

单词 to
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADVISE〕Do you know what you ought to do? You ought to tell her exactly what you think of her. 你知道你应该怎么做吗?你应该把你对她的看法实实在在地告诉她。朗文写作活用〔COMFORT/MAKE SB FEEL BETTER〕It was comforting to see the lights of home. 看见家里的灯光真令人欣慰。朗文写作活用〔DARK〕Children who are afraid of the dark need to be reassured. 对怕黑的小孩子要给予安慰鼓励。朗文写作活用〔DRIVE〕After you've been riding a bike all day, you're really glad to reach your campsite. 骑了一整天的车,到达营地时你会非常高兴。朗文写作活用〔FLAT/NOT FLAT〕We carried the injured child over to the bed and laid her down. 我们把那名受伤的儿童搬到床上并把她平放下来。朗文写作活用〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕Like most politicians he had all his answers off pat, but he didn't have anything particularly new or interesting to say. 跟多数政客一样,所有答案他都背熟了,可他没有什么特别新鲜或有趣的东西可说。朗文写作活用〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕She's going to have a baby - couldn't you tell? 她要生孩子了—你看不出来吗?朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕The 12.15 shuttle service to Atlanta will depart from platform 16. 12点15分去亚特兰大的往返列车将从16号站台开出。朗文写作活用〔LISTEN〕I could listen to Placido Domingo all day -- he has such a beautiful voice! 我可以整天听普拉西多·多明戈一他的嗓音真美妙!朗文写作活用〔LITTLE〕Mark is so lazy, he makes scarcely any effort to improve his work. 马克很懒惰,几乎不花一点力气去改善工作。朗文写作活用〔LIVE〕Tenants are not allowed to keep pets. 房客不得养宠物。朗文写作活用〔MANAGER〕Doreen's leaving party looked more like a board meeting, with the chairman and directors there to say goodbye. 多琳的离职聚会看上去更像是一次董事会议,董事长和董事们都来和他道别。朗文写作活用〔North Atlantic Ocean〕The northern part of the Atlantic Ocean, extending northward from the equator to the Arctic Ocean.北大西洋:大西洋北部,从赤道向北延伸至北冰洋美国传统〔OBEY〕Gail realized that she had to toe the line if she wanted to keep her job. 盖尔明白,要想保住工作,就得服从命令。朗文写作活用〔OBEY〕You can teach most dogs to obey simple commands. 大多数狗都可以学会服从简单的命令。朗文写作活用〔OWN〕Householders and tradesmen both use the refuse dump to dispose of their garbage. 住户和商贩都把垃圾扔在垃圾场。朗文写作活用〔SHY〕I was too shy to ask her out on a date. 我胆子太小,不敢约她出来。朗文写作活用〔STRANGE〕In his statement the chief of police said, ‘We are dealing with a warped mind, and we have to take all precautions.’ 警察局长在他的声明中说:“我们面对的是一个思想怪诞的人,我们必须采取一切预防措施。”朗文写作活用〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕Yes, we've made progress. But there's so much more to do. 是的,我们进步了,但是还有很多方面需要努力。朗文写作活用〔TELL〕The handbook gave full instructions on how to change the oil. 这本手册对如何换机油提供了全面的指导。朗文写作活用〔action〕The committee was spurred into action (= encouraged to do something) by the threat of government cuts.政府威胁要削减经费,这促使委员会采取了行动。剑桥高阶〔acupressure〕Acupressure is used to release tension spots in the shoulders and neck.指压按摩用于缓解肩部和颈部的紧张。柯林斯高阶〔affair〕If you wish to make a fool of yourself, that is your affair.如果你想出丑, 那是你的事。外研社新世纪〔ageing〕Poor diet contributes to ageing.不良膳食使人老得快。外研社新世纪〔aggregation〕The herb has been shown to hinder platelet aggregation.这种草药已被证实可以抑制血小板凝集。外研社新世纪〔ambiguity〕They had to change some of the wording in the document to resolve the ambiguity.他们不得不更改文件中的一些词句以消除歧义。牛津搭配〔amenable〕He was quite amenable to our suggestions.他对我们的建议很顺从。牛津同义词〔amuse〕The thought seemed to amuse him.