

单词 火星
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALIVE〕The new evidence seemed to indicate that life existed on Mars billions of years ago. 这些新的证据似乎表示,火星几十亿年前就有生命存在了。朗文写作活用〔Ceres〕The largest asteroid and the first to be discovered, having an orbit between Mars and Saturn.谷神星:最早被发现的最大的小行星,其轨道在火星和土星之间美国传统〔DO/NOT DO〕The goal of landing people on Mars will not be an easy one to execute. 载人登陆火星的计划实行起来并不容易。朗文写作活用〔LIKE OR SIMILAR|像|相似〕For generations, scientists and science-fiction writers talked about the similarity of Mars to Earth. 一代代的科学家和科幻小说作家都讲到了火星与地球的相似之处。朗文写作活用〔LOT〕A hundred years ago it was widely believed that there was life on Mars. 一百年前普遍认为火星上有生命。朗文写作活用〔Mars〕Mars is sometimes called the Red Planet because of its distinctive colour.因为颜色特别,火星有时也被称为“红色行星”。剑桥高阶〔Mars〕So is there life on Mars? 那么火星上有生命吗?剑桥高阶〔Martian〕Of or relating to the planet Mars or its hypothetical inhabitants.火星的:火星的或假想的火星人的,与其有关的美国传统〔Martian〕The Martian atmosphere contains only tiny amounts of water.火星大气层只含有微量的水。外研社新世纪〔PLAN〕NASA has announced plans for a new space mission to Mars. 美国国家航空航天局宣布了几项新火星航天计划。朗文写作活用〔Phobos〕The larger and inner of the two planetary satellites of Mars.火卫一:火星的两颗卫星中较大的和离火星较近的一颗美国传统〔SHOW〕Unfortunately, the photographs can tell us very little about the potential for life on Mars. 遗憾的是,关于火星上是否有生命存在,这些照片能告诉我们的非常少。朗文写作活用〔SMALL〕A primitive form of microscopic life may have existed on Mars billions of years ago. 微生物的原始形态可能数十亿年前就已在火星上存在了。朗文写作活用〔TRUE〕Researchers were hoping that the rock samples would give them indisputable proof of life on Mars. 研究人员希望这些岩石样本能成为证明火星上有生命的确证。朗文写作活用〔above〕The sky above Mars is pink.火星上方的天空呈淡红色。英汉大词典〔areocentric〕Of or relating to a reference system based at the center of the planet Mars.以火星为中心的:以火星为中心的参考体系的,或与其相关的美国传统〔asteroid belt〕The region of the solar system between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, where most of the asteroids are found.小行星带:火星和木星轨道间的太阳系区域,大多数小行星都在此运转美国传统〔asteroid〕Most asteroids are found between Mars and Jupiter.大多数小行星是在火星和木星之间发现的。韦氏高阶〔axis〕Mars takes longer to revolve on its axis than the Earth.火星自转一周的时间比地球长。牛津高阶〔believe〕Strangely, no one believed us when we told them we'd been visited by a creature from Mars.奇怪的是,当我们告诉他们曾有火星人来访时,居然没人相信。剑桥高阶〔bracket〕Experts have bracketed the two moons with Mars as a potential source of dangerous micro-organisms.专家们将这两个卫星与火星一起归入危险微生物的潜在来源。外研社新世纪〔burn down〕The fire has burned down to a spark.火势减弱只剩下一点点火星。21世纪英汉〔canal〕Astronomy One of the faint, hazy markings resembling straight lines on early telescopic images of the surface of Mars.【天文学】 火星运河:在早期用望远镜所看到的火星表面图象上的类似于直线的、暗弱的模糊印记美国传统〔cast〕Sparks leapt as he cast more wood on the fire.他往火堆里加木块时飞起了火星。朗文当代〔cinders〕The wind sent sparks and cinders flying.风吹得火星、灰渣乱飞。柯林斯高阶〔conjunction〕Mars and Venus will be in exact conjunction on 1 September.火星和金星在9月1日会正好相合。剑桥高阶〔credible〕The report about Martian visitors is not credible.那篇关于火星来客的报告是不可靠的。牛津同义词〔dead〕Mars was dead in the centre of the telescope.火星就在望远镜里正中央的位置。外研社新世纪〔debunk〕The article debunks the notion that life exists on Mars.文章批驳了火星上存在生命的说法。韦氏高阶〔earth〕Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are called "rocky planets".水星、金星、地球和火星被称为“岩石行星”。