

单词 孢子
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Ceclor〕A trademark used for the drug cefaclor.头孢子素:抗生素名,头孢氯、塞弗克络药剂的商标美国传统〔acervulus〕A tiny cushionlike or blisterlike structure produced by certain fungi on a plant host and consisting of a mass of hyphae-bearing asexually produced spores.分生孢子层:很小的垫状或疱状结构,由植物上寄生的真菌产生,包括由菌丝无性生殖的孢子美国传统〔aeciospore〕A binucleate spore of a rust fungus, formed in a chainlike series in an aecium.锈孢子:锈菌的双核孢子,在锈孢子器中形成链状系列美国传统〔aecium〕A cuplike structure of some rust fungi that contains chains of aeciospores.锈孢子器:含有锈孢子链的一些锈菌的杯状结构美国传统〔aeroallergen〕Any of various airborne substances, such as pollen or spores, that can cause an allergic response.空气过敏原:能导致过敏性反应的各类空气传播的物质,如花粉或孢子美国传统〔aerobiology〕The study of the sources, dispersion, and effects of airborne biological materials, such as pollen, spores, and microorganisms.空气生物学:关于空气传播的生物物质,例如花粉、孢子和微生物之起源、分散以及影响的学科美国传统〔agamete〕An asexual reproductive cell, such as a spore.无性生殖体:一种无性生殖细胞,如孢子美国传统〔amphithecium〕The outer layer of cells of the spore-containing capsule of a moss.蒴周层:藓类孢子囊的外层细胞美国传统〔annulus〕A ring or group of thick-walled cells around the sporangia of many ferns that functions in spore release.环带:蕨类植物孢子囊周围具有释放孢子功能的环或一组细胞壁很厚的细胞美国传统〔antheridium〕A sperm-producing organ occurring in seedless plants, fungi, and algae.孢子囊,精子囊:无籽植物,菌类植物和藻类植物的孢子囊美国传统〔apospory〕The development of a gametophyte directly from a sporophyte without the occurrence of meiosis or spore formation.无孢子形成,无孢子生殖,无孢子状态:没有经过减数分裂或孢子形成而直接由孢子体进行的配子体发育美国传统〔apothecium〕A disk-shaped or cup-shaped ascocarp of some lichens and the fungi Ascomycetes.子囊盘,裸子器:某些地衣和子囊菌的盘状或杯状子囊孢子美国传统〔ascospore〕A sexually produced fungal spore formed within an ascus.子囊孢子:在子囊内形成由有性生殖产生的真菌孢子美国传统〔ascus〕A membranous, often club-shaped structure in which typically eight ascospores are formed through sexual reproduction of ascomycetes.子囊:一种膜质的,常是棍状的结构,典型的结构中经由子囊菌的有性生殖形成的八个子囊孢子美国传统〔basidiospore〕A sexually produced fungal spore borne on a basidium.担孢子:生在一个担子上的有性繁殖的真菌孢子美国传统〔bird's-nest fungus〕Any of various fungi having a cuplike body containing several round, egglike stuctures that enclose the spores.鸟巢菌:一种具有杯状躯体,含有包围孢子的圆形、蛋形结构的真菌美国传统〔bite〕When an infected mosquito bites a human, spores are injected into the blood.感染病毒的蚊子叮咬人之后,孢子便被注入血液中。柯林斯高阶〔blastospore〕A fungal spore produced by budding.芽生孢子:芽生的真菌孢子美国传统〔capsule〕The thin-walled, spore-containing structure of mosses and related plants.荚膜孢蒴:指苔藓及与其有关植物的壁薄含孢子结构美国传统〔chlamydospore〕A thick-walled, asexual fungal spore that is derived from a hyphal cell and can function as a resting spore.厚垣孢子:一种由菌丝细胞形成、细胞壁很厚的无性真菌孢子,能起休眠孢子的作用美国传统〔coccidium〕Any of various parasitic protozoans belonging to the order Coccidia and responsible for a disease of the alimentary canal in livestock, fowl, and human beings.双孢子球菌:任一种由寄生虫引起的原生动物,属于孢子球菌属,引起家畜、家禽和人类营养管道的疾病美国传统〔cone〕A similar structure that produces spores on club mosses, horsetails, and spike mosses.球果结构:在石松、木贼和穗状苔藓植物上产生孢子的类似的结构美国传统〔conidiophore〕A specialized fungal hypha that produces conidia.