这种想法好像把他逗乐了。柯林斯高阶〔armed〕Armed with printouts of the emails, Rowlands went to the local police.罗兰兹带着打印出来的电子邮件去找当地警方。外研社新世纪〔avulsion〕The sudden movement of soil from one property to another as a result of a flood or a shift in the course of a boundary stream.土地所有权转移:因洪水或界河河道的改变而导致一人所有的土地突然转移,被他人所有美国传统〔back〕My boss is always criticizing me. I wish I knew some way to get him off my back.我的老板总是批评我。要是有办法让他不再烦扰我就好了。韦氏高阶〔bank〕Games To strike (a billiard ball) so that it rebounds from the cushion of the table.【游戏】 反弹:把(弹子)打到弹子台的橡皮边使之弹回美国传统〔belt down〕Four of the participants had to belt down the M1 to London.四个参与者沿着M1高速公路一路疾驶到伦敦。外研社新世纪〔benefit〕He was able to learn a great deal without the benefit of formal schooling.虽然没有受过正规教育,他还是学到了很多东西。韦氏高阶〔benefit〕The new sports centre will bring lasting benefit to the community.新的体育中心将使社区居民持久受益。麦克米伦高阶〔blame〕I hold myself to blame.我认为自己应承担责任。英汉大词典〔block〕I wanted to go on holiday with Maria, but she put a block on that plan.我想和玛丽亚一起去度假,但她阻止了这个计划。麦克米伦高阶〔bludgeon〕The managers bludgeoned us into agreeing to the changes.经理们逼迫我们同意所做的修改。剑桥高阶〔boo〕Used to express contempt, scorn, or disapproval or to frighten or surprise another.嘘:表示不满、轻蔑、反对或吓唬别人时发出的声音美国传统〔break〕To relax a tense or unduly formal atmosphere or social situation.打破僵局:缓和紧张或过分正式的气氛、场合美国传统〔bucket〕We used two buckets of paint to paint the living room.我们用了两桶漆刷客厅。韦氏高阶〔bus〕To carry or clear (dishes) in a restaurant.当服务员:在饭馆里端(盘子)或洗(盘子)美国传统〔cab〕I ordered a cab to take him home.我叫了辆出租车把他送回家。牛津搭配〔calcify〕To make or become inflexible and unchanging.使僵化:使变为不灵活和无变化美国传统〔caution〕The statement clearly was intended to caution Seoul against attempting to block the council's action again.声明显然意在警告首尔不要再试图阻碍理事会的行动。外研社新世纪〔certain〕We know that certain of his classmates walk to school every day.我们知道他的一些同学每天步行上学。韦氏高阶〔chase after〕He said nothing to waiting journalists, who chased after him as he left.他对等候的记者什么都没说就走了, 那些记者跟在他后面追。外研社新世纪〔closed〕It is a closed society in the sense that they've not been exposed to many things.他们接触的事不多,从这一方面来说这是个封闭的社团。柯林斯高阶〔coach〕As we headed back to Calais, the coach was badly delayed by roadworks.返回加来时,由于道路施工,我们乘坐的长途大巴严重误点。柯林斯高阶〔collapse〕Negotiations between the two countries are on the brink/verge of collapse (= very soon going to fail).两国的谈判濒临破裂。剑桥高阶〔command〕He commanded that roads be built to link castles across the land.他下令修建连接各地城堡的道路。柯林斯高阶〔compulsion〕You are not under any compulsion to make a statement to the police.你没有任何义务向警察作出陈述。麦克米伦高阶〔convert〕The programme to convert every gas burner in Britain took 10 years.完成对英国所有煤气灶的改造花了10年时间。柯林斯高阶〔couch〕To lower (a spear, for example) to horizontal position, as for an attack.平握:象准备攻击时放低(如矛)到水平位置美国传统〔counterpunch〕To deliver a counterpunch.打出一个回拳美国传统〔creation〕These changes will lead to the creation of new businesses.这些变革将带来新企业的诞生。韦氏高阶〔dapple〕To mark or mottle with spots.有斑点,成斑驳:用点作标记或使斑驳杂色美国传统〔debar〕To forbid, hinder, or prevent.禁止,阻止或阻拦美国传统〔declared〕It is their declared intention to increase taxes.提高税收是他们的公开意图。朗文当代〔delude〕He's deluding himself if he thinks it's going to be easy.他要是以为那事很容易,那就是自己欺骗自己。