

单词 royal
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔Royal Highness〕their Royal Highnesses, the Prince and Princess of Wales 威尔士亲王和王妃殿下韦氏高阶〔absolutism〕royal absolutism王权专制主义外研社新世纪〔apartment〕the Royal apartments 皇家公寓韦氏高阶〔appertain〕privileges which appertain to members of the royal family 属于王室成员的特权英汉大词典〔bedchamber〕the royal bedchamber 国王的卧室牛津高阶〔bloodline〕a royal bloodline 皇族血脉朗文当代〔chaplaincy〕the chaplaincy of the Royal Hospital.皇家医院的牧师职位柯林斯高阶〔choreographic〕his choreographic work for The Birmingham Royal Ballet.他为伯明翰皇家芭蕾舞团编排的作品柯林斯高阶〔company〕the Royal Shakespeare Company 皇家莎士比亚戏剧团牛津高阶〔corps〕the Royal Army Medical Corps 英国皇家陆军医疗部牛津高阶〔court〕the royal courts of Europe 欧洲各王朝英汉大词典〔crest〕a royal crest 皇家的徽章剑桥高阶〔derivation〕be distinguished by derivation from royal ancestors 因出身王族而显赫英汉大词典〔domain〕the extent of the royal domain 皇家领地的范围朗文当代〔enlist〕his enlistment in the Royal Air Force 他应征加入皇家空军牛津高阶〔erosion〕the slow erosion of royal power 王室权力的日渐被侵害文馨英汉〔extravagant〕the extravagance of the Royal Palace 皇宫的富丽堂皇朗文当代〔fairy-tale〕a fairy-tale romance that preceded the royal wedding.在举行王室婚礼前的神话般的罗曼史美国传统〔friend〕the friends of Birmingham Royal Ballet伯明翰皇家芭蕾舞团的赞助者外研社新世纪〔hall〕the Royal Albert Hall 皇家艾伯特厅剑桥高阶〔hysteria〕the usual media hysteria that surrounds royal visits 媒体对于王室成员访问的惯常的大肆渲染牛津高阶〔insignia〕the royal insignia 皇家的徽章朗文当代〔libertine〕libertines of the royal court 宫廷的浪荡子韦氏高阶〔love rat〕the womanising of royal love rat James Hewitt.情场老千詹姆斯·休伊特的花心行径柯林斯高阶〔majesty〕a royal wedding attended by the majesties of Europe 有欧洲各国王室参加的皇家婚礼英汉大词典〔marshal〕the Marshal of the Royal Airforce 皇家空军元帅朗文当代〔menagerie〕a wonderful menagerie of royal hangers-on 无奇不有的一群过寄生生活的皇亲国戚英汉大词典〔millinery〕a graduate in fashion and millinery from the Royal College of Art皇家艺术学院时装与女帽专业的一个毕业生外研社新世纪〔mint〕the Royal Mint(= the one where British coins and notes are made) 皇家铸币厂牛津高阶〔monogram〕the royal monogram 'VR'王室的交织字母VR外研社新世纪〔orchestra〕the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra皇家利物浦爱乐乐团外研社新世纪〔outré〕outré outfits designed by students at the Royal College of Art皇家艺术学院的学生设计的另类套装外研社新世纪〔pageantry〕the pageantry of royal occasions 王室庆典的盛况牛津高阶〔personage〕a royal personage 王室要人牛津高阶〔pilot〕fighter pilots of the British Royal Air Force.英国皇家空军的战斗机飞行员柯林斯高阶〔pilot〕fighter pilots of the British Royal Air Force英国皇家空军的战斗机飞行员外研社新世纪〔prince〕the royal princes 亲王牛津高阶〔purvey〕purvey for a royal family 为一王室承办伙食英汉大词典〔regulate〕a code of conduct intended to regulate press reporting on the royal family 为管控媒体报道王室信息而订立的一套行为规范牛津搭配〔royal〕royal metals 贵金属英汉大词典〔royal〕a royal pain in the neck 脖子上的剧痛英汉大词典〔royal〕a royal visit 国王(或女王)的来访剑桥高阶〔royal〕a royal wedding 王室婚礼麦克米伦高阶〔royal〕a royal welcome 隆重的欢迎朗文当代〔royal〕an invitation to a royal garden party一封皇家游园会请柬外研社新世纪〔royal〕live in royal splendour 过君王般豪华的生活英汉大词典〔royal〕several pilots of the Royal Navy's 846 Squadron.皇家海军846中队的几个领航员柯林斯高阶〔royal〕the Royal Botanic Gardens 皇家植物园英汉大词典〔royal〕the Royal National Theatre 皇家国家剧院韦氏高阶〔royal〕the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds 皇家鸟类保护协会牛津高阶〔royal〕the Royal elections 皇家学会的选举英汉大词典〔royal〕the royal estates 王室领地英汉大词典〔royal〕the royal fleet 王国舰队英汉大词典〔royal〕the royal guard 王室卫队英汉大词典〔royal〕the royal palace 王宫英汉大词典〔scoop〕eager reporters scrambling to get the scoop on the latest royal scandal 急切的记者们争先报道最新的皇室丑闻麦克米伦高阶〔untitled〕untitled members of the royal family 皇室中没有头衔的成员剑桥高阶〔untrammelled〕the only place where the royal family could really relax and lead an untrammelled domestic life.唯一一处王室成员可以真正放松、不受拘束地过家庭生活的地方柯林斯高阶〔vein〕have royal blood in one's veins 有王族血统英汉大词典the Royal Economic Society 皇家经济学会牛津商务




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