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释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔close-up〕close-up pictures of the planet 这颗行星的特写照片牛津高阶〔eve〕this portrait of Spain on the eve of civil war西班牙内战前夕的写照外研社新世纪〔immorality〕a reflection of our society's immorality世风日下的写照外研社新世纪〔moeurs〕a portrait of teenage moeurs 青少年品行的写照英汉大词典〔predicament〕a portrayal of the human predicament 人类困境的写照牛津搭配〔raw〕a raw portrayal of working-class life 工人阶级生活的真实写照牛津高阶〔realistic〕a realistic portrayal of life in Victorian Britain 英国维多利亚时代生活的真实写照朗文当代〔realistic〕a realistic portrayal of slum life 贫民窟生活的真实写照英汉大词典〔shot〕a close-up shot of a demonstrator being beaten by a policeman 一名示威者被一个警察殴打的特写照片朗文当代〔soldier〕a realistic portrait of soldiers at war 战争中士兵的真实写照牛津搭配




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