

单词 航程
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BOOKS〕In the 1837 journal, Darwin gives an account of his voyage to South America. 达尔文在1837年的日记中记录了他去南美洲的航程。朗文写作活用〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕The new aeroplane would rival its competitors in terms of noise, range and versatility. 这种新型飞机在噪音、航程和用途方面可以与它的竞争对手匹敌。朗文写作活用〔NewWorld〕Christopher Columbus's voyage of discovery to the New World 克里斯托弗‧哥伦布发现新大陆的航程朗文当代〔PROBABLY〕It's pretty stormy! I think we're in for a rough flight. 风相当大!我想我们这次航程会很颠簸。朗文写作活用〔VISIT〕The flight to Australia takes 28 hours but we stop over in Singapore for a night. 去澳大利亚的飞机航程是28小时,但我们中途会在新加坡停留一晚。朗文写作活用〔chronicle〕Columbus kept a careful and detailed chronicle of his voyages.哥伦布仔细而详尽地顺序记录了他的各次航程。英汉大词典〔cut〕A new direct service will cut two hours off the flying time between London and Seoul.新开设的直航服务将使伦敦到首尔间的航程缩短两小时。朗文当代〔departure〕Nautical The distance sailed due east or west by a ship on its course.【航海】 航程:船在其航线上朝正东或正西方航行的距离美国传统〔flight〕Did you have a good flight? 你的航程顺利吗?牛津搭配〔flight〕I hope you enjoy the flight.希望你航程愉快。牛津搭配〔flight〕The bumpy flight brought on a bout of airsickness.颠簸的航程让人产生晕机反应。牛津搭配〔flight〕The distance covered in such motion.航程:这种运动所经过的距离美国传统〔flight〕The outbound flight was smooth.离港的航程很平稳。牛津搭配〔hand luggage〕You are entitled to one piece of hand luggage per flight.每次航程你可以携带一件手提行李。韦氏高阶〔hop〕It's just a short hop from Cleveland to Detroit.从克利夫兰到底特律的航程很短。朗文当代〔impede〕Storms at sea impeded our progress .海上风暴阻碍了我们的航程。朗文当代〔interminable〕The flight seemed interminable.航程好像没完没了。牛津搭配〔last〕The flight seemed to last forever.飞行航程好像没完没了。牛津搭配〔leg〕Nautical The distance traveled by a sailing vessel on a single tack.【航海】 一段船泊行程:帆船在一个抢风直驶中所行的一段航程美国传统〔leg〕The part of an air route or a flight pattern that is between two successive stops, positions, or changes in direction.一段飞行航程:位于两个连续的降落、位置或方向转变之间的飞行航线或飞机航程图的一部分美国传统〔meaning〕The word "flight" has two different meanings: a plane journey, and the act of running away.flight 一词有两个不同的意思:航程和逃跑。剑桥高阶〔midcourse〕The part of a missile flight between the end of the launching phase and reentry, during which corrective maneuvers are made.航程中段,中途:中间经过调整的导弹从发射到返回的全部飞行过程中的一部分美国传统〔onward〕Ticket prices include your flight and onward rail journey.票价包括您的飞行航程和接续的铁路旅费。牛津高阶〔passage〕During the passage, she taught herself basic Arabic.她在航程中自学了基本的阿拉伯语。牛津搭配〔passage〕If the men resigned, they had to pay their outward passages.如果这些男人辞职,他们必须支付他们外出航程的费用。牛津搭配〔passage〕The passage across to Belfast was one of the roughest I've known.据我所知, 跨海去贝尔法斯特是最艰难的航程之一。外研社新世纪〔passage〕We had a stormy passage to India.到印度的航程中,我们经历了暴风雨。牛津搭配〔range〕The bomber has a range of some 3,500 miles.这种轰炸机航程可达3 500英里左右。英汉大词典〔reach〕Nautical The tack of a sailing vessel with the wind abeam.【航海】 横风行驶:吹横风时行船的航程美国传统〔retrace〕They are hoping to retrace the epic voyage of Christopher Colu mbus.他们期待着沿哥伦布的壮丽航程进行一次航行。牛津高阶〔rudder〕A similar structure at the tail of an aircraft, used for effecting horizontal changes in course.方向舵:飞机的尾部的与船舵类似的结构,用于影响航程中水平方向的变化美国传统〔spent〕Nautical Of or relating to a vessel at the end of a voyage, with fuel, stores, and water consumed and cargo discharged.【航海】 完成使命的船的:航程完毕,燃料、食物贮存以及贮水已消耗,货物已卸下的船只的,或与这样的船只有关的美国传统〔tack〕The distance or leg sailed between changes of position or direction.抢风航程:在改变位置或方向的过程中航行过的距离或航程美国传统〔victual〕The captain victualed his ship for the voyage.船长为他的船储备食物,以备航程中食用。21世纪英汉〔visibility〕We set a course in good visibility and calm seas.我们确定了一条能见度好、风浪小的航程。牛津搭配〔voyage〕The voyage from England to India used to take 6 months.从英国到印度的航程过去要花6个月时间。英汉大词典Hydrofoils run instead of ferries on some routes, halving the journey time but doubling the cost.水翼船代替摆渡船在一些路线上行驶,将航程时间缩短了一半,但费用却增加了一倍。剑桥国际It's two days'sail/It's a two-day sail (= a journey of two days by sea) from here to the nearest island.从这儿到最近的岛屿有两天的航程。剑桥国际The range of the military jets can be extended by in-flight refuelling.军用喷气机的航程在空中加油之后能延长。剑桥国际The worst part of the ocean transit was now over. 远洋航程里最困难的一段已经过去了。译典通They were subjected to various indignities and discomforts throughout the voyage, including having to get dressed and undressed in public.在全航程中他们不得不做各种有损尊严和难受的事,包括当众穿衣和脱衣。剑桥国际This nuclear submarine just completed a transoceanic voyage from the U.S. to Japan. 这艘核子潜艇刚完成了从美国到日本的越洋航程。译典通




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