

单词 糕点
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HOT〕The waitress set down a pot of hot tea and a plate of cakes. 女服务员放下一壶热茶和一盘糕点。朗文写作活用〔NONE/NOTHING〕I was going to offer you some cake, but there's none left. 我本来打算给你们吃些糕点,但是没有了。朗文写作活用〔SELL〕The bakery usually sells its cakes off at half price just before closing time. 面包店通常在关门前半价出售糕点。朗文写作活用〔bake-off〕Of, relating to, or being a bakery, as in a supermarket, that cooks preprepared pastry goods for public sale.面包房的:预先烤制、公开销售糕点的面包房的(如在超级市场里)或与之相关的美国传统〔baker〕One that bakes bread, cakes, or pastries, especially commercially.面包师:烤制面包、蛋糕或糕点类食品的人,尤指商业性的美国传统〔bake〕I love to bake.我喜欢烘烤糕点。柯林斯高阶〔baklava〕A dessert made of paper-thin layers of pastry, chopped nuts, and honey.果仁蜜酥饼:由很薄的一层糕点、切碎的坚果和蜂蜜做成的甜点心美国传统〔besides〕You get to sample lots of baked things and take home masses of cookies besides.您不仅可以品尝各种烘烤糕点,还可以带很多饼干回家。柯林斯高阶〔clafouti〕A fruit and custard pastry made with a thick batter.水果蛋糕:一种用厚面糊做的水果蛋奶糕点美国传统〔confectioner〕He insisted on getting everything from an expensive confectioner and ordered too many cakes.他坚持所有东西都要向一位要价不菲的糕点商购买, 并且订购了过多的蛋糕。外研社新世纪〔cookie〕A small, usually flat and crisp cake made from sweetened dough.甜饼干,曲奇饼:一种用加糖的生面团做成的通常为扁平、松脆的小糕点美国传统〔coopt〕Nan was coopted into the kitchen to make pastry.娜恩被哄进厨房去做油酥糕点。朗文当代〔crisp〕Bake until the pastry is golden and crisp.把油酥糕点烤至金黄酥脆。牛津高阶〔dariole〕A dish, as of vegetables, fish, custard, or pastry, that is cooked and served in a small mold.罐子菜:一道菜,如蔬菜、鱼、牛奶蛋糊或糕点,制成而且摆在小罐里美国传统〔decorate〕Decorate the cake with raspberries and whipped cream.用覆盆子和掼奶油把蛋糕点缀一下。牛津搭配〔dessert〕A usually sweet course or dish, as of fruit, ice cream, or pastry, served at the end of a meal.甜点:饭后上的甜食,例如水果、冰淇淋或糕点美国传统〔dough〕A soft, thick mixture of dry ingredients, such as flour or meal, and liquid, such as water, that is kneaded, shaped, and baked, especially as bread or pastry.生面团:用面粉或粗磨粉等干原料与水等液体和起来用于做面包或油酥糕点的软、稠混合物美国传统〔epergne〕A large table centerpiece consisting of a frame with extended arms or branches supporting holders, as for flowers, fruit, or sweetmeats.分隔饰盘:餐桌中央用以放鲜花、水果、糕点的有许多分隔的饰盘美国传统〔gingerbread〕A dark molasses cake flavored with ginger.姜味糕点,蛋糕:一种有生姜味的黑糖蜜糕点美国传统〔gâteau〕A cake or pastry, especially a light one filled with custard, fruit, or nuts.饼,糕:一种蛋糕或糕点,尤其指较轻的,填充有牛奶蛋糊、水果或果仁美国传统〔hushpuppy〕A small, round or slightly oblong cake of cornmeal fried in deep fat.油炸玉米团粉:一种用大量油脂炸成的,小的圆形或略呈长方形的糕点美国传统〔ice〕The shop sign said "Drinks, Cakes, Ices!" 商店的招牌上写着:“饮料、糕点、冰激凌!”。剑桥高阶〔kuchen〕A coffeecake raised with yeast, often containing fruit and nuts.(德国)糕点:一种发酵制成的咖啡糕,蛋糕中常有水果和坚果美国传统〔light〕This pastry is so light.这种酥皮糕点可真松软啊。牛津高阶〔napoleon〕A rectangular piece of pastry made with crisp, flaky layers filled with custard cream.拿破仑派:一种长方形的糕点,由数层酥脆的薄片构成,中间夹有蛋糕奶油美国传统〔paste〕A smooth dough of water, flour, and butter or other shortening, used in making pastry.面团,油酥:由水、面粉和黄油或其它使糕饼变脆的油混和而成的光滑的面团,用来做糕点美国传统〔pastry〕Ann makes delicious pastry - you should try her apple pie.安做的糕点很好吃——你应该尝尝她做的苹果馅饼。剑桥高阶〔pastry〕She had a pastry and coffee for breakfast.她早餐吃了酥皮糕点和咖啡。韦氏高阶〔patisserie〕Blois is famous for patisserie.