剑桥高阶〔entitle〕He entitled his book “My Life on Mars.” 他给自己的书取名为《我的火星生活》。韦氏高阶〔expire〕The sparks expired in the ashes.火星在灰烬中熄灭。21世纪英汉〔fan〕The wind rose, fanning a few sparks in the brush.风刮起来了,在灌木丛中煽起了几点火星。朗文当代〔fireball〕A brilliantly burning sphere.火星:闪亮燃料的星球美国传统〔fire〕Sparks from the fireplace could easily set the curtains on fire .壁炉里迸出的火星很容易烧着窗帘。朗文当代〔fizz〕When I started the engine it sparked, fizzed and went dead.我刚发动引擎时,引擎冒出火星,发出长长的嘶声,然后就熄火了。柯林斯高阶〔fizz〕When I started the engine it sparked, fizzed and went dead.我启动发动机的时候, 它先是冒火星, 然后嘶嘶作响, 最后就熄火了。外研社新世纪〔flintlock〕An obsolete gunlock in which a flint embedded in the hammer produces a spark that ignites the charge.燧发枪,明火枪:一种由嵌入的燧石产生火星来点燃炸药的老式扳机美国传统〔flint〕A piece of flint used to produce a spark.打火石,电石:一种用来产生火星的燧石美国传统〔flint〕A small solid cylinder of a spark-producing alloy, used in lighters to ignite the fuel.(打火机用的)电石:一种由能产生火星的、坚硬的合金小圆柱体,用于点燃打火机燃料美国传统〔flint〕A very hard, fine-grained quartz that sparks when struck with steel.燧石,火石:一种用钢撞击能发出火星的坚硬的、纹理细密的石英美国传统〔fly〕Sparks fly upward.火星向上飞溅。英汉大词典〔fountain〕The amplifier exploded in a fountain of sparks.放大器爆炸,喷射出火星。牛津高阶〔ignite〕The paper ignited when the spark fell on it.当火星落在那张纸上时,它立即燃烧起来。21世纪英汉〔inner planet〕Any of the four planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, whose orbits are closest to the sun.近日行星:四颗中任一颗轨道靠太阳最近的行星,水星、金星、地球和火星美国传统〔kindle〕The spark kindled the dry leaves in a few minutes.火星在几分钟内点燃了干树叶子。21世纪英汉〔life〕Is there life on Mars?火星上有生物吗?外研社新世纪〔life〕There is no life on Mars.火星上无生物。英汉大词典〔manned〕In thirty years from now the United States should have a manned spacecraft on Mars.未来30年内,美国有可能会把载人航天器送上火星。柯林斯高阶〔manned〕The United States may soon have a manned spacecraft on Mars.美国可能很快会发射载人飞船到火星。外研社新世纪〔mare〕Any of the large dark areas on the moon or on Mars or other planets.(月)海:任一月亮、火星或其它行星上的大块阴暗的地区美国传统〔nakedness〕The planet Mars will be visible to the naked eye all week.整周都可以用肉眼观察到火星。柯林斯高阶〔naked〕The planet Mars will be visible to the naked eye all week.整周都可以用肉眼观察到火星。外研社新世纪〔observable〕Mars is too faint and too low in the sky to be observable.火星星光暗淡,位置低悬,难以看见。柯林斯高阶〔orbiter〕A radar sounder on the Mars orbiter will let scientists probe beneath the surface.火星轨道飞船上的一台雷达测深仪可以让科学家更好地探测火星的地表以下部分。剑桥高阶〔orbit〕Mars and Earth have orbits which change with time.火星与地球的运行轨道随着时间而变化。柯林斯高阶〔planet〕Mars is sometimes known as the red planet.火星有时也叫红色行星。麦克米伦高阶〔polar cap〕Astronomy Either of the regions around the poles of Mars that are covered with frozen carbon dioxide and water.【天文学】 极冠:火星两极中任一极的周围地区,覆盖着冰冻的二氧化碳和水美国传统〔propel〕The tiny rocket is attached to the spacecraft and is designed to propel it toward Mars.小火箭捆绑在宇宙飞船上,用于推动飞船飞向火星。柯林斯高阶〔remote〕The chances of a visit by Martians to Earth are remote.火星人访问地球的可能性微乎其微。剑桥高阶〔scintilla〕A spark; a flash.火花;火星美国传统〔shoot〕The burning building shot sparks onto the adjacent roof. He shot an angry look at me.点了火的房子把火星溅到了隔壁的房顶上,他怒气冲冲地瞪了我一眼美国传统〔shower〕A light exploded, sending a shower of sparks raining down.一盏灯突然爆裂,无数火星洒落下来。牛津搭配〔shower〕A log in the fire broke, sending out a shower of sparks.火里边有根木头崩裂了,火星四溅。麦克米伦高阶〔shower〕Peter kicked the fire and sent up a shower of sparks .彼得踢了踢火堆,溅起了一片火星。