

单词 to a certain extent
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PARTLY〕To a certain extent it was our own fault that we lost the contract. 从某种程度上来说,失去合同是我们自己的错。朗文写作活用〔certain〕I do agree with his ideas to a certain extent.我的确有点同意他的观点。朗文当代〔certain〕That's true, to a certain extent.在一定程度上的确如此。牛津高阶〔extent〕To a certain extent it's easier for men to get work.在一定程度上,男性更容易找到工作。柯林斯高阶〔extent〕To a certain extent it's easier for men to get work.在某种程度上, 男人更容易找工作。外研社新世纪〔extent〕To a certain extent, I was relieved.我在一定程度上获得了些宽慰。麦克米伦高阶〔extent〕To a certain extent, we are all responsible for this tragic situation.我们都在一定程度上对这悲惨的局面负有责任。牛津高阶〔extent〕Some critics claim that the government is at fault, and, to a certain extent, that's true.一些批评者声称政府有错,在某种程度上,确实如此。韦氏高阶〔trust〕However much you plan an expedition like this, you still have to trust to luck to a certain extent.像这样的探险不管你准备得多么仔细,在某种程度上你仍然得依靠运气。剑桥高阶To a certain extent, I am responsible for the delay. 在一定程度上,我对拖延负有责任。译典通To a certain extent, to raise wages means increasing purchasing power. 在一定程度上,提高薪资意味著增加购买力。译典通However much you plan an expedition like this, you still have to trust to (= rely on) luck to a certain extent.像这样的探险无论你计划得多么周全,但在一定程度上你仍旧不得不依靠运气。剑桥国际




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