分生孢子:一种能产生分生孢子特殊真菌菌丝美国传统〔conk〕A hard, shelflike, spore-bearing structure of certain wood-decaying fungi, found on stumps, logs, or trees.木腐菌:一种生于某些腐烂树木上的坚硬、片状并带有孢子的结构,常见于树桩、伐木或树上美国传统〔cyst〕Botany A thick-walled resting spore, as in certain algae or fungi.【植物学】 包囊:一种厚壁休眠孢子,如在某些海藻或者真菌中美国传统〔dispersal〕Plants have different mechanisms of dispersal for their spores.植物传播孢子的方法各不相同。柯林斯高阶〔endospore〕A small asexual spore, as that formed by some bacteria.内生孢子:一种小的无性孢子,如那些由某些细菌所形成的孢子美国传统〔endosporium〕An endospore.内生孢子美国传统〔fern seed〕The dustlike spores of ferns, formerly believed to be seeds and once thought to have the power of making their possessor invisible.(蕨类的)孢子:象灰尘似的过去被认为是种子的蕨的孢子,也曾被认为会产生一种使其拥有者隐身的力量美国传统〔fern〕Any of numerous flowerless, seedless vascular plants having roots, stems, and fronds and reproducing by spores.蕨,蕨类植物:数量较大的有根、茎以及复叶的无花、无子管状植物,通过孢子再生美国传统〔fertile〕Botany Bearing functional reproductive structures such as seeds or fruit or material such as spores or pollen.【植物学】 具有生殖结构的:如种子、果实或类似孢子或胚种等有结果或再生功能结构的美国传统〔foot〕Botany The base of the sporophyte in mosses and liverworts.【植物学】 发状根:苔藓和地铁孢子体的基部美国传统〔gleba〕The fleshy, spore-bearing inner mass of a puffball.产孢体,产孢组织:马勃菌内部多肉质的产孢子的集合体美国传统〔heterosporous〕Producing two types of spores differing in size and sex.具异形孢子的:产生大小与性别不同的两种孢子的美国传统〔homosporous〕Producing spores of one kind only.只产生同种孢子的美国传统〔hymenium〕The spore-bearing layer of the fruiting body of certain fungi, containing asci or basidia.子实属:某些真菌的果实的带有孢子的层面,含有子囊或者孢子室美国传统〔ingestion〕The spores can also be ingested through open wounds.孢子也可以通过未包扎的伤口吸收。柯林斯高阶〔ingest〕The spores can be ingested through open wounds.孢子可以通过开放的创口吸收。外研社新世纪〔male〕Relating to or designating organs, such as anthers or antheridia, that produce gametes capable of fertilizing those produced by female organs.雄性的:表明是或与某种器官组织有关的,此组织可以产生使雌性组织产生的配子受精的配子,如花药或孢子植物精子囊美国传统〔mazaedium〕A fruiting body of some lichens in which the spores lie freely in a powdery mass that is enclosed in a peridium.(地衣孢子的)粉状物:一些地衣的子实体在它内部孢子自由分布于一个被包于子壳内的粉状团美国传统〔megasporogenesis〕The formation of megaspores.大孢子发生:大孢子的形成美国传统〔merozoite〕A protozoan cell that arises from the schizogony of a parent sporozoan and may enter either the asexual or sexual phase of the life cycle.裂殖子:亲本孢子虫通过裂殖法产生的原生动物细胞,能开拓新的无性或有性生命循环美国传统〔microsporangium〕A structure in which microspores are formed.小孢子囊:小孢子在其中形成的结构美国传统〔monogenesis〕Asexual reproduction, as by sporulation.无性繁殖,如孢子的形成美国传统〔nidus〕A cavity where spores develop.孢窝:孢子生长发育的洞美国传统〔nucellus〕The central portion of an ovule in which the embryo sac develops; the megasporangium.珠心:胚珠的中心,胚芽囊在此发育;大孢子囊美国传统〔oidium〕A thin-walled spore produced by fragmentation in certain filamentous fungi.粉孢子:由丝状真菌断裂而产生的裹有薄壁的孢子美国传统〔oocyst〕A thick-walled structure in which sporozoan zygotes develop and that serves to transfer them to new hosts.孢子:一种外壁很厚的组织,孢子在这里受精发育,再把他们转入新的个体中美国传统〔oospore〕A fertilized female cell or zygote, especially one with thick chitinous walls, developed from a fertilized oosphere.卵孢子:一种受精的雌性细胞或合子,尤指异配生殖产生的一种休眠孢子美国传统〔palynology〕The scientific study of spores and pollen.