

单词 上树
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔clench〕With a knife clenched in/between his teeth, he climbed up the tree to cut some coconuts.他嘴里紧咬着一把刀,爬上树去割椰子。剑桥高阶〔dart〕The squirrel darted its head from side to side before scampering up the tree.松鼠在爬上树之前左右快速地摆动头美国传统〔get〕Abby had climbed a tree and couldn't get down.阿比爬上树但是下不来了。麦克米伦高阶〔overturn〕His car crashed into a clump of trees and overturned.他的汽车撞上树丛,翻倒在地。英汉大词典〔overturn〕Pollock's car crashed into a clump of trees and overturned.波洛克的汽车撞上树丛, 翻了。外研社新世纪〔perch〕The blackbird flew up to the branch and perched there for a moment or two.乌鸫飞上树枝停留片刻。外研社新世纪〔pig〕There's a chance he won't get involved in this, of course.—And pigs might fly.当然, 他还是有可能不插手此事的。——母猪还能上树呢。外研社新世纪〔shade〕The fields are shaded by trees.原野上树木成荫。外研社新世纪〔shoot〕As the car hit the tree he was shot out.汽车撞上树时他被摔出车外。英汉大词典〔spectacle〕We witnessed the extraordinary spectacle of an old lady climbing a tree to rescue her cat.我们目睹了一件奇事:一位老妇人爬上树去救她的猫。剑桥高阶〔stand〕The mountaineers stood a flag at their quarters.登山队员在他们的宿营地上树起了一面旗子。21世纪英汉〔tree〕The dogs treed early that night.那天晚上狗很早就爬上树去了。英汉大词典〔tree〕The hiker was treed by a bear.步行旅人被熊追赶上树躲避。英汉大词典After the storm there were branches and twigs all over the ground.暴风雨过后地上树枝狼藉。剑桥国际He made a foolhardy attempt to climb the tree in order to rescue the kitten.他鲁莽地试图爬上树去救那只小猫。剑桥国际He swarmed up the tree. 他爬上树。译典通The cat had climbed onto an upper limb of the tree.猫已经爬上树顶的枝干。剑桥国际The column is surmounted by a statue. 柱顶上树立了一尊雕像。译典通The snake moved sinuously (= in a curving and indirect way) over the branches of the tree.那条蛇蜿蜒爬上树枝。剑桥国际The software company is going to find it hard staking out a position in an already crowded market.这软件公司发觉要在早已拥挤的市场上树立地盘很困难。剑桥国际




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