

单词 警察
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ASK〕The police interrogated Waters for 24 hours until he confessed. 警察审问了沃特斯24小时,直至他招认了。朗文写作活用〔BUT〕In the US it is normal for the police to carry guns, but not in Britain. 在美国,警察带枪是很正常的,但在英国就不行。朗文写作活用〔FEEL〕Robins criticized the investigation during an impassioned speech outside police headquarters. 罗宾斯在警察总局外作了情绪激昂的演讲,批评那次调查。朗文写作活用〔FOLLOW〕She complained to the police officer that she was being followed by two strangers. 她向警察投诉说有两个陌生人在跟踪她。朗文写作活用〔GAME〕We used to play at cops and robbers. 我们以前常玩警察与小偷的游戏。朗文写作活用〔HIDE〕With the police closing in, he had no one to help him and no place to hide. 警察越追越近,他没有人帮助,也没有地方藏身。朗文写作活用〔PAY〕Do you really think the cops can't be bought off? 你真的以为无法买通警察吗?朗文写作活用〔PROVIDE/SUPPLY〕Police in Britain are not usually issued with guns. 英国的警察通常不配给枪。朗文写作活用〔RECOGNIZE〕The local policeman is now a familiar figure in our school. 那位本地警察现在经常来访我们学校。朗文写作活用〔SIGN〕I turned to see a large policeman gesturing for us to move along. 我转身看到一位身材高大的警察做着手势示意我们往前开。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕All conversation ceased as the two police officers entered. 两名警察进来,所有谈话都停止了。朗文写作活用〔STRICT/NOT STRICT〕Some police officers have criticized judges for being too lenient with car thieves and burglars. 一些警察指责法官对盗车贼和入室行窃的人量刑太轻。朗文写作活用〔VIOLENT〕There was a violent protest outside the court, and a police officer was injured. 法院门外出现暴力抗议,一名警察受伤。朗文写作活用〔WEAPON〕The majority of people still do not believe we should arm our police force. 大部分人仍然不认为我们应当为警察配备武器。朗文写作活用〔accidentally〕A policeman accidentally killed his two friends with a single bullet.一名警察无意中用一颗子弹打死了他的两个朋友。外研社新世纪〔alley light〕A searchlight mounted on the side or top of a police patrol car or other such motor vehicle, used for sideways illumination.探照警灯:一种架在警察巡逻车或其它类似车辆侧面或顶部的探照灯,用于两侧照明美国传统〔application〕He pioneered the application of scientific techniques to police work.他率先尝试将科学技术运用到警察工作上。麦克米伦高阶〔blast〕A massive car bomb blasted the police headquarters.一枚威力巨大的汽车炸弹炸毁了警察总部。麦克米伦高阶〔blockade〕The police set up blockades on highways leading out of the city.警察在出城的公路上设了路障。牛津高阶〔body〕Police later found a body.警察后来发现了一具尸体。外研社新世纪〔burst〕The cops burst the door open.警察猛然把门打开。韦氏高阶〔by〕The policewoman walked by without saying a word.那个女警察没说一句话就走过去了。剑桥高阶〔carry〕Police in many countries carry guns.许多国家的警察都带枪。牛津高阶〔challenge〕We were challenged by police at the border.我们在边境受到警察盘问。牛津高阶〔chin〕When the police arrived he took it on the chin and apologised for the trouble he'd caused them.警察赶来时,他坦然为自己给他们造成的麻烦表示歉意。柯林斯高阶〔complicity〕The policemen were sentenced to death for their complicity in the murder.这些警察因串谋杀人被判处死刑。外研社新世纪〔condemnation〕The shooting of the police officer has received universal condemnation.枪杀警察事件受到了大众的一致谴责。剑桥高阶〔confrontation〕Thirteen people were injured following violent confrontations with the police.与警察发生暴力冲突后有13人受伤。麦克米伦高阶〔consultation〕The police chiefs will hold a consultation with all the relevant groups.警察局长们将同所有相关群体举行协商会议。牛津搭配〔corruption〕The investigation uncovered widespread corruption within the police force.这项调查揭发出了警察机关内部普遍的腐败。朗文当代〔counterargument〕The students considered demonstrating for free elections, but their country's secret police provided a powerful counterargument.