

单词 直升飞机
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔blanket〕The helicopter started down, and immediately they were blanketed in fog.直升飞机开始降落并且他们立即被笼罩于雾中。21世纪英汉〔blind〕He admitted dazzling a police helicopter pilot with a laser beam, leaving the pilot flying blind.他承认用一束激光对着一架警用直升飞机照射,导致驾驶员无法看清方向。剑桥高阶〔cavalry〕A highly mobile army unit using vehicular transport, such as light armor and helicopters.高度机动地面部队:使用车辆,如轻装甲车和直升飞机运输的高度机动部队美国传统〔chopper〕Informal To travel by helicopter or transport (someone or something) by helicopter.【非正式用语】 用直升飞机:乘直升飞机飞行或用直升飞机运载(人或物)美国传统〔copter〕A helicopter.直升飞机美国传统〔floodlight〕A police helicopter hovered above, floodlighting the area.一架警用直升飞机在上空盘旋, 并用探照灯照亮该区域。外研社新世纪〔helicopter〕To go or transport by helicopter.乘直升飞机前往或旅行美国传统〔helo〕A helicopter.直升飞机美国传统〔hover〕I heard the noise of a helicopter hovering overhead.我听到头顶上直升飞机盘旋的声音。剑桥高阶〔lift out〕He suggested lifting the ambassador out by helicopter.他建议让大使坐直升飞机撤离。外研社新世纪〔lift〕The helicopter lifted the entire team to the meet.直升飞机把全队空运到运动会现场美国传统〔lift〕The helicopters are designed to quickly lift soldiers and equipment to the battlefield.直升飞机专为快速将士兵和装备转移到战地上。外研社新世纪〔nearby〕The helicopter landed nearby.直升飞机在附近着陆。英汉大词典〔over〕We watched a helicopter flying low over the harbour.我们看着一架直升飞机在港口低空飞行。朗文当代〔pad〕A helipad.直升飞机起降台美国传统〔pass〕From above came the fading noise of the helicopter completing its pass.头上有一架直升飞机飞过,声音由强变弱,逐渐消失。麦克米伦高阶〔rotary-wing aircraft〕A rotorcraft.旋翼机,旋翼飞行器,直升飞机美国传统〔rotor〕An assembly of rotating horizontal airfoils, as that of a helicopter.旋翼:如直升飞机的旋翼等旋转的水平机翼的组合体美国传统〔sky-hook〕A helicopter whose fuselage is configured so as to be mounted with a steel line and hook used to lift and transport heavy objects.空投直升机:一种直升飞机,机身特制,以便安装钢索和钩子,用于提起或运输重物美国传统〔slick〕Slang An unarmed military aircraft, such as a spotter plane or helicopter.【俚语】 没有武装的军机:没有武装的军用飞机,如弹着点观察机或直升飞机美国传统〔swear〕She swore she saw him putting the helicopter down in a corn-field.她肯定地说她看到他把那架直升飞机降落到了玉米地里。21世纪英汉〔sweep〕Helicopters with searchlights swept the park which was sealed off.直升飞机的探照灯来回扫射这个被封锁的公园。柯林斯高阶〔turboshaft〕A gas turbine engine that powers a rotating cylindrical shaft, as to a pump or a helicopter rotor.涡轮轴:驱动旋转圆轴的燃气涡轮引擎,如水泵或直升飞机旋翼的美国传统〔veer〕Three men were feared dead last night after a helicopter veered off course into an oil platform.昨晚一架直升飞机偏离航线撞上了石油钻井平台,恐怕有3人因此死亡。剑桥高阶〔whirlybird〕A helicopter.直升飞机美国传统〔winch〕A damaged car was winched by a helicopter.一辆被毁的小汽车被直升飞机吊了起来。21世纪英汉A helicopter flies by the rotary (= circular) movement of its blades.直升飞机通过桨叶的旋转运动飞行。剑桥国际A helicopter needs a tail rotor to produce a sideways thrust that stops the whole machine spinning round in the opposite direction to the main rotor.直升飞机需要一个尾部旋翼来产生一股横向推进力,该推进力会阻止整个机器与主旋翼方向相反的旋转。剑桥国际All provisions for the camp have to be flown in by helicopter.所有给营地的供应物都得用直升飞机运过去。剑桥国际Helicopters are mainly used for military rather than civil use.直升飞机主要是军用而非民用的。剑桥国际Helicopters dropped leaflets over the city.直升飞机在城市上空撒传单。剑桥国际Helicopters sprayed dispersant over the oil-slick in an attempt to break it up before it reached the coastline.直升飞机在浮油上方喷洒分散剂,企图在它到达海岸线之前将之分解。剑桥国际I was the last crew member to be hoisted to safety by helicopter.我是最后一个被直升飞机运抵安全地方的机组人员。剑桥国际If a retaliatory strike is launched, helicopters and ground troops will be at the forefront.若发动报复性反击战,直升飞机和地面部队将位于最前线。剑桥国际Six people were rescued by helicopter from a fishing boat in distress off the Cornish coast.直升飞机从康沃尔郡海岸附近一艘遇险的渔船上搭救了6个人。剑桥国际The Mountain Rescue Team was alerted at 10.30pm, and a helicopter scrambled immediately.山中营救队在晚间10###∶30接到警报,直升飞机立即紧急起飞。剑桥国际The air was abuzz with military helicopters, airlifting injured people and equipment.正在空运伤员和设备的军用直升飞机在空中喧闹地飞来飞去。剑桥国际The chances of making a safe landfall by helicopter in these conditions is only 30%.在此情况下,直升飞机安全着陆的可能性仅为30% 。剑桥国际The crew of the ship were winched to safety by a rescue helicopter.船员们被前来营救的直升飞机吊至安全处。剑桥国际The crew of the sinking tanker were picked up (= saved from the sea) by helicopter.正在下沉的油轮上的船员被直升飞机救了起来。剑桥国际The helicopter and waterborne attack will certainly be the most complicated of the offensive.直升飞机与水上进攻将无疑是攻势中最为复杂的。剑桥国际The helicopter crashed after becoming entangled in power cables/lines.缠上电缆后直升飞机坠毁了。剑桥国际The helicopter has special floats to keep it upright if it has to ditch.直升飞机有特别的浮桶,在不得不作水上迫降时,可保持飞机站得稳。剑桥国际The helicopter made a drop of food to the stranded animals.直升飞机为那些走投无路的动物们空投了食物。剑桥国际The helicopter was hovering above the building.直升飞机在大楼的上空盘旋。剑桥国际The helicopters hovering overhead added to the sense of urgency.直升飞机在上空盘旋增加了紧急感。剑桥国际The injured were ferried to hospital by helicopter.直升飞机把伤员运送到医院。剑桥国际The snag with helicopters is that they are noisy, slow, expensive to operate and not as safe as conventional aircraft.直升飞机的缺点是声音响、速度慢、运行花费大和安全性不及一般的飞机。剑桥国际They have their own helicopter to take them to their secluded house in the forest.他们有自己的直升飞机把他们带到隐藏在森林中的僻静房屋。剑桥国际Three men were feared dead last night after a helicopter veered off course into an oil platform and ditched into the North Sea.昨天晚上一架直升飞机偏离航线撞上一座石油平台而跌入北海之后,恐怕已有3人丧生。剑桥国际Two helicopters constantly hovered near the building.两架直升飞机不停地在大楼上空盘旋。剑桥国际Two helicopters winched the passengers to safety from the deck of the ship.两架直升飞机将乘客从船的甲板上吊到了安全的地方。剑桥国际




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