

单词 现地
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AREA〕I noticed a patch of dirt in the middle of the rug. 我发现地毯中间有一块污斑。朗文写作活用〔WALK〕He strutted across the stage like Mick Jagger. 他像米克·贾格尔一样神气活现地走到舞台的另一边。朗文写作活用〔WALK〕The hotel was full of rich people strutting around in fur coats and Rolex watches. 酒店里到处都是有钱人,他们穿着毛皮大衣、戴着劳力士手表,神气活现地走来走去。朗文写作活用〔capture〕Chef Idris Caldora offers an inspired menu that captures the spirit of the Mediterranean.伊德里斯·卡尔德拉大厨给出了一份体现地中海精髓的菜单, 堪称创意非凡之作。外研社新世纪〔corroded〕The investigators found that the underground pipes were badly corroded.调查人员发现地下管道严重腐蚀。柯林斯高阶〔corroded〕The investigators found that the underground pipes were badly corroded.调查员发现地下管道已受到严重腐蚀。外研社新世纪〔fore〕Various ecological issues have come to the fore since the discovery of the hole in the earth's ozone layer.自从发现地球臭氧层空洞以来,各种生态问题成为公众关注的热点。剑桥高阶〔gaze〕I followed her gaze and spotted a lion on the horizon.我顺着她的目光看去,发现地平线处有一头狮子。牛津搭配〔gold rush〕A rush of migrants to an area where gold has been discovered.淘金热:涌向黄金发现地的人潮美国传统〔important〕The boy shouted with an important air.那男孩神气活现地大声嚷嚷。英汉大词典〔jaunty〕He set off jauntily, whistling to himself.他吹着口哨神气活现地出发了。牛津高阶〔machismo〕The bus driver drove with machismo through a tangle of narrow streets.公共汽车司机神气活现地驱车在小街曲巷中穿行。英汉大词典〔minute〕The documentary showed an eye operation in minute detail (= showing every small detail).这部纪录片纤毫毕现地展示了一次眼科手术的过程。剑桥高阶〔panache〕He rides with panache.他总是神气活现地骑马。英汉大词典〔parade〕He paraded in front of the mirror in his new uniform.他穿着新制服神气活现地照镜子。英汉大词典〔powder〕We woke this morning to several inches of fresh powder on the ground.早上醒来,我们发现地上积了几英寸厚刚下的细雪。韦氏高阶〔prance around〕He was horrified at the thought of his son prancing around on a stage in tights.一想到儿子身穿紧身衣在舞台上神气活现地走来走去, 他就不寒而栗。外研社新世纪〔prance〕He was horrified at the thought of his son prancing about on a stage in tights.一想到儿子身穿紧身衣在舞台上神气活现地走来走去,他就感到震惊。柯林斯高阶〔propriety〕She's undone one more button than propriety would deem decent, revealing a glimpse of cleavage.她少扣了一个扣子, 若隐若现地露出乳沟, 这在礼节上被认为不雅。外研社新世纪〔rhabdomancy〕Divination by means of a wand or rod, especially for discovering underground water or ores.棍卜:通过杖或棒的占卜,尤指为发现地下水或矿产美国传统〔strut〕The general strutted up and down his office.将军在办公室里神气活现地踱来踱去。英汉大词典〔strut〕To walk with pompous bearing; swagger.神气活现地走路;高昂阔步美国传统〔swagger〕He with his hatchet men swaggered out of the bar.他和他那帮打手神气活现地走出了那间酒吧。21世纪英汉〔take〕Beth can take off Judy Garland brilliantly.贝思能活灵活现地模仿朱迪·加兰。麦克米伦高阶〔touch〕To describe or portray with deft precision.活灵活现地描述:用精确的笔法灵活地描写或描绘美国传统〔witch〕To use a divining rod to find underground water or minerals; dowse.用神杖发现地下水源或矿物;用占卜杖探矿或水美国传统After I'd painted the door, I found specks of paint all over the floor.我给门上完漆后,发现地板上全是油漆斑点。剑桥国际She strode briskly down the street, ignoring the beggars who were stretching out their hands for money.她神气活现地大步走过街道,丝毫不理伸出手要钱的乞丐。剑桥国际Soldiers found maybe as many as fifty refugees hiding in the basement.士兵们发现地下室内藏着约五十多个难民。剑桥国际The aliens laughed when they discovered that earthlings have only two legs.外星人发现地球人只有两条腿时,大笑起来。剑桥国际Various ecological issues have come to the fore since the discovery of the hole in the Earth's ozone layer.自从发现地球臭氧层的空洞以来,各种各样的生态问题受到了公众关注。剑桥国际




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