牛津高阶〔digest〕They learn well but seem to need time to digest information.他们学得不错,但似乎还需要一些时间来消化信息。柯林斯高阶〔diversify〕These firms have been given a tough lesson in the need to diversify their markets.这些公司因缺乏多元化市场而遭受惨痛的教训。外研社新世纪〔drank 或 drunk〕He is drinking himself to death.他在狂饮滥喝。21世纪英汉〔emancipate〕Law To release (a child) from the control of parents or a guardian.【法律】 使(孩子)不再受父母管束:使孩子从父母或保护人的监护中解脱出来美国传统〔engage〕The troops prepared to engage with the enemy.军队准备与敌军交战。韦氏高阶〔evaluate〕The market situation is difficult to evaluate.市场情况很难进行评估。外研社新世纪〔evenly〕The two teams are very evenly matched(= are equally likely to win).这两个队势均力敌。牛津高阶〔examine〕We continue to examine new ways of doing business.我们继续探索做生意的新方法。牛津搭配〔exhausted〕He took to walking long distances in an attempt to physically exhaust himself.他开始长距离步行,试图耗尽自己的体力。柯林斯高阶〔extricate〕Pete had managed to extricate himself from a very embarrassing situation.皮特设法使自己从十分尴尬的情形中摆脱出来。麦克米伦高阶〔fall〕The chairman fell in my opinion after he refused to take a vote.主席拒绝进行投票表决后,他的地位在我心目中降低了。21世纪英汉〔fan〕This book should appeal to teenage sci-fi fans.这本书应该会吸引爱好科幻小说的青少年。外研社新世纪〔finite〕In the following sentence "go" is finite: "I often go to the cinema." 在句子 I often go to the cinema 中,go 是限定动词。剑桥高阶〔fire〕The fire went out and he had to light it again.火灭了,他不得不重新生火。韦氏高阶〔for the hell of it〕I didn't know what I wanted to do, so I drove my van round Europe, just for the hell of it.我不知道自己想要做什么,于是就开着我的小货车周游了欧洲,只是为了好玩而已。剑桥高阶〔frame〕I need to find out who tried to frame me.我要找出是谁企图陷害我。外研社新世纪〔get away〕We walked to the next beach to get away from the crowds.为了避开人群,我们向另一片海滩走去。剑桥高阶〔get〕He got between them to keep them from fighting.他走到他们中间制止他们打架。韦氏高阶〔gospel〕I had to go to church, so I grew up singing gospel.我必须去教堂做礼拜,因此我是唱着福音歌长大的。柯林斯高阶〔go〕It would be dangerous to go after the killer on your own.你一个人去抓捕凶手是很危险的。麦克米伦高阶〔grant〕I would love to be able to grant her wish.我很高兴能够满足她的愿望。朗文当代〔group〕We like to let these students work in groups whenever possible.我们想要让这些学生在可能的情况下分组活动。韦氏高阶〔happy〕The manager will be happy (= is willing) to see you this afternoon.经理很乐意今天下午见你。剑桥高阶〔hate〕He hated me for standing up to him.因为我顶撞他,他就恨我。牛津搭配〔heart〕I think we may at last be getting to the heart of the matter.我想我们可能终于要触及问题的核心了。外研社新世纪〔ideogram〕He taught me how to write my name in Chinese ideograms.他教我用中文的表意字写我的姓名。外研社新世纪〔irreparable〕The move would cause irreparable harm to the organization.这一举措会对该组织造成不可弥补的损害。柯林斯高阶〔jockey〕The men on the horse were jockeying about to get into a proper line.为取得前一致,骑马的人都在移动着位置。21世纪英汉〔join up〕The two firms were joined up to reduce competition.两个公司被联合起来以减少竞争。21世纪英汉〔joint compound〕A substance similar to plaster used to cover joints or the heads of screws or nails in plasterboard.石膏泥,接缝填料:类似石膏的物质用以覆盖石膏板接缝或石膏板上的螺丝头或钉子头美国传统〔knock sb/sth down〕She wanted $200 but I knocked her down to $175.她开价200美元,我还到175美元。剑桥高阶〔land〕She longed to return to her native land.她渴望回到她的祖国。牛津高阶〔last〕He was the last to leave.他最后走。文馨英汉〔latch on〕The news media has latched on to the scandal.这家新闻媒体揪住这个丑闻不放。韦氏高阶〔least〕I try to offend the least amount of people possible.我尽量少得罪人。柯林斯高阶〔lesson〕An assignment or exercise in which something is to be learned.