

单词 躲躲
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AVOID〕All their questions were met with vague, evasive answers. 他们所有的问题得到的答案都是含含糊糊、躲躲闪闪的。朗文写作活用〔HIDE〕He skulked along the street, looking this way and that to see if anyone was following him. 他在街上躲躲闪闪地走着,东张张西望望,看是否有人跟踪他。朗文写作活用〔HIDE〕Who's that skulking over there? 谁在那儿,躲躲闪闪的?朗文写作活用〔SECRET〕Miss Baggely appeared unconfident, almost furtive. 巴格利小姐显得很不自信,有点躲躲闪闪的。朗文写作活用〔dodge〕She dodged through the crowds as she hurried home.她在人群中躲躲闪闪,匆忙赶回家。韦氏高阶〔dodge〕The child dodged through the crowd.那小孩在人群中躲躲闪闪美国传统〔duck〕The White House has been ducking and weaving on the issue.白宫在这一问题上一直躲躲闪闪。外研社新世纪〔evasive〕She answered evasively.她躲躲闪闪地回答。朗文当代〔shifty〕Having, displaying, or suggestive of deceitful character; evasive or untrustworthy.不值得信任的:有,显现出或让人想到不诚实的性格的;躲躲闪闪的或不值得信任的美国传统〔shuffle〕To act in a shifty or deceitful manner; equivocate.推诿:以一种躲躲闪闪的或欺诈的方式行事;推诿美国传统〔skulk〕To lie in hiding, as out of cowardice or bad conscience; lurk.偷偷摸摸:由于懦弱或坏心眼而躲躲闪闪;潜伏美国传统Babies usually love to play peek-a-boo.幼儿们通常喜欢玩躲躲猫。剑桥国际Come inside out of the rain.到里面来躲躲雨。剑桥国际I don't like all this secretiveness--I want to be kept fully informed about everything that's happening.我不喜欢这躲躲闪闪的样子,我想知道发生的一切。剑桥国际The Minister was her usual evasive self, skilfully dodging reporters'questions about her possible resignation.部长像往常一样躲躲闪闪,巧妙地回避记者关于她可能辞职的问题。剑桥国际




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