

单词 孢子堆
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔sorus〕A cluster of sporangia borne on the underside of a fern frond.孢子堆:蕨类植物的叶子下方所长的一串孢子囊美国传统〔telium〕A pustulelike sorus formed on the tissue of a plant infected by a rust fungus and producing teliospores.冬孢子堆:在被锈病菌感染的植物的组织上形成的并产生冬孢子的疱状的芽孢囊群美国传统〔uredinium〕A reddish, pustulelike structure that is formed on the tissue of a plant infected by a rust fungus and produces uredospores.夏孢子堆:一种微红色的脓疱状结构,主要形成于受锈菌感染的植物组织上,并产生夏孢子美国传统〔uredospore〕A reddish spore that is produced in the uredinium of a rust fungus and that spreads to and infects other host plants.夏孢子:锈菌夏孢子堆产生的红色孢子,并能扩展并感染其他寄生植物美国传统〔uredostage〕The stage of a rust fungus in which uredinia are produced.夏孢子期:锈菌产生夏孢子堆的时期美国传统




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