功课:学习某东西的作业或训练美国传统〔life〕The game really came to life in the second half.比赛下半场有了生机。剑桥高阶〔limit〕As a scientist I refuse to limit myself to these barriers.作为一名科学家,我不会让自己受这些障碍制约。牛津搭配〔live〕He warned others about the live electric cables as they climbed to safety.他们爬到安全地带时他警告其他人注意带电的电缆。外研社新世纪〔lock〕Workmen had been locked out until they agreed to the employers' terms.工人们在接受厂方的条件之前被禁止进厂。英汉大词典〔loosely〕Up to a thousand prisoners may be on the loose inside the jail.监狱里可能有上千名囚犯跑出了牢房。柯林斯高阶〔loose〕To discharge a missile; fire.发射导弹;射击美国传统〔manner〕It's bad manners to talk with your mouth full (=talk and eat at the same time) .满嘴食物讲话是不礼貌的。朗文当代〔mask〕Everyone wore costumes and masks to the dance.每个人都化了装,戴上假面具去参加舞会。韦氏高阶〔meander〕From the lake a flat river meandered down to the sea.一条浅水河从这个湖泊蜿蜒流向大海。英汉大词典〔mean〕They've threatened to close us down, and I think they mean business.他们威胁要让我们关门,我想他们是当真的。麦克米伦高阶〔mobile〕Babies start to get mobile around the age of eight months.婴儿在 8 个月左右开始爬来爬去。牛津搭配〔much〕There's nothing much we can do to help.我们帮不了多大忙。朗文当代〔muddle〕Many of the students complained that they were left to muddle along on their own.有许多学生抱怨没人管他们,随他们混日子。朗文当代〔new blood〕There should be major changes in the government to bring in new blood.在政府中应该进行一些重大变革, 以增加新生力量。外研社新世纪〔nice〕This is the nicest thing that has ever happened to me.这是我所遇到过的最愉快的一件事。英汉大词典〔old age〕Elephants can live to the ripe old age of 70.大象能够活到70岁高龄。外研社新世纪〔one〕They tried to ensure they weren't both working at the same time, so that one or other of them would be there to look after the boys.他们想办法确保两人不同时上班,这样他们中总有一个能在那儿照顾这些男孩。麦克米伦高阶〔pair up〕They asked us to pair up with the person next to us and form teams.他们要我们和身边的人搭档组成团队。外研社新世纪〔path〕This is the path to the cliffs.这条路通向悬崖。剑桥高阶〔pendant〕Move away from just relying on a central pendant to light your room.别再只靠一盏中央吊灯来给房间照明了。外研社新世纪〔permit〕She would not permit herself to look at them.她避免看他们。牛津高阶〔persecute〕To annoy persistently; bother.不断地困扰;烦扰美国传统〔persuasion〕It took a lot of persuasion to convince him.说了很多才把他说服。牛津同义词〔philosophy〕The idea that you should treat others as you would like them to treat you is a fine philosophy of life .希望别人怎样对你就怎样对待别人是很好的处世原则。朗文当代〔pin〕She pinned a rose to her dress.她在连衣裙上别了朵玫瑰花。韦氏高阶〔press-ganging〕She was a volunteer, she hadn't had to be press-ganged.她是一个志愿者,不一定非是受人迫使的。柯林斯高阶〔public house〕A place, such as a tavern or bar, that is licensed to sell alcoholic beverages.啤酒屋,酒馆:如客栈或酒吧等获准出售含酒精饮料的地方美国传统〔pump〕You'll need a bicycle pump to keep the tyres topped up with air.需要一个打气筒来给自行车轮胎里充足气。柯林斯高阶〔purpose〕It should be legitimate to use cannabis for medical purposes.为了治疗需要使用大麻应该是合法的。朗文当代〔put together〕She put a proposal together to give to the committee for consideration.她整理出了一份提案供委员会考虑。韦氏高阶〔putty〕To fill, cover, or secure with putty.用油灰填塞(或接合):用油灰填补,覆盖或粘牢美国传统〔read〕I like it when she reads to us.我很喜欢她读书给我们听。柯林斯高阶〔regress〕The act of reasoning backward from an effect to a cause.逆向思维:从结果到原因的推理的动作美国传统〔resound〕To sound loudly; ring.发出响声;鸣响美国传统〔respecting〕Respecting the above-mentioned facts,we wish to make the following proposals.鉴于上述情况,我们提出以下建议。