

单词 的欧洲
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔-led〕a German-led European consortium. 由德国人主事的欧洲财团柯林斯高阶〔Eurocentric〕the insultingly Eurocentric bias in the education system. 教育体系中侮辱人格的欧洲中心论偏见柯林斯高阶〔European〕our European partners 我们的欧洲伙伴朗文当代〔Europocentric〕a markedly Europocentric orientation in the world history textbook 世界史课本中明显的欧洲中心论倾向英汉大词典〔blackthorn〕a European bush that has small white flowers 黑刺李〔一种开白色小花的欧洲灌木〕朗文当代〔border〕the European and Arab countries bordering the Mediterranean. 地中海沿岸的欧洲和阿拉伯国家柯林斯高阶〔border〕the European and Arab countries bordering the Mediterranean地中海沿岸的欧洲和阿拉伯国家外研社新世纪〔bureaucracy〕the crisis that has pitted an unelected Brussels bureaucracy against Euro MPs demanding radical reform这场引起非民选的布鲁塞尔政府和要求彻底改革的欧洲议会成员之间较量的危机外研社新世纪〔coast〕the first European to cross Africa coast to coast 第一个横穿非洲的欧洲人朗文当代〔coinage〕the world's finest collection of medieval European coinage. 世界上最完整的欧洲中世纪硬币收藏柯林斯高阶〔coinage〕the world's finest collection of medieval European coinage世界上最完整的欧洲中世纪硬币收藏外研社新世纪〔component〕the European component within the Atlantic Alliance 大西洋联盟中的欧洲部分英汉大词典〔continental〕a popular continental holiday resort 受欢迎的欧洲大陆度假胜地牛津高阶〔court〕the courts of Renaissance Europe 文艺复兴时期的欧洲各王室剑桥高阶〔currency〕a single European currency 统一的欧洲货币牛津高阶〔demography〕the shifting demography of Europe 变化的欧洲人口统计韦氏高阶〔designation〕the designation of Madrid as European City of Culture 1992. 马德里被命名为 1992 年度的欧洲文化之城柯林斯高阶〔discoverer〕the first European to discover America. 第一个发现美洲大陆的欧洲人柯林斯高阶〔economic〕closer Eur opean monetary union 更为紧密的欧洲货币联盟牛津高阶〔embryonic〕the embryonic European central bank. 处于酝酿阶段的欧洲中央银行柯林斯高阶〔fantastic〕a fantastic trip to Europe. 美好的欧洲之旅美国传统〔foot〕the first European to set foot in Australia 第一个踏上澳大利亚土地的欧洲人牛津搭配〔heel〕a courtly European who still clicked his heels when he met a lady. 遇见女士仍咔嚓一声行礼的彬彬有礼的欧洲人柯林斯高阶〔heel〕a courtly European who still clicked his heels when he met a lady遇到女士仍脚后跟咔嗒一并的彬彬有礼的欧洲人外研社新世纪〔high〕the European country with the highest birth rate出生率最高的欧洲国家外研社新世纪〔invest〕the European Investment Bank, which invested £100 million in Canary Wharf. 向卡纳里码头投资了1亿英镑的欧洲投资银行柯林斯高阶〔monetary〕closer European political, monetary and economic union 更为密切的欧洲政治、货币及经济联盟牛津高阶〔old master〕his collection of old masters and modern art他收藏的1500至1800年间的欧洲名画和现代派艺术品外研社新世纪〔peak〕one of the hardest peaks in Europe for climbers 对登山者来说最难征服的欧洲山峰之一麦克米伦高阶〔peg〕a pegged European currency. 汇率固定的欧洲货币柯林斯高阶〔postwar〕postwar Europe 第二次世界大战后的欧洲韦氏高阶〔power〕major European powers such as France and Germany 法国和德国等主要的欧洲强国牛津搭配〔prewar〕prewar Europe/buildings 第二次世界大战前的欧洲/建筑韦氏高阶〔project〕a French-inspired project for European cooperation in high technologies 法国发起的欧洲高科技合作项目麦克米伦高阶〔relation〕the need to establish good relations with our European partners 与我们的欧洲伙伴建立良好关系的需要牛津搭配〔united〕a united Europe 统一的欧洲朗文当代〔united〕a united Europe 统一的欧洲韦氏高阶〔vanish〕the vanishing woodlands of Europe 濒于绝迹的欧洲林地牛津高阶a single financial market for Europe 单一的欧洲金融市场牛津商务a two-week tour of Europe 为期两周的欧洲游牛津商务




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