

单词 现状
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔SERIES〕a series of articles about the state of the economy 关于经济现状的一系列文章朗文写作活用〔beset〕the economic realities besetting the inner city 困扰城市中心区的经济现状麦克米伦高阶〔comport〕a system that comports with the realities of the present marketplace与当前市场现状相符合的体系外研社新世纪〔concomitant〕hunger, a lack of education, and other concomitants of poverty 饥饿、教育匮乏以及其他伴随贫困而来的现状。韦氏高阶〔duck〕duck the situation by getting drunk 以喝醉酒来逃避现状英汉大词典〔grim〕the grim reality of unemployment 令人忧虑的失业现状麦克米伦高阶〔holding〕a holding operation 维持现状的行动韦氏高阶〔illuminate〕illuminate a point by reference to current life 根据生活现状来阐明一个论点英汉大词典〔imbalance〕the current imbalance between farming and conservation interests 农业耕种和重视资源保护的不平衡现状朗文当代〔malcontent〕a malcontent man一个不满现状的人外研社新世纪〔nausea〕nausea with the present situation 对现状的憎恶英汉大词典〔obdurate〕obdurate defenders of the status quo现状的执拗捍卫者外研社新世纪〔on〕stay on; hang on. 维持现状;别挂电话美国传统〔politicization〕ideas which might politicize the labouring classes and cause them to question the status quo. 可能唤醒工人阶级的政治意识、并促使他们质疑现状的思想柯林斯高阶〔present〕the present situation of the millions of people who are suffering poverty and disease 遭受贫困和疾病折磨的几百万人民的现状朗文当代〔present〕the present situation现状外研社新世纪〔preservation〕the preservation of the status quo. 维持现状柯林斯高阶〔prod〕prod the audience into thinking about the status quo 促使观众思考现状英汉大词典〔renovate〕people who shall renovate life and our social state 矢志革新生活并改造社会现状的人们 英汉大词典〔resignation〕accept failure (the situation) with (或 in) quiet resignation 无可奈何地默默承认失败(接受现状) 英汉大词典〔sphere〕the realities of life outside the government and academic spheres of society. 政府和学术界以外社会阶层的生活现状柯林斯高阶〔status quo〕conservatives who want to maintain the status quo 想维持现状的保守派牛津高阶〔status quo〕to defend/restore the status quo 维持现状;恢复原来的状况牛津高阶〔unease〕the depth of public unease about the economy. 公众对经济现状深感不满柯林斯高阶〔unease〕the depth of public unease about the economy公众对经济现状深感不满外研社新世纪




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