

单词 上校
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ARMY〕Colonel Gary G. Mahle is the commanding officer here. 加利·G.马尔上校是这里的指挥官。朗文写作活用〔CHOOSE〕Captain Withers was singled out for special mention and was awarded the Military Cross. 威瑟斯上校受到特别嘉奖,获授“军功十字勋章”。朗文写作活用〔Col.〕Col. Frank Weldon.弗兰克·韦尔登上校柯林斯高阶〔DELIBERATELY〕Kramer made a point of looking very bored while the colonel was speaking. 上校在讲话时,克雷默故意显得很厌倦。朗文写作活用〔EASY〕Colonel Moore was no pushover. He wouldn't let anyone tell him what to do. 穆尔上校可不好对付,他是不会让别人对他指手画脚的。朗文写作活用〔LOSE〕Colonel Casado was anxious to negotiate a surrender. 卡萨多上校急于谈判请降。朗文写作活用〔REPLACE〕Paine, the second in command, deputized for the Colonel. 副指挥佩因代理上校的指挥工作。朗文写作活用〔RM〕Captain Alastair Rogers, RM.英国皇家海军陆战队上校阿拉斯泰尔·罗杰斯柯林斯高阶〔RN〕Captain Anstruther, RN 皇家海军安斯特拉瑟上校朗文当代〔RN〕Captain H. Doughty, RN 英国皇家海军上校 H.道蒂剑桥高阶〔SHOOT〕The colonel gave the order for the soldiers to open fire. 上校下令士兵开火。朗文写作活用〔above〕A captain in the navy ranks above a captain in the army.海军的 captain (上校)军衔比陆军的 captain (上尉)高。牛津高阶〔accord〕The government accorded him the rank of Colonel.政府授予他上校军衔。外研社新世纪〔advance〕At 30, he had already advanced to colonel.在30岁上他已升为上校。英汉大词典〔apoplectic〕The colonel was apoplectic with rage.上校气愤得满脸通红。朗文当代〔asap〕The colonel ordered, 'I want two good engines down here asap.' 上校命令道:“尽快给我找两台性能好的发动机来。”柯林斯高阶〔bird colonel〕A full colonel.陆军上校美国传统〔brigadier general〕A commissioned rank in the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps that is above colonel and below major general.准将:美国陆军、空军或海军陆战队军衔,级别高于上校,低于少将美国传统〔captaincy〕He rose to naval captaincy at the age of 35.他在35岁时晋升为海军上校。外研社新世纪〔captain〕A commissioned rank in the U.S. Navy or Coast Guard that is above commander and below rear admiral.上校:美军海军或海岸警备队的经过委任授予的军衔,位居海军中校之上海军少将之下美国传统〔captain〕One who holds the rank of captain.上尉,上校:拥有上尉或上校军衔的人美国传统〔charge〕Captain Walker led a charge straight into an enemy stronghold.沃克上校领着队伍直接冲向敌人的堡垒。麦克米伦高阶〔charge〕The colonel gave the order to charge.上校发出冲锋令。麦克米伦高阶〔charge〕The colonel ordered the bugler to sound the charge.上校命令号兵吹响冲锋号。外研社新世纪〔col.〕Col. (Angus) Ferguson (安格斯‧)弗格森上校剑桥高阶〔colonel〕An honorary nonmilitary title awarded by some states of the United States.上校:美国某些州授予的一种非军事荣誉称号美国传统〔colonel〕Colonel Edward Staley.爱德华·斯特利上校柯林斯高阶〔colonel〕Colonel Edward Staley爱德华•斯泰利上校外研社新世纪〔colonel〕Colonel Furlong 弗朗上校剑桥高阶〔colonel〕Colonel Jim Edge 吉姆 · 埃奇上校牛津高阶〔colonel〕This particular place was run by an ex-Army colonel.这个地方以前由一位前陆军上校经管。柯林斯高阶〔colonel〕Yes, Colonel.是的,上校。剑桥高阶〔commander〕A commissioned rank in the U.S. Navy or Coast Guard that is above lieutenant commander and below captain.海军中校:美国海军和海岸自卫队军衔,高于少校但低于上校美国传统〔commission〕She was commissioned in the Navy as a captain.她被任命为海军上校。韦氏高阶〔commodore〕Used as an unofficial designation for a captain in the British Navy temporarily in command of a fleet division or squadron.