

单词 砾石
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FLAT/NOT FLAT〕After driving for so long on the gravel I was glad to get on an even stretch of road. 在砾石路上驾驶了那么长时间之后,我很高兴来到了一段平坦的路上。朗文写作活用〔apron〕An area covered by sand and gravel deposited at the front of a glacial moraine.冰川前砂砾层:冰河冰渍前沉积的沙及砾石覆盖的区域美国传统〔binder〕Tar is a binder for gravel in paving.在铺路时柏油用来粘结砾石。英汉大词典〔bump〕His old car bumped down the gravel road.他那辆老爷车在砾石路上颠簸行驶。21世纪英汉〔bump〕The bike bumped along the gravel path.自行车沿砾石小路颠簸而行。英汉大词典〔burble〕The water burbled over gravel.水从砾石上汩汩流过。外研社新世纪〔conglomerate〕Geology A rock consisting of pebbles and gravel embedded in cement.【地质学】 砾岩:由水泥固结的卵石和砾石形成的砾岩美国传统〔crunch〕Footsteps crunched on the gravel.人们走在砾石上,发出嘎吱嘎吱的声响。牛津同义词〔crunch〕I could hear the crunch of someone's feet on the gravel.我能听见有人双脚踩在砾石上发出的嘎吱嘎吱声。麦克米伦高阶〔crunch〕The gravel crunched underfoot as we walked up to the house.我们向房子走去,脚下的砾石嚓嚓作响。剑桥高阶〔dump〕The truck dumped two loads of gravel on the driveway.卡车把两卡车砾石倾倒在车道口。21世纪英汉〔dump〕They dumped the gravel in the driveway.他们把砾石倾卸在车道上。英汉大词典〔filter bed〕A layer of sand or gravel on the bottom of a reservoir or tank, used to filter water or sewage.滤垫:在蓄水池或大容器底部铺的一层沙或砾石,用于过滤水或污水美国传统〔garden〕We got the gravel at our local garden store.我们是在当地的花卉商店买的砾石。牛津搭配〔gravel〕An unconsolidated mixture of rock fragments or pebbles.砾石:岩石碎片或卵石的松散的混合物美国传统〔graze〕I fell on the gravel, severely grazing my knee.我摔倒在砾石路上,膝盖擦伤得很厉害。朗文当代〔infill〕It is wise to start infilling with a layer of gravel for drainage.先填上一层利于排水的砾石是个明智的做法。外研社新世纪〔infill〕It is wise to start infilling with a layer of gravel for drainage.先铺上一层利于排水的砾石是个明智的做法。柯林斯高阶〔landscape〕The gravel pits have been landscaped and planted to make them attractive to wildfowl.砾石采掘坑已进行了景观美化并种上了草木,希望能吸引野禽的到来。柯林斯高阶〔layer〕Use enough gravel to form a layer about 50mm thick.用足够多的砾石铺上 50 毫米左右的一层。牛津搭配〔loosely〕Two young men were racing motorcycles on the loose gravel.两个小伙子正在松散的砾石路面上赛摩托车。柯林斯高阶〔loose〕Two young men were racing motorcycles on the loose gravel.两个小伙子正在松散的砾石路面上赛摩托车。外研社新世纪〔mound〕A pile of earth, gravel, sand, rocks, or debris heaped for protection or concealment.土石堆:用于防卫或隐蔽的土堆、砾石堆、沙堆、岩石或石屑堆美国传统〔pebble〕This part of the coast has pebble beaches.海岸的这一部分有几处砾石海滩。剑桥高阶〔pool〕It was raining steadily and there were little pools of water on the gravel drive.一直在下雨, 砾石铺的车道上积起了水洼。外研社新世纪〔rattle〕A spout of gravel fell rattling through the trees.一股砾石流稀里哗啦穿过林木倾下。英汉大词典〔scrunch〕Her feet scrunch on the gravel.她的脚踩在砾石上嘎吱作响。外研社新世纪〔scrunch〕They heard the scrunch of gravel.他们听到了砾石的嘎吱声。外研社新世纪〔shingle〕Beach gravel consisting of large smooth pebbles unmixed with finer material.海滨砂石:由大而光滑的鹅卵石构成没有混有其它更好的材料的海滩砾石美国传统〔shingle〕It was uncomfortable walking barefoot on the shingly beach.赤脚走在满地砾石的海滩上让人很不舒服。剑桥高阶〔top dressing〕A covering of loose gravel on a road.表面处理:覆盖地面的松散砾石形成的覆盖面美国传统〔torpedo〕A small firework consisting of some gravel wrapped in tissue paper with a percussion cap that explodes when thrown against a hard surface.掼炮:一种由草纸包住一些砾石制成的小型鞭炮,其打火帽在与坚硬表面撞击时发生爆炸美国传统〔up〕A gravel road leads through the jungle and up into the Andes.一条砾石铺成的路穿过丛林,向上进入安第斯山。剑桥高阶〔weed〕There were weeds springing up through the gravel.杂草从砾石缝中长出来。牛津搭配A gravel road leads through the jungle and up into the Andes.一条砾石公路穿越丛林直接向上进入安第斯山。剑桥国际A shop dummy lay among the rubble on the street.一家商店的人体模型躺在了街上的碎砖砾石中。剑桥国际An agglomerate is a volcanic breccia. 集块岩是一种火山性角砾石。译典通Slates, tiles and shingles are the commonest roofing materials.石板瓦、瓦和扁砾石是最常用的盖屋顶材料。剑桥国际Tar is a binder for gravel in paving. 在铺路时柏油用来黏结砾石。译典通The gravel crunched underfoot as we walked up to the house.当我们向房子走去时,脚下的砾石嘎吱作响。剑桥国际The pebbles/gravel/snow scrunched beneath our feet.鹅卵石/砾石/雪在我们脚下吱嘎作响。剑桥国际The road is covered with gravel. 这路用砾石铺成。译典通We scrunched the pebbles/gravel/snow under our feet.我们走在鹅卵石/砾石/雪上,发出了吱嘎声。剑桥国际




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