21世纪英汉〔retch〕To try to vomit.作呕美国传统〔risk〕He would prefer not to risk another embarrassing defeat.他可不想冒再次失败丢人现眼的风险。朗文当代〔road〕I turned a corner to find the road ahead severely flooded.我转个弯,发现前面的路全被水淹了。朗文当代〔romanticism〕His incurable romanticism had led him to join the Foreign Legion.他不可救药的浪漫情结使他加入了外籍军团。麦克米伦高阶〔see〕To apprehend as if with the eye.了解:好象用眼睛理解美国传统〔see〕He was surprised to see Martha standing there.看到玛莎站在那儿,他大吃一惊。牛津搭配〔seriousness〕If this ban was to come in it would seriously damage my business.如果开始实施这项禁令,我的生意将损失严重。柯林斯高阶〔shake〕He shook the blankets vigorously to get rid of the dust.他使劲抖动毯子以抖掉尘土。牛津搭配〔skiing〕We're going to go skiing in Colorado this winter.今年冬天我们要去科罗拉多滑雪。朗文当代〔slub〕To draw out and twist (a strand of silk or other textile fiber) in preparation for spinning.轻捻,初纺:把(一束丝或其它纺织纤维)抽出并捻搓以备纺纱美国传统〔soft landing〕The landing of a space vehicle on a celestial body or on Earth in such a way as to prevent damage or destruction of the vehicle.软着陆:飞船在天体或地球上为防止造成飞船破坏或毁坏而进行的着陆美国传统〔spammer〕The consultant who suggested using spamming to raise the company's profile has been fired.建议用群发邮件的方法来提升公司形象的那个顾问已经被解雇了。柯林斯高阶〔squint〕To be affected with strabismus.犯斜眼病美国传统〔startle〕Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you.对不起,我不是故意想吓你一跳。麦克米伦高阶〔stoop〕Don't stoop to argue with him.别降低身份去跟他争吵。英汉大词典〔supply〕The money raised will provide vital medical supplies to refugee camps.筹集到的资金将用于为难民营提供必需的医疗物资。牛津搭配〔system〕He wants to be the tough rebel who bucks the system.他要做打破既定制度的强硬叛逆者。外研社新世纪〔talent〕After making her name as a singer, she turned her talents to acting.歌坛成名后,她转向演艺事业。牛津搭配〔thicken〕He added some flour to thicken the soup.他加了一些面粉使汤浓些。21世纪英汉〔thing〕Something referred to by a word, a symbol, a sign, or an idea; a referent.东西:用文字、符号、标志或思想指代的事物;参照物美国传统〔throwback〕The band's music is a throwback to the 1980s.这支乐队的音乐风格回归到20世纪80年代。韦氏高阶〔thwack〕I listened to the thwack of the metal balls.我听着金属球相撞的声音。外研社新世纪〔tingle〕To cause to tingle.使…感到刺痛美国传统〔toughen〕Do not add salt to beans when cooking as this tends to toughen the skins.煮豆荚时别加盐,因为这常会使豆壳变硬。柯林斯高阶〔transport〕There's no petrol, so it's very difficult to transport goods.没有汽油,因此很难运输货物。柯林斯高阶〔treat sb like dirt〕For years I allowed him to treat me like dirt.多年来他一直不把我当人看,我都一直忍着。剑桥高阶〔tribalism〕A strong feeling of identity with and loyalty to one's tribe or group.同族意识,宗族主义:强烈的对本宗族或集团的忠诚和情感上的认同感美国传统〔tweak〕You just need to tweak the last paragraph and then it's done.你只需要把最后一段稍作修改就可以了。剑桥高阶〔uncertainty〕There is uncertainty as to how this research can be used.怎样利用这项研究还不知道。麦克米伦高阶〔undermine〕It ultimately undermined his ability to play.这最终削弱了他的比赛能力。牛津搭配〔unlucky〕She was desperately unlucky to fall as badly as she did.她非常不幸,摔得很严重。牛津搭配〔up to date〕This technology is bang up to date(= completely modern).这项技术是最新式的。牛津高阶〔usual〕Steve, as usual, was the last to arrive.史蒂夫照例来得最晚。牛津高阶〔vibrant〕Orlando itself is vibrant, and full of great places to eat.奥兰多本身充满了朝气, 有很多餐饮的好去处。外研社新世纪〔vibration〕He was sending out vibrations to get the dog back.他正用心灵感应术将狗召回。英汉大词典〔volunteer〕Volunteers are needed to help with the bake sale.需要志愿者来帮忙卖烘焙食品。