舰队司令官:用作英国海军上校的非正式名称,暂时用在舰队师或小舰队内美国传统〔contact lens〕A thin plastic or glass lens that is fitted over the cornea of the eye to correct various vision defects.隐形眼镜:一种用塑料或玻璃制成并套在眼角膜上校正各种视力缺陷的薄透镜美国传统〔darken〕The captain's face darkened as he read.上校读着读着脸色就阴沉下来。朗文当代〔design〕His colonel had designs on his wife.他的上校在打他妻子的主意。柯林斯高阶〔dive〕The captain dived his submarine deep to escape from the destroyers.海军上校使他的潜艇深深下潜以逃避驱逐艇。21世纪英汉〔extra-mural〕I took my first extra-mural course in 1948 in Coventry, even though I was working in Birmingham …1948年我在考文垂第一次上校外课, 虽然当时我在伯明翰工作。外研社新世纪〔extra-mural〕I took my first extra-mural course in 1948 in Coventry, even though I was working in Birmingham.1948年我在考文垂第一次上校外课,虽然当时我在伯明翰工作。柯林斯高阶〔force〕Zlotin was a Colonel with the Russian Special Forces.兹洛京是俄罗斯特种部队的一名上校。外研社新世纪〔from〕Colonel Milan Gvero, who is from the federal Defense Ministry in Belgrade.在贝尔格莱德的联邦国防部工作的米兰·格韦罗上校柯林斯高阶〔gaze〕The Monsignor turned his gaze from the flames to meet the Colonel's.这位大人凝视的目光离开火苗,与上校的目光相遇。柯林斯高阶〔gone〕While he was gone she had tea with the Colonel.他不在时她跟上校一起喝了茶。柯林斯高阶〔grow out of〕She had soon grown out of her school uniform.她很快就长得穿不上校服了。外研社新世纪〔halt〕The colonel ordered 'Halt!' 上校命令道:“立定!”柯林斯高阶〔halt〕The colonel ordered 'Halt!'上校命令道:“立定!”外研社新世纪〔imitate〕Clarence screws up his face and imitates the Colonel again.克拉伦斯又板起面孔,模仿起上校来。柯林斯高阶〔issue〕It seemed the Colonel had no desire to make an issue of the affair.上校似乎不想把这件事闹大。外研社新世纪〔issue〕It seemed the Colonel had no desire to make an issue of the affair.看上去上校不想在那件事上挑起争端。柯林斯高阶〔lest〕The colonel forbade the use of artillery lest the city's industry be damaged.上校禁止使用大炮,以免该城的工业遭受破坏。英汉大词典〔lift〕The Colonel lifted the phone and dialed his superior.上校拿起电话, 打给他的长官。外研社新世纪〔lift〕The Colonel lifted the phone and dialed his superior.上校拿起电话,拨通了上司的号码。柯林斯高阶〔line ... up〕The pupils lined up to board the school bus.学生们排队上校车。21世纪英汉〔march〕The Colonel and his forces were a day's march away.上校和他的部队还有一天的行程。外研社新世纪〔measure〕The new colonel had been with us less than a week and we had not yet taken his measure.新来的陆军上校和我们在一起还不到1星期,我们对他的情况还摸不透。英汉大词典〔military honours〕The Colonel was buried with full military honours.那位上校以隆重的军葬礼入葬。剑桥高阶〔officer〕Each regiment was officered with a Colonel.每个团都配了一名上校。外研社新世纪〔open〕The Colonel opens his garden for the National Gardens scheme.为了贯彻全国公园计划,上校将自己的花园向公众开放。英汉大词典〔orchestrate〕The colonel was able to orchestrate a rebellion from inside an army jail.这位上校得以在军队监狱里策动了一场哗变。外研社新世纪〔over〕A colonel is over a lieutenant colonel.上校军阶高于中校。英汉大词典〔parade〕The colonel paraded his soldiers.上校集合士兵列队接受检阅。英汉大词典〔place〕I was placed next to Colonel Pickering at the dinner table.我被安排在皮克林上校旁边的餐桌位置就座。外研社新世纪〔prosecution〕Colonel Pugh, for the prosecution, said that the offences occurred over a six-year period.皮尤上校为控方律师作证时说这些罪行是在6年的时间里犯下的。柯林斯高阶〔put forward〕I rang the Colonel and asked him to put my name forward for the vacancy in Zurich.我给上校打电话请他推荐我去填补苏黎世的那个职位空缺。