孢粉学:关于孢子和花粉的科学研究美国传统〔perithecium〕A small flask-shaped fruiting body in ascomycetous fungi that contains the ascospores.子囊壳:某些含有子囊的孢子囊菌的瓶状小实体美国传统〔polyzoic〕Forming or consisting of a colony of zooids.形成一群游动孢子的,或由一群游动孢子构成的美国传统〔portobello〕A mature, very large cremini mushroom.波多白洛大蘑菇:成熟的,非常大的双孢子蘑菇美国传统〔powdery mildew〕Any of various fungi, especially of the family Erysiphaceae, that produce powdery conidia on the host surface.白粉菌:一种能在寄主表面产生粉状分生孢子的真菌,尤指白粉菌科真菌美国传统〔prothallus〕A small, flat, delicate structure produced by a germinating spore and bearing sex organs. It is the gametophyte of ferns and some other plants.原叶体:一种由孢子萌发产生的小而平面脆弱的结构,带有生殖器官它是蕨类和其它一些植物的配子体美国传统〔protonema〕The green, filamentous growth that arises from spore germination in liverworts and mosses and eventually gives rise to a mature gametophyte.原丝体:由叶苔或苔藓的孢子萌芽发展而成的绿色丝状生长物,最终发展成配子体美国传统〔protozoan〕Any of a large group of single-celled, usually microscopic, eukaryotic organisms, such as amoebas, ciliates, flagellates, and sporozoans.原生动物:大批单细胞的,通常要在显微镜下才能看到的真核细胞有机体中的任何一种,包括变形虫、纤毛虫和孢子虫美国传统〔pycnidium〕A flask-shaped asexual structure containing conidia, found in certain fungi.分生孢子器:含分生孢子的瓶状无性生殖的结构,发现于某种真菌中美国传统〔resting〕Botany Dormant. Used especially of spores that germinate after a prolonged period.【植物学】 休眠的。尤用于经过长时期后发芽的孢子美国传统〔schizogenous〕Relating to or characterized by schizogony.关于或具有裂殖生殖特点的(如孢子)美国传统〔schizogony〕Reproduction by multiple asexual fission, characteristic of many sporozoans.裂殖生殖:通过多种无性裂变的生殖,许多孢子虫具有此特点美国传统〔schizont〕A sporozoan cell produced by schizogony.裂殖体:由裂殖生殖产生的孢子虫细胞美国传统〔sorus〕A cluster of sporangia borne on the underside of a fern frond.孢子堆:蕨类植物的叶子下方所长的一串孢子囊美国传统〔spermagonium〕A cup-shaped cavity or receptacle in which the spermatia of certain lichens and fungi are produced.(锈菌)性孢子器:某些地衣或真菌的性孢子在其中产生杯状的空腔或容器美国传统〔sporangiophore〕A stalk of a sporangium.孢子的主茎美国传统〔sporeling〕A young plant produced by a germinated spore.孢子苗:由发芽孢子生成的幼小植物美国传统〔spore〕To produce spores.产生孢子美国传统〔sporicide〕An agent used to kill spores.杀孢子剂:一种用于杀孢子的化学试剂美国传统〔sporiferous〕Producing spores.产孢子的美国传统〔sporocarp〕A multicellular structure in which spores are formed, especially in red algae and certain fungi and slime molds.孢子果,子实体:形成孢子的多细胞结构,尤其在红藻类和某种真菌以及液状的霉中美国传统〔sporocarp〕A receptacle containing sporangia, as in the pepperwort.含孢花:一种包含担孢子的花托,如在苹中美国传统〔sporocyst〕A protective case or cyst in which sporozoites develop and from which they are transferred to different hosts.孢子囊:一种保护囊,孢子虫发育于此并由此而转变成不同的寄主或宿主美国传统〔sporocyst〕A resting cell that produces asexual plant spores.孢母细胞:一种产生无性植物孢子的分裂休止细胞美国传统〔sporocyte〕A cell that produces haploid spores during meiosis.孢囊、孢子被:一种在成熟分裂时产生单倍体孢子的细胞美国传统〔sporogenesis〕Production or formation of spores.孢子形成或产生美国传统〔sporogenesis〕Reproduction by means of spores.孢子生殖:通过孢子再生美国传统〔sporont〕An organism or a cell produced by sporogony, especially in the life cycle of various parasitic microorganisms.孢细胞:由孢子生殖产生的器官或单细胞,尤其在各种寄生在微生物的生命周期中美国传统〔sporophore〕A spore-bearing structure, especially in fungi.