

单词 公然
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔antagonistic〕his openly antagonistic attitude towards his former employer他对前任雇主公然敌对的态度外研社新世纪〔avowed〕an avowed racist 公然自称种族主义者的人英汉大词典〔barefaced liar〕a barefaced liar 公然的说谎者韦氏高阶〔barefaced〕a barefaced mockery of the upstart 对暴发户的公然嘲弄英汉大词典〔blatant〕a blatant attempt to spread the blame for the fiasco. 公然企图推卸这次惨败的责任柯林斯高阶〔blatant〕a flagrant violation of human rights. 公然违反人权。 美国传统〔blatant〕blatant discrimination 公然的歧视朗文当代〔blatant〕blatant disregard for the feelings of the bereaved family 对丧亲家庭感情的公然漠视麦克米伦高阶〔blatant〕blatant intrusion into a nation's internal affairs 对一国内政的公然干预英汉大词典〔contravene〕actions that blatantly contravene the rules of civilized warfare 公然违反文明战争规则的行为牛津搭配〔cut〕cut-and-thrust debate between two declared adversaries. 公然对立的两个对手之间的激烈辩论柯林斯高阶〔dare〕dare the power of a dictator 公然反抗独裁者的权力英汉大词典〔defiable〕to defy parental authority公然违抗家长的权威21世纪英汉〔defiance〕in open defiance of the government's policy 公然违抗政府的政策英汉大词典〔disregard〕their flagrant disregard of the rules 他们对规定的公然漠视牛津搭配〔explicit〕an explicit statement/warning/threat 明确的陈述/明确的警告/公然的威胁麦克米伦高阶〔flagrant〕a flagrant breach of trust 公然背信剑桥高阶〔flagrant〕a flagrant disregard for the law 公然蔑视法律剑桥高阶〔flagrant〕a flagrant disregard for the law 对法律的公然蔑视朗文当代〔flagrant〕a flagrant encroachment on another nation's sovereignty 对别国主权的公然侵犯英汉大词典〔flagrant〕a flagrant violation 公然的违背韦氏高阶〔flagrant〕a flagrant violation of international law对国际法的公然违背外研社新世纪〔flagrant〕flagrant violations of human rights 对人权的公然践踏朗文当代〔flagrant〕her flagrant disregard for other people's rights 她对他人权益的公然蔑视韦氏高阶〔flat〕went flat against the rules; flat broke. 公然反抗法令;完全碎了美国传统〔flout〕flouting authority 公然藐视权威韦氏高阶〔flout〕flouting convention 公然违抗惯例韦氏高阶〔gross〕gross injustice.See Synonyms at flagrant 公然的非正义行为 参见 flagrant美国传统〔illegal〕blatantly illegal counter-intelligence methods 公然违反法律规定的反情报手段牛津搭配〔intended〕the very much intended insult to Protestants对新教徒的公然蓄意侮辱外研社新世纪〔mendacity〕an outrageous display of blatant mendacity无耻谎言的一次公然揭露外研社新世纪〔open〕open disregard of the law 对法律的公然漠视英汉大词典〔open〕open disregard of the law. 公然藐视法津美国传统〔overt〕overt hostility 公然的敌意英汉大词典〔overt〕overt racism 公然的种族歧视剑桥高阶〔overt〕overt racism/hostility/criticism 公然的种族歧视/敌意/批评麦克米伦高阶〔patent〕a patent disregard of the law 对法律的公然漠视剑桥高阶〔professed〕a professed liar 公然的说谎者文馨英汉〔ridicule〕to hold sb up to ridicule(= make fun of sb publicly) 公然取笑某人牛津高阶〔rig〕the blatantly rigged elections which allowed him to retain power. 让他得以继续掌权的公然操纵的选举柯林斯高阶




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