柯林斯高阶〔raid〕The colonel led a successful raid against a rebel base.上校成功地指挥了一场对叛军基地发动的袭击。朗文当代〔rank〕A captain ranks a commander in the navy.在海军中,上校的军衔高于中校。21世纪英汉〔rank〕A colonel ranks a captain.上校军阶高于上尉。英汉大词典〔rank〕A colonel ranks above a major.上校位居少校之上。文馨英汉〔rank〕A general ranks a captain.上将的级别高于上校。朗文当代〔rank〕The colonel ranks at this camp.上校是这个营地的最高级军官。英汉大词典〔rank〕The colonel ranks at this camp.在这个营地, 上校有最高指挥权。外研社新世纪〔rank〕The colonel was stripped of his rank(= was given a lower position, especially as a punishment).那名上校被降职了。牛津高阶〔rap〕The colonel rapped (out) an order to his men.上校厉声对他的士兵下命令。剑桥高阶〔rebel〕The colonel rebelled in protest over his transfer, saying it amounted to exile.上校抗命,反对调动,说调动无异于放逐。英汉大词典〔repeat〕The Libyan leader Colonel Gadaffi repeated his call for the release of hostages.利比亚领导人卡扎菲上校反复呼吁释放人质。柯林斯高阶〔sahib〕Colonel Sahib 上校大人英汉大词典〔salute〕The soldiers saluted the colonel.士兵们向上校敬礼。剑桥高阶〔satanic〕The colonel's reputation is now more satanic than before.那上校比以前更为恶名昭著。英汉大词典〔school board〕Colonel Richard Nelson served on the school board until this year.理查德·纳尔逊上校直到今年才从地方教育董事会离职。柯林斯高阶〔shake〕The colonel rushed up to Earle, shaking his gun at him.上校冲向厄尔,朝他挥着枪。柯林斯高阶〔shake〕The colonel rushed up to Earle, shaking his gun at him.上校挥舞着枪冲向厄尔。外研社新世纪〔triumphantly〕The captain's voice was triumphant.上校的声音听上去万分得意。柯林斯高阶〔under〕From 1847 to 1851 he served under Captain John Randolph Stokes.1847年至1851年,他在约翰‧伦道夫‧斯托克斯上校手下服役。朗文当代〔under〕He's a Colonel, with hundreds of soldiers under him (= obeying his orders).他是一名上校,手下有数百名士兵。剑桥高阶〔vc〕Col James Blunt VC 维多利亚十字勋章获得者詹姆斯 · 布伦特上校牛津高阶A colonel is above (=has a higher rank than) a major in the British army.在英国军队中上校的军阶比少校高。剑桥国际A colonel is subordinate to a brigadier general. 上校级别低于准将。译典通Captain Sam Hill R.N.皇家海军的萨姆·希尔上校剑桥国际Captain Scott's example inspired them ( with the determination) to reach the South Pole on foot.斯科特上校的例子鼓舞着他们(有决心)徒步到达南极。剑桥国际Colonel Sailing commands (=is in a military position of control over) the Guards Regiment.赛林上校统帅着近卫团。剑桥国际Colonel Sailing has command over/is in command of the Guards Regiment.赛林上校统帅着近卫团。剑桥国际Colonel is the military rank between lieutenant-colonel and brigadier.上校是在陆军中校之上、准将之下的军衔剑桥国际Grandfather was commissioned as Group Captain in the RAF just before the war. [T + obj + as n; usually passive] 祖父就在战前被任命为皇家空军上校。剑桥国际In a purge of the army, at least eight colonels and a major have been removed from their posts.在军队的一次清洗中,至少8 个上校和一个少校被撤了职。剑桥国际Regiments are usually commanded by a colonel and are sometimes made up of soldiers from a particular city or part of the country.团通常由一名上校指挥,有时候由来自某一城市或国家某地区的士兵组成。剑桥国际The captain ordered that all his officers should attend the parade.上校命令他手下的所有军官都应该参加阅兵。剑桥国际The colonel rapped (out) an order to his men.上校急促地向部下发出命令。剑桥国际The colonel said that Mr. Clark could be his aide-de camp. 上校说克拉克先生可以做他的副官。译典通




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