔number〕numbers Archaic Musical periods or measures. numbers 【古语】 音乐的乐节或节拍美国传统〔pulsate〕the pulsating beat of Latin American dance music拉丁美洲舞蹈音乐有规则的节拍21世纪英汉〔pulse〕the music's throbbing pulse 那乐曲的强烈节拍英汉大词典〔regularly〕a very regular beat. 非常规律的节拍柯林斯高阶〔rhythm〕duple meter). 双重节拍)。 美国传统〔section〕the rhythm section; the woodwind section. 节拍的部分;木管乐器组美国传统〔senza〕senza tempo 不拘节拍英汉大词典〔strong〕a strong beat 强烈的节拍英汉大词典〔syncopated〕syncopated beats 切分音节拍韦氏高阶〔time〕a slow waltz time 缓慢的华尔兹节拍牛津高阶〔time〕keep in time with the music 合着音乐的节拍 英汉大词典〔time〕waltz (march) time 圆舞曲(进行曲)节拍英汉大词典〔vary〕vary a musical tempo. 改变音乐节拍美国传统〔yield〕yield oneselfup to the rhythm of a waltz 忘情地跟着华尔兹舞曲的节拍跳舞英汉大词典




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