朗文当代〔shower〕The grinding wheel sent out a shower of sparks.砂轮扬起一阵火星。牛津搭配〔shy〕Llewelyn's stallion shied as the wind sent sparks flying.风吹起火星, 惊得卢埃林的马直往后退。外研社新世纪〔sign〕Mars rules the zodiac sign of Aries.火星主白羊座。牛津搭配〔similarity〕The similarities between Mars and Earth were enough to keep alive hopes of some form of Martian life.火星和地球之间的诸多相似处足以让人们对火星上存在某种生物抱以希望。柯林斯高阶〔spark〕A shower of sparks flew up the chimney.烟囱里飞出无数火星。牛津高阶〔spark〕One thrown off from a burning substance.火星:从正在燃烧的物质上掉落下来的火星美国传统〔spark〕Sparks flew at the meeting(= there was a lot of argument).会上争论激烈,火星四溅。牛津高阶〔spark〕Sparks were flying out of the bonfire and blowing everywhere.篝火中飞溅出很多火星,迸得到处都是。剑桥高阶〔spark〕The fire sent smoke and sparks over the fence.火烧起来了, 篱笆外也是烟雾弥漫, 火星四溅。外研社新世纪〔spark〕We were all showered with sparks.我们身上落满了火星。牛津搭配〔spit〕A log fire was crackling and spitting in the hearth.柴火在壁炉里烧得噼啪作响,迸溅出火星。朗文当代〔spit〕The fire crackled and spat.炉火噼啪作响, 火星四溅。外研社新世纪〔spit〕The fire spat (out) sparks.炉火爆出火星。英汉大词典〔spit〕The wet wood hissed and spat in the fireplace.湿木在壁炉里咝咝作响,进溅着火星。韦氏高阶〔strike〕The sword struck sparks off the stone floor.剑砍在石地上,火星飞溅。牛津高阶〔strike〕We heard the sharp crack of a gun and the smack of a bullet striking sparks on a rock.我们听到噼啪一声枪响, 子弹啪的一声打在岩石上, 火星飞溅。外研社新世纪〔take〕The tinder was ready and the spark took.火绒准备就绪后火星一点就着。英汉大词典〔terrestrial planet〕Any of the four planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, or Mars, that are nearest the sun and have similar size and density.类地行星:最靠近太阳并具有相似的体积、密度的四颗行星之一,水星、金星、地球或火星美国传统〔with〕With the development of space research, many mysteries of Mars will soon be resolved.随著太空研究的发达,有关火星的种种神秘将很快地被揭开。文馨英汉A Martian year lasts for 687 Earth days.火星的一年是地球上的687天。剑桥国际A cigarette spark started the fire. 香烟的火星引起这场火灾。译典通A spark triggered the explosion. 一粒火星引起了这场爆炸。译典通Although science fiction writers have tried to convince us otherwise, there are no Martians.尽管科幻小说家试图使我们相信存在着火星人,但实际上并没有。剑桥国际An unmanned mission to the planet Mars is planned for next year.火星的无人探测飞行定于明年进行。剑桥国际It would be some achievement if a person could make the journey to Mars and back.如果一个人能到火星去旅行并安全返回,那可真是了不起的成就。剑桥国际Mars is sometimes called the Red Planet because of its distinctive colour.因为颜色特别,火星有时也被称为红色行星。剑桥国际Modern understanding of Mars dates back to the first spacecraft flyby of the planet in 1965.现代对火星的了解可以追溯到1965年宇宙飞船第一次靠近该行星的定点飞行。剑桥国际My little brother tells people he's a Martian in disguise (= he appears to be an ordinary boy but he is not).我的小弟弟告诉人家,他是乔装打扮的火星人。剑桥国际Scientists hope that data from the probe will pave the way for a more detailed exploration of Mars.科学家们希望从探测飞船发来的数据会为更详尽地探索火星铺平道路。剑桥国际Strangely, no one believed us when we told them we'd been visited by a creature from Mars.奇怪的是,当我们告诉他们一个火星人来过时,居然没人相信。剑桥国际The atmospheres of Mars and the Earth are very different.火星与地球的大气层是很不相同的。剑桥国际The chances of a visit by Martians to the Earth are remote(=it's unlikely).火星人来访地球的可能性微乎其微。剑桥国际The living things on the earth could not subsist on Mars. 地球上的生物不可能在火星上生存。译典通The project to explore Mars is spearheaded by NASA. 探索火星的计划是由太空总署带领的。译典通The rocket will travel to Mars at a speed of over 25 000 miles per hour.火箭将以每小时25 000英里的速度飞向火星。剑桥国际




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