学生们考虑过为自由竞选而示威,但国家的秘密警察使他们不得不打消这个念头美国传统〔defend〕Police chiefs strongly defended police conduct against a wave of criticism.针对批评的浪潮,警察局长们极力为警方的行为进行辩护。柯林斯高阶〔detain〕The police detained the man to make further inquiries.警察将这人拘留,作进一步审查。英汉大词典〔dissension〕The incident has caused a lot of dissension within/in the police department.这一事件在市警察局里引起众多纷争。韦氏高阶〔divisional〕An alarm links the police station to the divisional headquarters.在部门总部和警察局之间连有警报器。柯林斯高阶〔dodge〕The car made a quick dodge up a side road to avoid the police.汽车急急闪入岔路避开警察。英汉大词典〔employ〕The police employed force to break up the crowd.警察使用暴力驱散群众。英汉大词典〔fabricate〕All four claim that officers fabricated evidence against them.4 人全都声称警察捏造证据陷害他们。柯林斯高阶〔fear〕Ordinary people lived in fear of being arrested by the secret police.老百姓生活在恐惧中,害怕被秘密警察逮捕。朗文当代〔firebomb〕Rioters armed with firebombs set light to police barricades.持有燃烧弹的暴徒放火点燃了警察设置的路障。剑桥高阶〔fit ... up〕I don't take the jewels——the police have fitted me up.我没有拿珠宝——警察诬陷了我。21世纪英汉〔flicker〕The police stamped out the last flickers of freedom.警察把最后的一点儿自由全都扼杀了。牛津搭配〔get wind of〕The police got wind of the plans to rob the bank.警察获悉了抢劫银行的计划。21世纪英汉〔gravely〕A policeman was gravely injured in the incident.一名警察在这次事故中受伤很严重。外研社新世纪〔hoosegow〕The cops threatened to throw him in the hoosegow.警察威胁说要把他关进监狱。韦氏高阶〔hotbed〕The police department was a hotbed of corruption.警察部门曾是腐败的温床。剑桥高阶〔hysterical〕By the time the police arrived, the victim had become hysterical.警察赶到时,受害人已经变得情绪失控。韦氏高阶〔law〕The speeding motorist was pinned to the ground by angry locals who took the law into their own hands until police arrived.愤怒的当地人以暴代法——将超速司机强行按在地上,直至警察赶来。柯林斯高阶〔limb〕The police were lucky they found him before I did. I would have torn him limb from limb.警察很幸运,比我先找到了他。不然我真会把他大卸八块的。柯林斯高阶〔line-up〕She picked him out of a line-up at the police station.她在警察局将他从待辨认的一队嫌疑人中挑了出来。外研社新世纪〔marshal〕Police were brought in to marshal the crowd.警察奉命来维持秩序。牛津高阶〔note〕One policeman was clearly visible noting the number plates of passing cars.能清楚地看到一名警察记下了经过车辆的车牌号。柯林斯高阶〔outnumber〕The demonstrators were heavily outnumbered by the police.示威者人数远不及警察人数。牛津高阶〔paramilitary〕Paramilitary police units are taking part in rescue efforts.准军事警察部队正在参与营救行动。柯林斯高阶〔passer-by〕The gunmen opened fire, killing a policeman and a passer-by.持枪者开枪打死了一名警察和一位路人。剑桥高阶〔pinch〕The police found the gun when they made the pinch.警察搜捕时发现了枪。英汉大词典〔plant〕She claims that the police planted the drugs on her.她声称这些毒品是警察给她栽的赃。朗文当代〔prowl〕The police caught him prowling around the neighbourhood.警察发现他在附近出没。麦克米伦高阶〔rail〕The police railed off the area where the accident happened.警察用围栏把事发现场隔开。朗文当代〔rain〕A rain of stones descended on the police.一阵乱石砸向警察。外研社新世纪〔renew〕Police renewed their appeal for witnesses.警察再次呼吁目击证人出来作证。朗文当代〔replay〕The police replayed the video of the robbery in court.警察在法庭上重放了抢劫过程发生时的监控录像。剑桥高阶〔ring〕He rang up the police station.他给警察局打了电话。牛津高阶〔rogues' gallery〕A collection of pictures of known and suspected criminals maintained in police files and used for making identifications.罪犯照片集:由警察部门归档用于确认身份的罪犯和嫌疑犯的照片集美国传统〔second〕During the dispute, many police officers were seconded from traffic duty to the prison service.在争端期间,很多警察从交通管理岗位上被抽调出来,派去监狱。剑桥高阶〔set〕He denied the charges, saying the police had set him up.他否认那些指控,说警察冤枉他了。