布卢瓦以精品糕点而著称。外研社新世纪〔patisserie〕Blois is famous for patisserie.布卢瓦的糕点很有名。柯林斯高阶〔phyllo〕Very thin sheets of pastry dough that make a flaky pastry used especially in Greek dishes.擀成极薄层的生面:用来做酥饼的非常薄的糕点面粉层,尤指在希腊菜中美国传统〔pie〕The bakery sells pies and cakes.面包店出售馅饼和糕点。韦氏高阶〔pig〕Don't give me cakes—I'll just pig myself.可别给我拿糕点,那我会吃个没够的。牛津高阶〔pipe〕To force through a pastry tube, as frosting onto a cake.在糕点上饰以裱花美国传统〔piping〕A tubular ribbon of icing on a pastry.(蛋糕上的)裱边花饰:一种在糕点上糖霜做的裱边带子美国传统〔puff pastry〕A light, flaky, inflated pastry that is formed by rolling and folding the dough in layers so that it expands when baked.酥皮糕点:一种轻巧且易剥成薄片的膨化糕点,制时将面包揉折成多层以便烤时可以膨胀美国传统〔quiche〕A rich unsweetened custard baked in a pastry shell often with other ingredients such as vegetables or seafood.蛋奶火腿蛋糕:一种营养丰富、不加糖的乳蛋糕,通常和其它配料如蔬菜或海味一起放在糕点箱中烘烤美国传统〔run to sth〕My cooking skills don't run to fancy cakes and desserts.恐怕凭我的烹调技艺还做不出花式糕点和甜点。剑桥高阶〔scone〕A small, rich, biscuitlike pastry or quick bread, sometimes baked on a griddle.烤饼:一种小而味浓象饼干的糕点或速食面包,有时由烤架烤成美国传统〔serve〕Serve the pie warm with ice cream or whipped cream.趁热上果馅糕点,配上冰淇凌或掼奶油。剑桥高阶〔shortening〕A fat, such as butter or lard, used to make cake or pastry light or flaky.起酥油:一种使饼式糕点变松软或松脆的脂肪,比如白脱或板油美国传统〔soda〕A refreshment made from carbonated water, ice cream, and usually a flavoring.苏打点心:一种用碳酸水、冰淇淋和调料制成的新鲜糕点美国传统〔sponge〕A light cake, such as sponge cake.布丁:一种轻的糕点,如海绵蛋糕美国传统〔sweet〕Foods, such as candy, pastries, puddings, or preserves, that are high in sugar content.甜食:象糖、糕点、布丁或蜜饯等含糖量很高的食物美国传统〔timbale〕A custardlike dish of cheese, chicken, fish, or vegetables baked in a drum-shaped pastry mold.夹心烤馅饼:一道在鼓形的糕点模子中烤成的乳蛋糕似的菜,成分是鸡肉、鱼肉或蔬菜美国传统〔timbale〕The pastry mold in which this food is baked.制这道菜的糕点模子美国传统〔tiramisu〕A dessert of cake infused with a liquid such as coffee or rum, layered with a rich cheese filling, and topped with grated chocolate.提拉米苏蛋糕:为混合液状咖啡或甜酒的蛋糕点心,外覆一层浓厚的奶酪料,上层则铺以巧克力碎片美国传统〔tuck〕Chiefly British Food, especially sweets and pastry.【多用于英国】 甜食:食物,尤指甜食和糕点美国传统Ann makes delicious pastry -- you should try her apple pie.安做的糕点很好吃----你应该尝尝她的苹果攀。剑桥国际It's foolish to use store-bought pastry when it's so easy to make your own.买现成的糕点太傻,自己做这么容易。剑桥国际Making pastry isn't really difficult --it's just a knack that you can soon pick up.做糕点并不难----这个技巧你很快能学会。剑桥国际Mix together 250g plain flour and a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda and then add to the cake mixture.将二百五十克纯面粉与一茶匙小苏打搅拌在一起, 然后加入糕点混合物。剑桥国际Press the cutter into the pastry several times to make a pattern.把刀在糕点里划几下弄出个图案。剑桥国际Serve the tarts hot with custard or whipped cream.上热的果馅糕点,加上牛奶蛋糊或掼奶油。剑桥国际She is a good hand at pastry. 她善做糕点。译典通The base of the pie should be made from shortcrust pastry.这个馅饼的底层必须用软的糕点制成。剑桥国际The cakes were displayed in the window. 糕点陈列在橱窗中。译典通The shop sign said “drinks, Cakes, Ices!” 商店告示牌上写着:“饮料,糕点,冰淇淋!”剑桥国际The two children had to go halves on the last piece of cake. 两个孩子只好平分最后一块糕点。译典通There was a plate of dainty iced cakes on the table.桌上有一盘加了漂亮糖饰的糕点。剑桥国际We bake bread and cake in an oven. 我们用烤箱烘面包与糕点。译典通




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