子实体、孢子体:产生孢子的结构,尤在真菌中美国传统〔sporophyte〕The spore-producing phase in the life cycle of a plant that exhibits alternation of generations.孢子生成期:在植物世代交替的生命周期中形成孢子的阶段美国传统〔sporoplasm〕An infective mass of protoplasm within a spore that is injected into a host cell by various parasitic microorganisms.孢子原生质:一种传染性的孢子内原生质,该孢子通过寄生微生物可被注入囊状细胞中美国传统〔sporopollenin〕A polymer that constitutes the outer wall of spores and pollen grains.孢壁聚合物:形成孢子外壁和花粉物的聚合质美国传统〔sporozoite〕Any of the minute undeveloped sporozoans produced by multiple fission of a zygote or spore, especially at the stage just before it infects a new host cell.孢子体、子孢子:一种由受精卵或孢子的成熟分裂而产生的微小的未发育的孢子物,尤指在未感染一个新的寄生细胞阶段美国传统〔sporulate〕To produce or release spores.产生或释放孢子美国传统〔sterigma〕A slender projection of the basidium of some fungi that bears a basidiospore.担子柄:生有担孢子的某些真菌的担子的细长突出美国传统〔sterile〕Not producing or incapable of producing seed, fruit spores, or other reproductive structures. Used of plants or their parts.不结果的:不产生或不能产生种子、果实孢子或其它繁殖结构的。用于植物或其部分美国传统〔tetrad〕Botany A group of four cells, as of spores or pollen grains formed by division of one mother cell.【植物学】 四分体:四个一组的来自母细胞分裂的细胞,如孢子或花粉粒美国传统〔tetrasporangium〕A unicellular sporangium found in certain red algae in which four tetraspores are produced from meiosis.四分孢子囊:在某一红藻中发现的单细胞孢子,它在减数分裂中产生四个四分孢子美国传统〔tetraspore〕One of four spores produced from a tetrasporangium.四分孢子:产于四分孢子囊中的四个孢子之一美国传统〔theca〕A case, covering, or sheath, such as the pollen sac of an anther, the spore case of a moss, or the outer covering of the pupa of certain insects.壳,鞘:盖,表层或鞘,如花药的花粉囊,苔藓的孢子壳或菜昆虫的蛹外壳美国传统〔trophozoite〕A protozoan, especially of the class Sporozoa, in the active stage of its life cycle.营养子,滋养子,营养体:尤指孢子纲的处于其生命周期活跃期的原生动物美国传统〔uredinium〕A reddish, pustulelike structure that is formed on the tissue of a plant infected by a rust fungus and produces uredospores.夏孢子堆:一种微红色的脓疱状结构,主要形成于受锈菌感染的植物组织上,并产生夏孢子美国传统〔uredospore〕A reddish spore that is produced in the uredinium of a rust fungus and that spreads to and infects other host plants.夏孢子:锈菌夏孢子堆产生的红色孢子,并能扩展并感染其他寄生植物美国传统〔uredostage〕The stage of a rust fungus in which uredinia are produced.夏孢子期:锈菌产生夏孢子堆的时期美国传统〔urn〕Botany The spore-bearing part of a moss capsule.【植物学】 盖果基,蒴壶:苔藓类植物的孢蒴里长孢子的部分美国传统〔zoarium〕The aggregate of zooids that make up a colonial or compound organism.苔藓虫类菌落:形成集群或复合有机体的簇集游动孢子美国传统〔zooid〕An organic cell or organized body that has independent movement within a living organism, especially a motile gamete such as a spermatozoon.游动孢子:在有机体内可以独立运动的生物细胞或有组织结构的肢体,特别指能动的配子,例如精子美国传统〔zoosporangium〕A sporangium in which zoospores develop.游动孢子囊:游动孢子繁殖的孢子囊美国传统〔zygospore〕A large multinucleate spore formed by union of similar gametes, as in algae or fungi.接合孢子:由相似的配子结合而成的多核大孢子,如在海藻或真菌中美国传统In dry weather mosses suddenly scatter their spores.在干燥天气中,苔藓的孢子会突然扩散开。剑桥国际This group of bacteria have the ability to change into a dormant form called a spore if the cell starts to run out of food.如果细胞开始缺少食物,这类细菌就能进入休眠状态,这称为孢子。剑桥国际




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