牛津高阶〔shoot it out〕The escaped convict shot it out with the police.逃犯和警察死拼。韦氏高阶〔shoot〕The police rarely shoot to kill(= try to kill the people they shoot at).一般来说,警察开枪不是要打死人。牛津高阶〔sight〕He tried to break into a car in full sight of a policeman.他就在警察眼皮子底下试图撬车而入。牛津搭配〔sound〕The policeman gave him a sound reprimand.警察把他狠狠训了一顿。英汉大词典〔squad room〕A room in a police station where officers assemble, as for assignment or briefing.集合厅:警察局中下达简令或分配任务的集合厅美国传统〔squirm out of〕He squirmed out of the site as soon as the policemen appeared.警察一出现,他马上溜掉了。21世纪英汉〔start up〕They started up in the business as a private detective after he left the police.在他辞掉警察工作后,他们开始从事私人侦探业务。21世纪英汉〔start〕Mahoney gets himself killed and starts the police off on a hunt for the murderer.马奥尼被杀了,这件事促使警察开始追捕凶犯。麦克米伦高阶〔tailgate〕Police pulled him over doing 120km/h, making rapid changes and tailgating.警察令他把车靠边停下,因为他的时速高达 120 公里还一直快速变道、紧贴行驶。柯林斯高阶〔threatening〕I shall call the police and charge you with threatening behaviour.我要叫警察了,控告你的威胁性行为。英汉大词典〔torture〕Many of the rebels were captured and tortured by secret police.反叛者中许多人被捕并遭受到秘密警察的酷刑。牛津高阶〔tow away〕Police or traffic wardens can tow away vehicles parked illegally.警察或者交通管理员可以拖走违法停放的车辆。外研社新世纪〔tow〕The police towed my car because it was parked illegally.因为违章停车,警察把我的车拖走了。韦氏高阶〔training〕Police drivers have to undergo intensive training .警察驾驶员们都得接受强化训练。朗文当代〔tread〕A policeman walked by with a slow, measured tread.一名警察迈着小心的步子慢慢走了过去。牛津搭配〔version〕The official version of events is that the police were attacked and were just trying to defend themselves.事件的官方说法是警察受到了攻击,他们只是想自卫。剑桥高阶〔visibility〕We need to increase the visibility of the police in these inner-city areas.我们需要使警察在这些市中心地区更加引人注目。麦克米伦高阶〔wise〕The police has wised up their game.警察识破了他们的鬼把戏。21世纪英汉After a three-day siege, the terrorists who had seized the restaurant gave themselves up to the police.经过了三天的围困,占据饭馆的恐怖分子向警察投降。剑桥国际An unruly crowd of demonstrators suddenly turned riotous as the police appeared.一群难控制的游行示威者在警察出现时突然骚乱起来。剑桥国际Being stopped for speeding was Jo's first brush with the law (= experience of being in trouble with the police).乔第一次同警察打交道是因超速而被拦住。剑桥国际It was interesting hearing about his experiences as a policeman.听他讲当警察的经历很有意思。剑桥国际Many people were injured in the vicious fighting that broke out between the demonstrators and the police.很多人在那场示威者与警察之间发生的激烈搏斗中受了伤。剑桥国际Riot police were patrolling the streets of South London last night after violence erupted at an anti-racist march.在反种族主义游行中爆发了暴力事件之后,防暴警察昨晚在伦敦南部的街道上巡逻。剑桥国际She was dossing in doorways until the police picked her up.她睡在门道口,直到警察把她抓起来。剑桥国际Tell them your father's a policeman--that'll put the wind up them! 告诉他们你父亲是一个警察----那会使他们感到害怕!剑桥国际The crowd scattered when the police charged. 当警察冲过来时,人群便散开了。译典通The police fished a body out of the river this morning.今天早晨警察在河里捞出一具尸体来。剑桥国际The police warned us not to go out at night. 警察告诫我们夜间不要出门。译典通The police who broke into the house were only acting on/under instructions.破门而入的警察仅仅是奉命行事。剑桥国际The policeman jabbed at the criminal with his fist. 警察用拳猛击罪犯。译典通The policeman was grappling with two men.这警察与两个人格斗。剑桥国际The policemen are now on patrol. 警察正在巡逻。译典通We slowed down / up because we saw the police.因为看到了警察,我们减慢了速度。剑桥国际




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