

单词 汽车旅馆
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAR〕Amazingly, we found a really nice motel in the middle of nowhere. 出人意料的是我们在偏僻的地方找到一家很好的汽车旅馆。朗文写作活用〔SHOCKED/SHOCKING〕I went back to my motel, devastated by the news of her death. 我回到我住的汽车旅馆,她的死讯让我感到伤心欲绝。朗文写作活用〔STAY〕The cost of the six-day trip includes meals and motel accommodations. 六日游的价格包括膳食和汽车旅馆的住宿。朗文写作活用〔WORRIED/WORRYING〕She returned to her motel, reassured by the nurses that her husband would be quite all right. 护士说她丈夫会好的,让她放心,于是她回到了汽车旅馆。朗文写作活用〔ahead〕There's a motel just a few miles ahead.就在前方几英里处有家汽车旅馆。麦克米伦高阶〔basic〕The motel is comfortable but pretty basic: you get the necessities all right, but no luxuries.这个汽车旅馆舒适不过只有基本设施:必需的东西都有,但没有可供享受的东西。韦氏高阶〔cluster〕There's no town here, just a cluster of shops, cabins and motels at the side of the highway.这儿没有城镇,只在公路边上有一片商店、小木屋和汽车旅馆。柯林斯高阶〔cop〕Motel owners and restaurant managers copped it for neglecting their clients.汽车旅馆老板和餐厅经理因忽视顾客而吃了苦头。外研社新世纪〔cop〕Motel owners and restaurant managers copped it for neglecting their clients.汽车旅馆老板和饭店经理因为冷落顾客而受到责骂。柯林斯高阶〔dingy〕He's been staying in a dingy motel.他一直住在一家又暗又脏的汽车旅馆里。韦氏高阶〔dinky〕The hotels are full up, and the guests have had to go to this dinky little motel way out on Stewart Avenue.宾馆已经客满了, 客人们不得不到斯图尔特街上这家不起眼的小汽车旅馆里来。外研社新世纪〔dinky〕The hotels are full up, and the guests have had to go to this dinky little motel way out on Stewart Avenue.宾馆已经客满了,客人们不得不到斯图尔特街上这家偏远的小汽车旅馆里来。柯林斯高阶〔expense account〕He put Elizabeth's motel bill and airfare on his expense account.他将伊丽莎白住汽车旅馆的费用和机票费用记在他的报销账目中。柯林斯高阶〔freebie〕He should've eaten more than the freebie motel breakfast.他不应该只吃汽车旅馆赠送的免费早餐。外研社新世纪〔grab〕She grabbed me under my arms and dragged me into the motel room.她从我胳膊下面抓着我, 把我拖进了汽车旅馆的房间里。外研社新世纪〔hole up〕The criminals holed up in a downtown motel for a few days.罪犯在市中心的汽车旅馆躲了几天。韦氏高阶〔imprison〕He more or less imprisoned himself in his motel room.他把自己关在汽车旅馆的房间里,几乎足不出户。英汉大词典〔lead〕His abhorrence of racism led him to write The Algiers Motel Incident.对种族主义的憎恶促使他写了《阿尔及尔汽车旅馆事件》一书。外研社新世纪〔motel〕We spent a night at a motel on the way.路上我们在一个汽车旅馆过了一夜。牛津搭配〔motor court〕We stayed overnight at the Pleasant Valley Motor Court.我们在欢乐谷汽车旅馆住了一夜。韦氏高阶〔motor inn〕We stayed at the South Bridge Motor Inn.我们住在南桥汽车旅馆。韦氏高阶〔neighbour〕The gas station just neighbours to the motel.加油站就在汽车旅馆的附近。21世纪英汉〔night〕We spent the first two nights of our vacation in a cheap motel.假期的头两个晚上我们住在一家便宜的汽车旅馆里。朗文当代〔or〕There's a motel a mile or so down the road (=about a mile or possibly a little more) .这条路上离这里大约一英里的地方有家汽车旅馆。朗文当代〔pet-friendly〕You can find lists of pet-friendly motels on the internet.你可以在互联网上找到一长串欢迎宠物的汽车旅馆。剑桥高阶〔put〕We put up at a motel.我们晚间住在一家汽车旅馆。牛津高阶〔say〕We've been driving all day - I say (that) we start looking for a motel now.我们已经开了一整天车——我觉得我们现在应该找一家汽车旅馆了。剑桥高阶〔straight〕Straight ahead were the low cabins of the motel.正前方就是汽车旅馆的低矮小木屋。柯林斯高阶〔swallow〕It was vital that he swallowed the story about Juanita being in that motel room that night.关键是他对朱厄妮塔那晚住在那个汽车旅馆房间里一事毫不怀疑。柯林斯高阶〔take off〕He took off at once and headed back to the motel.他立刻离开,回到汽车旅馆。柯林斯高阶〔take off〕He took off at once and headed back to the motel.他马上动身, 返回了汽车旅馆。外研社新世纪〔thoroughfare〕The motel was off the main thoroughfare .那家汽车旅馆不靠大马路。朗文当代〔unattended〕The unattended vehicles were in the parking lot of a Marystown motel.无主车辆都在玛丽斯敦一家汽车旅馆的停车场上。外研社新世纪〔unlovely〕She found a small, inexpensive motel on the outskirts of the town; it was barren and unlovely.她在城郊找了一家便宜的小汽车旅馆,那旅馆既简陋又难看。柯林斯高阶〔unlovely〕She found a small, inexpensive motel on the outskirts of the town; it was barren and unlovely.她在城郊找了一家便宜的小汽车旅馆;那旅馆既简陋又难看。外研社新世纪〔vacancy〕There was a vacancy in the motel.那家汽车旅馆里有一个空房。英汉大词典His businesses range from shipping and construction to motels.他的业务范围从装运、建筑以至汽车旅馆。牛津商务I went back to the motel to phone Jane. 我回到汽车旅馆给珍打电话。译典通The motel manager showed the guests to their room. 汽车旅馆经理把旅客领到他们房间。译典通They said they'd stay at a motel.他们说他们会住在汽车旅馆。剑桥国际




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