韦氏高阶〔waiting〕He told waiting journalists that he did not expect a referendum to be held for several months.他告诉守候着的记者,他认为几个月内不会举行全民公决。柯林斯高阶〔walk〕If you can afford to walk out of your job, why not? 要是你可以放弃工作,为什么不放弃呢?朗文当代〔weir〕A dam placed across a river or canal to raise or divert the water, as for a millrace, or to regulate or measure the flow.堰,拦河坝,挡流坝:横截河流或运河以提高水位或使河水转向的坝, 如用于推动水车,调节或测量水流美国传统〔with it〕You have to be pretty with it if you want to talk to them about politics.如果想和他们谈论政治,你必须十分了解时政。韦氏高阶A land and sea search is under way in the north of the island to try to find the missing aircraft.为了寻找失踪的飞机,在岛的北部正展开地面和海上搜寻。剑桥国际He had to humble himself in the presence of the prince. 他在王子面前只得低声下气。译典通He is strongly opposed to the plan. 他强烈反对这一计划。译典通He told his children to stay where they were and not to move.他叫他的孩子们呆在原地不要动。剑桥国际Her conduct subjected her to public ridicule. 她的行为使她受众人嘲笑。译典通I find it difficult to just waltz up to complete strangers and start talking.我发觉要我无拘无束地走到完全陌生的人跟前开口谈话非常困难。剑桥国际I implore you to go now. 我恳求你现在就去。译典通I'm afraid I have no authority to release (= give) these documents to you.恐怕我没权力把这些文件给你。剑桥国际I'm planning (= I intend) to buy a new house.我正计划买一所新房子。剑桥国际If you are claustrophobic, a psychologist may be able to help you.如果你患了幽闭恐怖症,心理学家也许能帮助你。剑桥国际It appears to me (that) (=I think that) we need to make some changes. [+ (that) clause] 在我看来,我们有必要作出一些改变。剑桥国际It pays to learn a foreign language. 学外语是值得的。译典通It was Luciano Pavarotti in the 1980s who really popularized opera (= caused it to become known and enjoyed by many people).是卢西亚诺·帕瓦罗蒂在20 世纪80 年代使歌剧受到推广。剑桥国际Small children are prey to all sorts of fears.幼儿易受各种恐惧的折磨。剑桥国际Some vegetarians like to supplement their diets with iron tablets.有些素食者喜欢服用铁片补充饮食。剑桥国际Somehow in the rush to get out of the building I got separated from (= I lost) my mother.急急忙忙冲出大楼的时候,不知什么原因我和妈妈分开了。剑桥国际The company's claim to the oil fields has been contested.公司对这些油田的所有权已受到质疑。牛津商务The cost of living in the city is more expensive but salaries are supposed to be correspondingly higher.城市的生活费用较高,但工资也相应地较高。剑桥国际The factory pushes out up to 20 000 PCs each day.这家工厂日产个人电脑达 2 万台。牛津商务The only way to improve my French was by living in France for a while.提高我法语的唯一途径是在法国生活一段时间。剑桥国际There was a roll of drums (= several quick hits on a drum or drums), then the band started to march.先是一连串的击鼓声,其后乐队开始了行进。剑桥国际These bills have to be paid one way or another (= in any way that is possible).这些帐单必须以某种方式支付。剑桥国际This is one of the first robots to have a fully functioning five-fingered hand.这是第一批具有功能齐全的五个手指的机器人中的一个。剑桥国际We downed (= shot to the ground) three enemy planes with our missiles.我们用导弹击落了3架敌机。剑桥国际We really can't go on living like this--we'll have to find a bigger house. 我们真的不能像这样再住下去了----我们得找一所大一点的房子。剑桥国际We received a mixed bag (= some good and some bad) of entries to the competition.我们接待了各种来参加比赛的人。剑桥国际We used our website to drive traffic to our stores.我们利用网站将顾客吸引到我们的商店。牛津商务We would like to hear your angle in this dispute. 我们想听听你在这场争论中的观点。译典通We've decided to remove some shrubbery so we can enlarge the lawn.我们决定移走一些灌木丛,这样我们就能扩大草坪。剑桥国际




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