

单词 缩微
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COM〕Computer-output microfilm; computer-output microfilmer.计算机输出缩微胶片;计算机缩微胶片输出器美国传统〔aperture card〕A punched card on which frames of a microfilmed document are mounted.窗孔卡片,穿孔卡片:镶有缩微胶片的穿孔卡片美国传统〔collection〕I was allowed to view his family collection of miniatures.我获准去参观他家的缩微模型收藏。牛津搭配〔microcard〕What types of material ought to be microcarded first? 哪些类型的材料应先缩微复制?英汉大词典〔microcopy〕A greatly reduced photographic copy, usually reproduced by projection.缩微复制品,缩微本:比原件大大缩小了的复本,通常以投影法复制而成美国传统〔microfiche〕A card or sheet of microfilm capable of accommodating and preserving a considerable number of pages, as of printed text, in reduced form.缩微平片:一个缩微胶卷片,能够以缩微形式容纳并储存相当多数量的页数,如一印刷文本的美国传统〔microfiche〕Details of all members are now available on microfiche.现在所有成员的详细资料都可以从缩微胶片上获取。朗文当代〔microfiche〕Every issue of the magazine is available on microfiche.每期杂志都可以从缩微胶片上获取。韦氏高阶〔microfiche〕He looked at microfiches of old magazines.他查看旧杂志的缩微胶片。韦氏高阶〔microfiche〕The directory is available on microfiche.名录有缩微胶片版。牛津高阶〔microfiche〕The information is now available on microfiche.这些信息现已储存在缩微胶片上以供使用。剑桥高阶〔microfilm〕A film on which printed materials are photographed at greatly reduced size for ease of storage.缩微胶卷:为了便于存放,将印刷材料以高度缩小了的形式拍摄于其上的胶卷美国传统〔microfilm〕A reproduction on this kind of film.缩微胶卷复制品:这种胶卷上的复制品美国传统〔microfilm〕Most of the daily newspapers are available on microfilm.大多数日报可以从缩微胶卷中获取。朗文当代〔microfilm〕The library has a lot of Russian newspapers on microfilm.图书馆里有许多拍摄在缩微胶卷上的俄文报纸。英汉大词典〔microfilm〕The museum microfilmed all the drawings we required and provided us with microfilm prints.博物馆把我们需要的所有绘画都拍摄在缩微胶卷上, 并提供给我们缩微胶卷的冲印相片。外研社新世纪〔microfilm〕To reproduce (documents, for example) on microfilm.把…拍摄在缩微胶卷上:用缩微胶卷来复制(如文件等)美国传统〔microform〕An arrangement of images reduced in size, as on microfilm or microfiche.缩微成像,缩微复制:缩小了的图象的排列,如在缩微胶卷或缩微平片上的美国传统〔microphotograph〕A photograph on microfilm.缩微照片:缩摄在缩微胶卷上的照片美国传统〔microprint〕The printed or positive reproduction of a microphotograph.缩微印刷品:一张微型照片的印刷或正片复制品美国传统〔micropublishing〕Publishing by microform.缩微复制品出版业务,缩微品出版美国传统〔micropublish〕Years of micropublished books can be stored in a single cabinet.用缩微版印刷多年的书,可存放在一个小柜子里。21世纪英汉〔microreader〕A device for reading materials in microform, such as microfilm and microfiche.显微阅读器:用以阅读缩微成像,如缩微胶卷和缩微平片上的材料的仪器美国传统〔miniature〕A copy or model that represents or reproduces something in a greatly reduced size.缩微模型:重现或代表某物但尺寸已极大地缩小了的复制品或模型美国传统〔miniature〕If it can be done full-size, I can do it in miniature.如果可以做成与原物相同大小的,我就可以做成缩微的。柯林斯高阶〔miniature〕The model railway has all the buildings, bridges, and trees in miniature.这个铁路模型包括了所有建筑物、桥梁和树木的缩微景观。剑桥高阶〔nonbook〕Of, relating to, or being something other than a book, such as microfilm or microfiche in a library.不是书本的东西的:属于、关于或为不是书本的东西的,如图书馆中的缩影胶片或缩微胶片美国传统〔take ... over〕Microfilms might even take over from the libraries one day.缩微胶卷甚至可能有朝一日取代图书馆。21世纪英汉〔take〕Microfilms might even take over from the libraries one day.缩微胶卷甚至可能有朝一日取代图书馆。英汉大词典〔transfer〕Such information is easily transferred onto microfilm.这样的信息很容易转存到缩微胶卷上。外研社新世纪〔transfer〕Such information is easily transferred onto microfilm.这种信息很容易转存到缩微胶卷上。柯林斯高阶She collects miniatures of dogs.她收集缩微小狗模型。剑桥国际The microfilm was smuggled out in a hollowed-out book.这个缩微胶卷放在挖空的书中被偷带出去了。剑桥国际The paper records were microfilmed to save storage space.为节省储存空间,纸卷记录被用缩微胶卷拍摄下来。剑桥国际We can look up the article on microfilm.我们可以在缩微胶卷上查文章。剑桥国际




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