

单词 的承认
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔acceptance〕the acceptance of a theory by sb. 某人对一种理论的承认英汉大词典〔confer〕delegates treating for the recognition of their union. 代表们商议对他们联盟的承认问题 美国传统〔confession〕his confession that he had betrayed his wife他对背叛过妻子的承认外研社新世纪〔disestablish〕to disestablish a church撤销国家对一个教会的承认或支持21世纪英汉〔reach〕achieved international recognition. 获得国际上的承认。美国传统〔recognition〕official recognition of the need for jail reform 官方对监狱需要改革的承认朗文当代〔recognition〕to seek international/official/formal recognition as a sovereign state 寻求国际上的╱官方╱正式的承认,承认它是一个主权国家牛津高阶〔unwitting〕an unwitting admission of guilt. 无意间对所犯罪过的承认美国传统〔within〕a 1987 agreement which would recognise Quebec as a distinct society within Canada. 1987年达成的承认魁北克是加拿大境内的特区的协议柯林斯高阶the recognition of trade unions 工会的承认牛津商务




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